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Everything posted by Lior

  1. I love custard!! oh! Kerry! Do you add it to the cream? And then the cream to the chocolate? I do that when I make my Salep truffles.
  2. I used yours basically. I couldn't "stream" the chocolate into the butter and so I ended up with a mess. SO I added some more butter, some more chocolate and then wine and then some more wine. I had to use my emulsifier in the end and it worked like magic. So it went like this in the end: about 90-100 g butter 100 g wine 270 g chocolate (Araguani 72%) I added more wine because I wanted a slightly stronger wine flavour. The chocolate does hide it a bit. All in all I really liked the outcome and so did those dear to me. Any suggestions or comments are welcome- always looking to improve, rethink and learn!! Thanks!!
  3. Since I am spending time over here I decided to join the tea thread!! Here are teas from India:
  4. I just found this thread and loved looking at all the tea items! Such lovely things! The appliances are amazing! Inever knew such things existed!! Thank you all!! I also got inspired... Tea for one Separated: Small tea cup from waaaay back when!! Hungarian set More for coffee well known...
  5. I warm the ganache up a bit and then it is fine. I roll truffles for home and giving out tastes, to friends etc.
  6. wow I just love allof these poor man cutters!! I want them all!!!!
  7. Thanks!! And yes- the one that gets wider towards the top- 2.5 cm. You can cut a bunch one after the other and then they all fall out nicely from the wider top part.
  8. Lior


    Here almost everyone drinks tea, no milk with a few sprigs of fresh nana (mint leaves) Everyone or at least a lot of people have them in the garden. Others buy them by the parsley and cilantro in the supermarket. It is also common to add sage leaves to tea and something else that I have to find a translation for!! Often people drink just hot water with nana leaves and no regular tea leaves. Itis a pale green color and very good- with probably too much sugar/honey!!
  9. Here is my wine truffle. Kind played around with the recipe till I got it right!!
  10. Here is a picture of when I did the transfer on the back of the bar a week or so ago. I put chocolate on row one-near me and then haphazardly squiggle chocolate here and there, and it worked very nicely, not too little and only slight mess. As said earlier, the mess was incredibly easy to clean-shiny and peeled straight off all surfaces.
  11. Kim! Everything looks lovely-including the plate under the cake!! You always have such fun and pretty dishes!!
  12. Lior


    yay another milk and tea fan!!!
  13. Lior


    I, with South African childhood roots, best preferit with strong black tea with milk. People here look at me funny! I think most common is tea, no milk with nana leaves-peppermint?
  14. Lior

    candied walnuts

    My nuts are all finished. I gave some away as presents and ate the rest!
  15. How many things can I try? I want two lives!!! Eyensweets, did you slowly reduce the pom juice? Anyway, those cookies are great! Gfron, I think too many ideas in one cake, but who cares? The pomegranate sounds heavenly IMO. Such a majestic fruit should take a solo I suppose. Anyway it is a beautiful cake. Everytime I make a cake Ithink of yours and feel very very depressed!
  16. Well I took some photos I hope you can tell that the bottoms are nice and shiny! The odd thing is that even when there was a bit of a mess- there really was not much, on the side of the mold and on the baking sheet, it seemed to just pop off the mold and peel so clean and shiny off the baking sheet. The chocoalte on the side of the mold came off in one long shiny piece. Iwonder why this happened?? post acetate
  17. I am in the process- what a hassle.
  18. Do you guys also get UHT milk? I love it in my coffee!! And when I run out of milk on the weekend it is great to have around. I also use UHT cream and it is the only kind that is 38%, fresh is less.
  19. Here there is a lovely Morrocan dish called "mafroom" Scroll down past the recipe at the top of the page, I can translate if anyone is interested, and look at the pictures.
  20. And don't forget, the "mashgiach" = surpervisor costs and he supervises either daily or weekly or periodically, depending on him. He will check that everything you use down to the orange oil or liqueur, is kosher. If all your chocoalte etc is kosher then a synagogue kitchen would be legal according to kosher law-but the dairy side=it would be dairy kosher-no meat. Good luck!
  21. excellent! Beautiful combination and a nice atmosphere to sell in! I set up a few flavors at a gallery in which my sister in law did an exhibition. Opening night. It was all for free- just to add an extra touch and people just loved it.
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