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Everything posted by Lior

  1. Lior

    Rosh Hashana

    Sounds devine!!! I will make it for Sukkot!!!!!
  2. What a brilliant idea!! My hubby is also the math type!! Maybe they should start a topic!!!!
  3. For Shabbat: Pomegranates and dates (Barhi)
  4. Hi! The mini pomegranates are just picked a bit early and there also really are mini pom trees- adorable. Olives are picked off the trees around. And yes, usually te seven species are for Tu Bishvat and Sukkot, however, if you follow the season, many are perfect for this time of the year and fall in well with whatis eaten now- pomegranates- a partof theRosh Hashana seder and ripe now, dates- part of the Rosh Hashana seder as well, figs- are ripe mid summer to autumn, so perfect now. Hence they are always apart of this season. As I mention in the cooking section of rosh hashana, our fav part is the seder. Honey is also often considered a part of the seven species, although it was more date honey (a land flowing with milk and honey...) So there are the reasons why we feel it perfect! This year we drew the fish head as my youngest would not put up with a fish head....
  5. For Rosh Hashana: The seven species: and for beauty:
  6. No pictures but a popular school break sandwich, at 9:45, or breakfast, is an omelette in a pita or half baguette with humous and tomato. Best when hot, of course, but the kids take them to school and eat cold. The kiosks also sell them with french fries added-delicious! Here's a breakfast, from a while ago, but typical:
  7. And I know those who wouldn't begin their day without finely chopped salad, cottage cheese, fresh bread and humous!! I guess they better stay home!
  8. impressive! I just use the trial and error method!!! Okay so 200 ml of cream and so on made just a bit too much so...... Math was never my strength!!
  9. Could you share theses columns? I would love to see how you do it. How you worked it out and then an example? I am working on this issue right now by trial and error! Thanks!
  10. I am not from the pastry world at all, so perhaps my advice will be awful!! Where I come from muffins, cupcakes, those types of cookies are all considered very american as well. We also think americans prefer sweeter than us and bigger than us. Our cookies are much smaller. Although muffins are becoming very popular. Anyway, that has all been said before. If I were visiting there, I would much prefer to enjoy the local menu, with perhaps an additional 2 or 3 options of continental just in case! Perhaps a theme of food such as local and Scandinavian or local and French, would be focused and culturally appreciated by tourists. But this is from a completely uneducated voice! Good luck anyway!
  11. Lior


    I do a little happy dance when they all gently just come out-all arranged on the baking sheet as they were in the mould!! If I were Peter Pan I would crow! And then there are the stubborn ones for who knows why!
  12. Just lovely, clean cut and classy!!!
  13. I have Greweling- will look into it- thanks for the idea.
  14. Boy! I use Ivoire- Valrhona. Didn't anyone make this recipe? I would love to hear how it turned out! Next time I guess I will tweak.
  15. I know I know. you have explained thisto me and believe me, I learn all your tips off by heart!!! But for me, I break the ganache!!! Maybe I am not as gentle as I think. But thanks thank thanks!!!
  16. Can you give me more detail? You mean perhaps a "thinner" white would make it runnier? Or affect the color as well?? I never thought of that?
  17. I consistently have trouble reheating my ganache- it usually breaks. I do it gently so I don't know why this happens!! It is quicker for me to make new ganache... I am an expert in fixing broken ganache!!!!!! My most annoying habit is that of breaking ganache. It still remains a mystery to me and I am fanatic about using perfect ganache so this is really the Ganache War. Perhaps the ganache gods didn't like my choice of business name...
  18. Maybe search for a store near you that sells chocolate and other ingredients- there must be one. Ask a bakery, they'll know. They may even sell you some to begin with, but they must have suppliers in the vicinity. This saves on shipping costs and melting issues as well. Good luck!
  19. I work similarly to Kerry. Plan out what needs the particular chocolate I have tempered and do all those things. Works well. What about left over ganache? I am trying to get the exact quantity needed for the number of molds I use with each ganache. It is improving but still not correct. I have umpteen containers of varying amounts of leftover ganache in my freezer waiting for me to do something with them "later" on a "less busy day" blah blah blah!! This week I spent Thursday using all my week's leftover ganache (not the frozen ones). I rolled them into truffles balls, dipped and rolled into coatings, sold some, sent some to my daughter"s school for the teachers, and froze some. It was nice and fun and I was thrilled not to add to my frozen collection. I thought "if I make them quite tiny and freeze them, I can use them for tastes at festivals..." Or for dessert or little gifts or for tastes.... DO you have leftover problems?
  20. great! And thanks prairiegirl! When you do get your book emmalish, try this recipe. The problem is that it makes a HUGE amount. I divided every ingredient by 3, filled 5 mold trays and still had some ganache left over ! I wonder if reducing quantity changes something. Look at his marco and then at mine and you will see a difference in color and texture. The recipe calls for white and milk chocolate and yet his is quite blond and mine is a bit darker. His looks a thicker texture... But ut us yummy. I guess if no one else has made these, I will have to tweak!!!
  21. Gorgeous!!! I love it. They are so adorable (the girls) I love Katie's cake and I just know that my girls, when they were that age would both want Lauren's!!! My eldest, now 25 threatened to run away from home when she was 4 if I didn't allow her to make her daddy's bday cake pink and purple!! She even packed a sack and then I put it on the end of a broomstick and showed her how to hold it. I thought it was fun but she was insulted!! Of course, I said sorry and hugged her, and she got a pink and purple cake for her bday as I couldn't let in to bribery!!
  22. Okay: and cut: sorry that the knife left ugly marks...
  23. I made "Marco" today-will post a picture in a bit. I divided the recipe by three which was more than what I needed to fill 5 mold trays!! It came out a bit runny and not the same color as his picture. It is good but not the texture that is shown in the picture. I wonder if it is due to reducing the quantities by 3? Anyone know or made it?
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