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Everything posted by Lior

  1. I think sulphur retains the color and preserves. I always look for natural non sulphur. I am so sorry to hear about your disasters!!!
  2. I am confused. Is it "poo" or "oop" ? or poos or oops?? Cause it's like the 225/252
  3. As far as I understand, creme de cacao isn't with cream, right? Mine is sort of like Irish cream only chocolate cream. No yolks, but cream yes. The chocolate isn't intense, but is definitely there. Now I didn't get any lumps, which I thought I would, but maybe it was beginner's luck. Anyway, I will use boiling water just to make sure I don'tget lumps next time!! Thanks
  4. Finally I found what I have been looking for-for a long time. It is a cream liqueur with chocolate. It came out perfect. The recipe calls for a dark amber caramel syrup, which while making it, requires a cup of water be added to the syrup at 195C. A friend suggested I used boiling water to prevent the tumultous sizzling scary adding of this water. Would this help? It does make perfect sense in theory.
  5. Lior

    Dip and drink

    Is TimTam from pepperidge farm? I will have to check the ones here!
  6. my thoughts are to cut down the water as much as poss. So I would use cream, not milk, and mix the eggnog/pudding into white choc- like a ganache.
  7. My sons (22 and 20) love half baguettes, spread with ketchup on one side, thousand island on the other, filled with cheese, olives, mushrooms, peppers, onions and a few french fries, put in the toaster that has a lid you bring down to grill and squash it all quite flat till the stuff oozes out. Then they eat it while dipping in more thousand island!!! Not my cupa tea!!! But they loooove it!!!
  8. Roasted eggplant with hot Tehina sauce is great. You can be creative and add other vegies too-like mushrooms. No dairy, no meat no gluten and it is delicious and very simple to make.
  9. uh huh. They are filled. They are light and delicious!! The filling is from egg whites sugar and vanilla pudding...
  10. This is obviously not especially for christmas, but perhaps a new cookie- maybe not. They are from the Morroccan kitchen and are called "rose cookies" because they resemble a rose sort of !
  11. My supplier always tells his customers about discount products- which are those close to expiry date! I would not accept it. You will soon get known as the guy who likes fresh stuff... And they also don't want bad feelings. Done in a nice way is just fine- they should know you are small and think about it themselves.
  12. I received it as a gift. My friend brought it for me after traveling in Romania and Russia-she's from Russia but I will have to ask her where it is from-sorry!
  13. I just wanted to update you all on these truffles! Well, Rinat made them! She found Gingko at the healthfood store- some kind of tea? Anyway she made liquid sorbitol from her powdered sorbitol by mixing it with some of the beer(!). In the end, the ganache was slabbed, as she has a guitar. It was too soft, so she made another batch that was too hard and mixed the two together. In the second batch she left out the sorbitol and Gingko as she thinks she may have used too much Gingko. Well they were a great success in the end. She described them as such:" At first you open the box and you can smell the beer. The taste only comes out at the end though. She thanks all who helped and suggests that everyone tries it.
  14. Forgetting to put an apron on, leaning over my chocovisionx3210 to seeif I need to add more seed and getting a nice brown curvy line on my shirt, just where the underwires are... FOrgetting about it and walking around the local minimarket getting funny smiles and wondering why everyone is happy!! It felt like when you have a poppy seed stuck between two teeth all day, only to discover it at night when brushing!!!
  15. Thanks. I don't thnk shelf life is important here as she is making them for a beer factory here-Carlsberg) for tomorrow evening. I guess they have some dinner or something there. I passed on Kerry's recipe toher and I will soon hear of the results. Why do all my chocolatier friends get all the orders? And then come to me for help?? Just kidding I guess. I had to find a cacao bean 3-D mold for another friend who got an order of 1000 a month for the espresso bar chain here=a cacao pod on a stick for mixing in coffee. Oh, I found it at chocolat-chocolat by the way.
  16. I also sparingly use the natural colors from chefrubber-I have yellow, orange, purple and green. I basically only use the yellow and green. They are not shiny and is best for decor not the entire bonbon as thereis the slightest taste if it is thickish or a lot.
  17. Kerry thanks! I passed it on to Rinat, but I don't think she can get Gingko (?) or liquid sorbitol. She has powdered sorbitol... and probably can replace the liquid with invert. Anyway thanks. I told her to melt and temper the choc and add the liquid at 40C. Thanks again!
  18. Oh dear- I have all his books except 2!! I will try to find a recipe anyway! Thanks Gap!
  19. I recall a thread on using beer in ganache. Does anyone know? I am helping a colleague out. SHe has an order for 150 truffles using Carlsberg beer for tomorrow so I am helping her with a redipe. Any tips or ideas? Thanks
  20. lovely blog, lovely products!!! Everything looks amazing! Welcome to egullet!
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