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Everything posted by Lior

  1. Lior

    One Year Later

    OUr very own Bill won as a finalist!! Congratulations!! He's a winner!! yay!! There are also pictures- click on "photos" upper right hand corner of page!!
  2. Ok-good! Now do you put your acetates in some sheet pan to get a rectangular shape? Do you cut with a sharp knife after it sets? Sorry for all the questions!
  3. maybe you are right! But if I don't use nuts, a smooth shiny surface could be nice! thnks
  4. chocolate paper - this is similar-kinda hard to see it! I like the flop method- but I need 4 hands!! oops it didn't come to the picture, so: click on the on the first picture on the upper right hand corner. Sorry! We read from right to left... you shold get a cream colored roundish box containing similar products to what I want.
  5. Yes that would be just right. But how do I get a thin even shiny sheet? I really need to source guitar sheets-perhaps this is my problem. I used acetate A4 from the art supple store, but it didn't come out as I imagined
  6. hi. I had a request to make thin squares or sheets like a square of paper, but from chocolate. It can be plain chocolate, but also with nuts or such. I heard you pour chocolate onto an acetate sheet or guitar sheet, place another on top and then with a rolling pin flatten. Now I cannot find a soft rolling pin yet, not even from silicone. I am still looking for a paint roller. But how do I get nuts in it if it is so thin? Any suggestions? Anyone do this? I tried and it is not right. It came out like squares of bark and not great at all. maybe slivers of almonds?
  7. What if marshmellows were piped into a chocolate shell? Then caramel piped on top? DId anyone try this?
  8. Can you post the pictures of the frog and mice? I love the frogs and mice also!! Your things are always so lovely!
  9. Hi! If you have paint shop pro you can resize the photo so it isn't huge- keep the same width and length percentages... then save it. Now go to the topof the egullet page to "imagegullet and click on it. Here you may have to open an album-I can't remember. Anyway click "select an operation" andthen either "upload image" or "bulk upload" then click "browse and upload your photo. I always have two windows open- one for my post and one for the imagegullet. When the pics are uploaded then go bak to "select an operation" click"view" and your picture/s show up. then you need to click on the oicture you want and at the bottom left of it click" click for actual URL" A window will open in the top right hand corner- it is already highlighted so click OK which copies it! Now back on to your post. Click on the IMG rectanangle and "paste" your image URL and then click "OK" that is it! I hope you understood! If not let me know and I will help you gladly!
  10. Yes and usually there are two to three layers of chocolates, which is why the box is tall. The layers are often separated by a piece of foil paper or Glassine- in many stores in belgium.
  11. On a similar note, When I have small utensils or bowls with chocolate on- even ladles, I often put them in the puddle of chocolate at the back of my chocovision-it melts off and adds automatically to the chocolate that is there.
  12. That is very difficult to answer. You have to go with your instinct. On the other hand it has to be original, I think. Also, something that will catch the consumer's eye or curiosity. Reflect yourself in your logo is good. After you have an idea of what sortof logo you want you go to a graphic designer. She comes up with many variations and working together back and forth, eventually you will find that logo that eventually you should feel was always waiting to be born!! For packaging, once you have your logo you need to think about how you want to display your chocolates. A ballotin type? A lid that you pull off from the top? A drawer? A lid that has a latch??? SHape? Do you want everything rectangular? Circle? Square? All different? Natural looking or colorful? Modern or romantic? It is a search, I think to find yourself and your taste. Much luck-it is a lot of fun.
  13. Do you have a warming closet? Or even an oven on low low heat - put them all in to melt off the excess- at least this part isn't one at a time.
  14. dystopiandreamgirl!! That is one beautiful cake! I just love the idea of the ribbons and the candied pansies! Heavens I would love to make something like that! IMHO it is a winner. Marmish, I bet kids and adults alike get a major kick out of that eyeball cake! What an imagination! It is hysterical! How on earth do you make those eyes? Just for the teacher who has eyes at the back of her/his head!! Eyes all over -every kid's nightmare!!
  15. Thanks Steve for your advice! It is amazing how one can always pick up a new tip!!! The acetate method is actually not too messy. Liek a transfer sheet that comes off clean-from the magnetic mold. Yes, you scrape on top of the acetate which is ON top of the chocolate. If you put too much extra choc it will get on the sides otherwise it just comes off the end of the mold at the last place you swipe. Even if it does get on the sides a bit it is easy to scrape off as the mold is sitting on the counter just goe down the side. The extra bit of choc can be reused. Next I will try Steve's method. I just remembered last night that Schneich once gave a link to a utube video from some chocolate exhibition he was at and I think the demonstrator used this acetate closing method. Here !! I just found it!
  16. yes this is what I do as well!! Add nuts, praline paste, feulletine and chocolate.
  17. OMG!!! I wish we had halloween here!! And I wis my little one was one of your friends!! Boy are they ever lucky! You are wonderful to take such heart in everything!!
  18. Lior

    One Year Later

    Thank you! You have no idea how much it means to hear such words!!!! keep us posted!
  19. Lior

    Using Up the Apples

    hmmm baked apples with cinnamon and sugar, wine and walnuts- great dessert! Do an apple themed weekend- add them to each mealin a different way! And of course, serve apple juice!
  20. perhaps find a wafer factory who doesn't have anything to do with all their "crumbs"? I think those cigar type wafers are very similar
  21. okay! I tried the acetate and transfer method but on closing bars, as I wanted to make bars. But it should be exactly the same with closing molded chocolates. It is brilliant. I did half the mold with a transfer sheet-although I am almost ashamed to admit that I am not a fan of transfers and artificial colors (I know I am the odd man out-sorry) but it was fun using anyway. On the other half I used a piping bag as I don't have acetate I have to get. Both worked really nicely-perfect finish. Method: After I filled the cavities of the 50g bars and knocked out air bubbles I added a row of extra melted tempered choc. Becasue I did half a mold I put the extra chocolate in the center of the mold. I took the mold to my counter and placed it on baking paper. I then lay the transfer sheet on top of the half I was working on and with a good triangular spatula swiped from center to edge so the extra chocolate came off onto the baking paper and the transfer adhered nicely to the chocolate. I waited till it hardened a bit and then did the other half with the acetate(piping bag in this case!). Both came out lovely. For picky finishing perfection freaks, this is a good method!
  22. Thank you, Ruth! I have sent them an email and am waiting to hear if I can get samples here and also be able to purchase. Thanks again!!
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