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  1. Seems to be all about chopping and cutting, something I’ve never used my processor for.
  2. Yeah, 200 cakes/hour is a lot but the OP didn’t offer much detail, so who knows?
  3. I'm sorry you weren't able to get the Pimm's but glad you posted. When @lindag asked for suggestions for using her bottle of Pimm's yesterday, I knew I'd recently heard of something I wanted to try but couldn't remember what or where! @lindag, here's a link to the Porch Swing cocktail recipe on Deb Perelman's website. I have no Pimm's at the moment but the cocktail sounds nice and my Total Wine has it in stock.
  4. Maybe he’s just an early riser? He said he got rid of it at 3AM… …which would seem to be before he posted and definitely before anyone answered.
  5. blue_dolphin

    Lunch 2024

    I prefer experienced and discerning 🙃 It seems that restaurant has created expectations that they can't manage to hit, at least every day. Sorry, @Neely! I got mussels in this week's fish share so I started with a bowl of the Spicy Steamed Mussels With 'Nduja from Serious Eats.
  6. I've never bought 'nduja in a jar, but I have frozen portions of it successfully. Here's what a Serious Eats article had to say about storing it: Also, I have to say that the 'nduja that the Pasta Grammar folks recommended, made in Seattle by a company from Calabria, is better than the Tempesta brand that I'd gotten previously. The Tempesta wasn't bad by any means, I quite liked it, but this stuff has more of the fermented tang you find in the stuff made in Calabria.
  7. Good luck! Will you be preparing a control group of beans where you just throw the chiles and garlic into the Instant Pot while you cook them? Also, if the beans don't come out as flavorful as you'd like, just stir a big spoonful of that 'ndjua in with them! Guaranteed flavor booster!
  8. I’m sure you can accomplish something like that during cooking. Just not sure what to expect during soaking alone.
  9. Sorry, I don’t know how much flavor infusion can be accomplished during bean soaking. I don’t rinse beans after cooking either but the flavor of garlic and chilies is present in drained beans. The bay flavor is more subtle, but I miss it if I leave them out.
  10. I don’t know what’s in that paste, but don’t soak or try to cook dried beans with acidic ingredients. Beyond that, go for it. I cook Rancho Gordo beans regularly. I don’t soak, except for Royal Coronas, nor do I use an Instant Pot as I like the concentration of flavor that comes from evaporation. I add garlic, bay leaves and arbol chiles to every pot and find the beans very flavorful.
  11. blue_dolphin

    Breakfast 2024

    It was pretty good. I Googled Thai steak sandwich for ideas. Found some promising ones that were too involved for my little leftovers but one used a green curry mayo. I thought a red curry would be better with the steak and grilled onions but would be up for trying a green curry mayo next time.
  12. blue_dolphin

    Breakfast 2024

    @Kim Shook, I'm very sorry you are dealing with health issues, happy that you are addressing them and hoping they can be resolved soon! Very impressed that you managed to document all those breakfasts, which made me crave both beans on toast and lemon curd! Yesterday, I had a fine sandwich made from the previous day's Thai steak salad. I warmed up the leftover steak and grilled onions and added some additional dressing and piled that on a toasted bun spread with a red curry mayo and topped with lots of arugula and herbs. I was hangry and failed to take a photo so you just get that teaser. Today I made this Fried Egg Sandwich With 'Nduja Mayo and Broccoli Rabe from Serious Eats. Very good.
  13. There's a topic for it here. Some is discussion of making a DYI Pimm's substitute but there's quite a bit of cocktail discussion as well.
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