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Everything posted by Lior

  1. hmm-mmm. Said in a southern accent-if thatis possible from my mouth!!
  2. Gosh! I broke a piece of tooth on caramel! Work related accidents! I wonder if insurance is in order for you! That is a horrible story! I hope all is better!!
  3. Lior

    Dip and drink

    me too! Here's mine: 300g margarine 1/2 cup of oil 2 tbl dried yeast 1 1/2 cups lukewarm water 1tbl salt 1 kilo flour Use less flour in the bowl, mix to a nice dough, adding more flour while kneading as and if needed. Make the shapes- (hotdogs bent into a circle like in the picture!) place on a baking sheet in large baking pan, brush with egg and sprinkle sesame seeds. Bake at 175 C until light golden color. Enjoy!! There is also a baking powder version if anyone is interested.
  4. Lior

    Dip and drink

    Oh my kids love timtams. They bite off diagonal small corners and use as a straw. Very popular here among kids and teens. Also itis popular to dip these hard and crunchy cookies. They are not sweet and are made with yeast, but are crunchy. Here's a picture of "Kay-ah-khim"!
  5. Can't he make them with the bend in them already? I always bend mine!
  6. Lior


    Don't you know anyone in Italy or Europe that could mail it for you? It is MUCH cheaper that way. Prefamac mails it to them and they to you... I once had this tiny part on my tempering maching- the size of a thumb and chocovision wanted to send itto me for no less than 100$. I had them send ot to a relative in the states for 10$ and they sent it to me for 3$!!
  7. Lior


    No drool smiley icon?? I want the book AND the molds and a good airbrush with compressor and fruit powder and some quiet!!!
  8. We are obviously soul mates!!!!!!! I thought you did the same thing by ruining lots of bonbons!!! Unbelievable!!
  9. Lior


    I get a news letter from prefamac. They have some sleek new molds. Mini molds-4.5g and sleek 10g molds under "design" Just for your personal curiosity and interest! Here
  10. You know, it does make us feel better knowing that others have these disasters as well. Here we have a saying that translates something like this: "Finding comfort in sorrows that are common to many, is only a half comfort" and the meaner saying, which moms always use: "Finding comfort in sorrows that are common to many, is a fool's comfort." ("Everyone did badly on the test, mom!") Nonetheless, it is comforting!!
  11. Well, ok, the story is in the very first posting, along with a picture of some disaster chocolates... spatula disaster
  12. I am sure you remember when I ate my spatula by mistake!
  13. I wish I had to find solutions to do 40 at a time!!!!! Keeping them in the melter is a great idea. SOmeone should come up with a poor man's Selmi automatic temperer. Perhaps drill a hole in the x3210 for a tap of running chocolate, which could be plugged up with a bathroom sink plug?!!
  14. !! Maybe offer tastes of one! Or mini ones! Brandy and pumpkin sound really really good!!! Maybe I will make one to celebrate all my friends across the ocean and we'll have it for dessert on Friday night!! With the brandy of course!!
  15. You cannot make normal pies!! Really!!
  16. My room is the same temp. Give thebag bursts of hot air with the hairdryer. ALso, I use enough for 3 molds, finish those and then refill same bag and do it again. I refill over the tempering machine. I always have 2-3 molds sitting on my machine while i fill others. The machine warms them up a bit. To do a a whole lot at one time is hard!! I always do no more than 6-9 while using the chocolate also for other uses. Also you can give the bag a shot of hot air before filling it. I am sure you have thought of all these ideas as well!! I wish I could help more.
  17. Wow It is lovely to think there is someone across the ocean that uses "reasonable" methods!! I was thinking of what JPW would say if I were his stagier!!
  18. I place my bar molds on the counter and use a piping bag with a big hole- not small like for filling with ganache. I fill the bars and then tap carefully to get air bubbles out and when the chocolate starts to set quite a bit I put in the fridge. I now have this method that I fill all bars about half way and then knock on counter and then start filling the rest of the way. The chocolate generates less heat while cooling this way as it is less thick for a bit. I have also ladled chocolate into the molds while the mold sits on the corner of my tempering machine-balanced carefully. I half fill the ladle so I can control the amount of chocolate going in. And Ihave tried the acetate and transfer method. There's a picture of the bar in that thread about closing bottoms! The piping bag method keeps the whole mold really clean.
  19. I think so. I don't like a slap in the face- "dah of course this is wine" taste!! Neither do I like "Oh really? this has wine it? Hmmm" So I guess I was at where I attained to be!! And I missed those recipe instructions!! That probably explains the "mass" at the beginning! But the emulsifier subdued the mass into velvet!! Now I will have to try the other method!!!
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