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Everything posted by Lior

  1. I guess something has to get that cacao butter melted! JPW used melted and tempered choc and room temp cream- at least I am almost sure that is what I remember!! Thanks!
  2. Thank you! I will try it out and keep you updated. Do you have a chocolate shop? Once again, thanks so much!!
  3. Thank you. If the chocolate was melted and tempered and the cream at the same temp as the choc? This is confusing!
  4. Well for a basic ganache I would use 1 1/2 dark choc to cream, sometimes less for a more liquidy and sometimes more for a more dense. You are very helpful! Thank you! Now this would be without wine.
  5. I understand the issue but not the math!! I have to sit and work it out. Again back to Schneich's excel chart?? I pipe it into little chocolate cups and then dip. Thanks!
  6. Another idea. My business group tries hard to support each other and so we have started theme evenings once a month. Last month someone had an "artists" evening in her home. The various artists in the group brought their arts, I, my chocolates and we made up invitations and everyone invited at least 10 people. We had a good outcome. I sold quite a lot of chocolate and others also did well. Not to mention the long term benefits of returning customers and word of mouth effects. All in all it was very pleasant and profitable.
  7. Maybe the butter ganache is the way to go. If anyone has a recipe to share for all of us, we can each try with a different wine and then discuss the results. I understand the issue of losing the wine's attributes when reducing so I want to try the butter method. Thanks!
  8. Choco=story in Bruges. I have tons of pics on my site-I think I also posted pictures somewhere here... I will look.
  9. There are some sites that give you the ability to build your own site-as I did. Basic knowledge of computers, like we all have, is all you need. I can refer you to the one I used to check it out. They have onlune help by a chat box, and the first month while you build is free. It worked for me. I can relate to your issues of having no storefront! Did you join a business group?
  10. I agree with Kerry. I work hard, use top quality everything, and my packaging is expensive. That is because this is the line I chose to follow-suits me and my ways. Perhaps it is slower and takes more time, but I figure my chocolates will get to the right places eventually-no sidetracking. But this is a goal I chose for my business. What is your goal? To sell to whomever so long as you make some sort of a profit? Or to the right places where a certain level of profit is attainable? A friend of mine sells to everyone, and in some places she makes it even-almost no profit. In others she compensates a bit more. Her idea is that it is advertising for her when she doesn't profit, and this advertising is for free!! Perhaps she is right, but you have to do what feels right for you. Another friend is very stubborn and says "no!" way too often. She insists on very high pricing and her items are quite small compared to most! She is thinking of closing her business as there isn't much going on. I am trying to talk her into trying other methods. So it is very hard and it is a personal issue of what feels right to you and why. Keep us updated. Are you due- to have a baby? If so, how wonderful!! And then I wish you an easy delivery and much joy.
  11. Do you know a colleague who uses them? Or you can buy together with someone else. A colleague and I do this all the time. That way we get dark and milk.
  12. I would greatly reduce the wine, slowly and then add it to the cream as one would with fruit puree. Adding pureed figs as well as wine is what I am going try. Any suggestions as to percentages? Perhaps I will use that excel formula (sounds horrid but I know I can do it!!!)
  13. fig and red wine is perfect in my opinion and thanks all for the info. One day I will also try these-aaah so many things to try!
  14. Lior

    candied walnuts

    My nuts are in the oven right now!!!! Is the layer supposed to be flat or should they be in a lumpish heap? Can't wait to nibble! editted because the aroma is amazing! I mixed them and tasted one and already I just love it just LOVE it!!! Thanks!!!!
  15. Lior

    candied walnuts

    Thank you so much for the recipe-Iwill try it tomorrow- gotta buy the nuts-I am all out!!
  16. I think the most expensive dish is around 100 shekels- 26$$
  17. Oh my! For the dogs! That is just great! In cat shapes!! I just finished making ganache with cherries and almonds! I like the combination! They could goon top of your fudge!! same kind of almond slices, but also great almond marzipan.
  18. sounds great! I made thinnish squares over the weekendand added roasted toasted slivers of almonds. I toasted themin a bit of sugar and chipotle. I loved the taste, but still not entirely what I had envisioned. the top was a bit too coarse. It was also for after dinner-with coffee. Gap, thank you so much.
  19. Lior

    candied walnuts

    where's the oil?? And highchef could I get your recipe? Lately I am into spiced nuts! I add sugar and chipotle when toasting my nuts, they come out nicely. Thanks!
  20. Kerry! They look so lovely in their thier boxes!!! Do you also do the hedgehogs? Great! Thanks!
  21. lovely! I like the look! What do you infuse with? Do you infuse the cocoa butter or straight into the chocolate? ANyway, it looks enticing, interesting and yummy! Thanks, Gap!
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