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Everything posted by adey73

  1. Anova's instagram feed is sporting 2 new posts of bread baked in the oven.... though they aren't answering any of the moot questions about price and release date. interestingly (well to me), Scott Heimendinger who's been involved with oven, has left Modernist Cuisine to start a venture building something new..... anyone any idea what? .... Also has Dave Arnold mentioned his long touted next product? ......maybe this oven isn't the only toy coming soon-ish
  2. smeared nostrils on windows aside, i want to know why they aren't coming down in price and why a renowned competitor isn't seeing a margin, in bones or clams or whatever you call them?
  3. the recapturing and recycling of the water vapour that's mentioned sounds novel.. But this also makes me think it's going to be North of 500quid or bucks. I'd have to wait until Black Friday 2021 to justify such an expensive kettle.
  4. if you just search "anova precision oven" on youtube it comes up number 2
  5. a new video..... (at least to me) states a 1 gallon reservoir and the bottom lip is actually a drip tray to collect vented steam. Sorry if this is a repost but I haven't seen this information anywhere.
  6. did they replace, no questions?
  7. adey73

    Black Garlic

    you going to do a quick sodium carbonate soak then freeze or after? what temp is the C.S neutralised?
  8. adey73

    Black Garlic

    would a lye wash do it?
  9. Glad to see it has an internal probe. am speculating $499/£450
  10. adey73

    Black Garlic

    did you ever get to the bottom of this?
  11. send the bugger back.
  12. The Paragon is an extraordinary price. Anyone think this steam oven is going to have an internal probe attachment, like commercial units do?
  13. what do people think below $500? if Anova's stated aim is to have a fully connected kitchen and this appears in January's CES, then a precise induction unit must be in the background too.
  14. not that I can see, plus there would be the phaf of getting a converter.
  15. in Europe there's the Rocook. The only third party reviews I could find are on amazon.es & amazon.it. All state the low quality of the bluetooth probe and battery duration, making longer sous-vide cooks virtually impossible according to those stated opinions. I'd want to play with a Rocook to see if it could sustain and recover temp while deep frying, but the highest temp is only 180c.
  16. @JoNorvelleWalker you planning to deep fry with it soon?
  17. $99 !!! Have Paragon folded with that price? that's a steal just to play with... ! I really thought Vollrath would have brought out something with real precision by now.
  18. I will never again use basmati instead of arborio for risotto, ending up with congee porridge.... I didn't go to the fourth oldest university in the english speaking world for this level of idiocy; that came free.
  19. but the ladies facilities have twice as many "traps"!
  20. does the app on the Joule have a data-logger?
  21. @btbyrddo 'elastomer' boards meet the Hi Soft criteria ?
  22. @THS if you were to start over again, what specifically would you buy? And how do you measure the temperature of the fluid inside the vessel you’re seeking to reduce?
  23. what about using a degassing chamber used for silicone rather than the pyrex lab glass? this has always interested me, please add more photos when you've achieved the new set up.
  24. @LWB what's the advantage of using both whey and caseinate proteins, don't they do same job?
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