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  1. As I've posted about elsewhere around here, we are trying to eat less carbs. We certainly aren't perfect (I cheat a lot--Ronnie has will-power. I do not lol). I'm constantly looking for things to put in salads or sauces to perk veggies up. For some reason I had forgotten about this cookbook. As I was shopping at Misfits I saw they had fresh mint and BAM I thought about Little Green Dress. I made a batch yesterday and I had it on my salad and on top of steak. I can't wait for garden tomatoes to make another batch of Red Weapons next. Edited to add: I was so excited to have the fresh parsley and mint. I was--and still am--certain that I have a jar of castelvetrano olives in the pantry. I searched and searched yesterday to no avail. I KNOW they are here somewhere and I guarantee I will be face-to-face with them sometime soon. I ended up using manzanilla olives which worked just fine IMO.
  2. Definitely put them in the wine fridge. At 55 that will slow ripening way down. They will still eventually but you should be good for a good two weeks or even three. Don't do the fridge--they won't ripen but the temp will alter and take away the tomato taste.
  3. I’d do the almond crust. Pecans with lemons sounds delicious sigh I just got up from a long nap I meant pecans lol
  4. Shelby

    Dinner 2025

    Yes, good idea! Thank you!
  5. This and your witches hats are awesome!!!
  6. Shelby

    Dinner 2025

    @weinooI can't quit thinking about your meal above--especially the scallop ceviche. Heavenly. We're plugging along over here. Ronnie has been non-stop in the greenhouse. I think he said he has over 60 tomato plants sprouted. Help us lol. We got the garden all prepped so now we wait --April always gives us a surprise freeze so we have to be patient. I will be planting onion sets as soon as they get here, though. Misfits had packages of premade Spanish rice so I tried some--I'm so hungry for rice and I can take just a bit out for me when I can't stand the cravings anymore. It's not bad. Steak fajita-ish stuff and beans to go with. I SV'd our corned beef this year. Turned out well. Salad, deviled eggs, Brussels sprouts and mustard sauce to go with. I seem to be frying a lot of chicken lately Wings Ruben wraps with the leftover corned beef. Not as good as a corned beef on rye by any means but it was ok. Speaking of chicken, I wouldn't normally buy chicken tenders but the store had them on sale so I bought them all and vac packed and froze em Aaaaan roasted chicken. I need to back off the chicken lol.
  7. I'm literally drooling. Looks delicious...moist...frosting looks amazing. I'll be right over.
  8. I had two corned beefs left in the freezer that I purchased last year. Luckily because I didn't want to get out and go shopping. I had both a flat and a point. I chose the flat because it's bigger and SV'd it for 24 hours at 155F. Very happy with the results.
  9. The bottom had slices of cheese. The top was the olive salad--I do think they drained the olive oil as much as they could out of it. I know it sounds weird but the top bread honestly didn't get soggy a bit.
  10. They arrive just as you see in the picture--all put together. I've never had one get soggy. In fact , because Fat Tuesday is, well, on Tuesday, I have to order for the sandwich to get to me on the Friday before. It sits in the fridge just fine until then. I've even frozen one or two whole sandwiches and they are perfect after thawing. I highly recommend these if you're hungry for a muffuletta
  11. Shelby

    Dinner 2025

    I don't want hot weather but I am looking forward to having (hopefully) garden stuff to eat. I've been buying zucchini etc. and really they just don't taste as good--or maybe it's all in my head lol. Cajun style chicken over zoodles and the millionth salad of the week. I have a LOT of egg whites left over from @ninagluck's eggnog that I made that we've hardly touched. So. Pavlova. Yeah, it didn't get very tall and my dent in the middle didn't turn out so well but it tasted good. Bit of a splurge because I've yet to find sugar free sugar that doesn't leave a weird taste in my mouth. However strawberries are on the good list to eat so I figure that balances out lol. My mom and stepdad sent us these stuffed pork chops a while back. I've been saving them .....for a special occasion but I decided to just go ahead and enjoy them. SV'd. Really good. Mexican stuffed poblanos and beans Splurge night last night. Italian sausage and pepperoni with salad and some mozzarella sticks I bought from Misfits. They were low in carbs and actually really good and easy. Nice to have something new to eat.
  12. The price on the limes is almost enough to make me get in the car and drive there.
  13. I know right?! I mean. Vanilla beans???! Those are almost as expensive as a one night stay lol.
  14. Shelby

    Dinner 2025

  15. I got a package in the mail from my mom yesterday. She sent me these neat jar lids for fermenting: I have cabbage that's been in the fridge forever so I'm going to attempt sauerkraut again. Last time it got moldy. Crossing my fingers for this batch to turn out.
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