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Everything posted by Lior

  1. I am sure your wife must have also made some hmmmming aaahing!!! Nice story! And women on a chocolate and wine overload is trouble!
  2. Lior

    Twix candy bars

    Of coursed I dashed off to google this mars professor. Homemade Twix Should we all try it? I certainly will!!! I am very grateful-thanks! I hope it works!
  3. Lior

    Twix candy bars

    What an amazing piece of information!! Maybe I should order her books! I want so many books!! Thanks!!!!
  4. would love the recipe!!! I will make it for this weekend! I make a pomegranate bonbon- I am crazy about it. How did people like the torte? I know Boiron makes pomegranate fruit puree but I can't get it here. I make it myself though.
  5. The pommegranate!!! I have a thing for anything with pommegranate. It is the most beautiful food ever. And with port!!! ooooh!
  6. Lior

    Twix candy bars

    Great!!And I would love to see pics of the candy kitchen! And now Ineed to google "peak freans"???
  7. Yes that is exactly what I remember!! Because one time they only had an apricot flavour and she wanted neutre. I will get the recipe 2morrow. I suppose it is different texture wise. But easy easy...
  8. I emailed my friend and she will email the name of this substance and method tomorrow- my time, so I will get back to you. I think it may have been "nappage/nappazj..." It is a jellyish gel-ish material. neutral and she uses from valrhona, but caullet also has it. I best wait till she gives me the info so I don't mess things up!!!
  9. Thank you all so very much!! How inspiring a pat on the back can be! I placed them on a textured sheet so the bottoms get that design. I also do lollies with a nice back: front: and also: Just with the rest of the tempered chocolate... kids like them.
  10. Lior

    Twix candy bars

    recipe I found but have not tried yet: Petit beurre Tammy that sounds amazing. I love chipotle. I also useit in twoof my truffles! I will go look at your recipe=thanks!! And Isabelle-thank you. I have a majot problem getting condensed milk here. But I do rarely find it...
  11. Lior

    Creme Brulee

    could you direct me to a recipe for stove top version? Julia & Jacques Cooking at Home - is this a book? Thanks
  12. Well thank you very much! blush...
  13. Just for closing circles on my bars:
  14. Oh I know you can use that glace- I don't know the proper name but I know callebaut, calet and valrhona carry it- it is like a jelly like consistency and you add the liquor to it. I have a friend who does this. I will try to find out the name of this-maybe glace?
  15. Lior

    Twix candy bars

    Thanks! Yes Kerry that is exactly what I think- do you get petit beurre? Itis a rectangular dry bland biscuit. I guess it seems like a tea biscuit. If I make them then I can shape them long and thin. I will try this. So many things to try!
  16. Lior

    Twix candy bars

    I googled it a bit and some people use a shortbread recipe. I assume you need to coat the biscuit in chocolate or cocoa butter to keep it crispy. Maybe I will look for a marie biscuit type recipe.
  17. We received a bag of mini candy bars from the U.S. There was a bar called Twix which my daughter just loves. It looks like it has a biscuit (like Petit Beurre or marie biscuits?), a layer of caramel-very thin and coated in chocolate. Do you know these? I assume yes. I want to make her a home made version. So I need to know what kind of biscuit/cookie is used-does anyone know? Is a recipe available? Thanks in advance!
  18. Thanks Gap. I cut them and had them sit overnight on the counter. It rained at night so it got humid and that softened themup a bit and it is less sticky today! Also, perhaps when they are coated that will help.
  19. Payet foyateen. Itis great. Mix chocolate and praline(praliney) (caramelized hazelnut paste) and add the feuilletine.
  20. Oh yes I know about the tempering problem! What I did at the 20+ group, which was at their garage (!): brought with two X3210 machines-I know... I brought them with the chocolate already in and melted. At their place I had the kids press the buttons and started the tempering process. WHile it was temoering I gave that lecture-10-15 mins max. Then I put out two trays of ganache cut into squares, which they rolled into balls and placed neatly on a tray lined with baking paper. By this time the choc was tempered. I placed a few small bowls around the 2 tables and they did the dipping and decorating business. Then a quick clean up and we made lollies- I handed out a few piping bags filled with chocolate andthey worked in 2's and 3's. We made ganache (or rather I demo-ed it) for the molded pralines. Then I demo-ed making molded shells and had 2 volunteers try also. Then I had some others pipe the ganache in. We demolded the lollies, cleaned up again and then I demo-ed closing the molded chocolates and had 2 others close theother 2 trays. Then everyone started packaging their goods, tiying with ribbon etc and then we demolded the pralines and continued packing it all. So it was a lot of work before hand, shlepping things back and forth, cleaning it all up... but good money.
  21. nope. Only coffee creamer powder which isn't real milk... baby formula?!!
  22. Those graham crackers look marvelous. Any tips about such perfect cutting?
  23. hmmm. Right now the caramel is atop the nougat. But next time I will try some extra butteror cocoa butter. I can't get milk powder here...annoying! Also condensed is hard to come by. Thank you!
  24. well I heated the sugar syrup up to 145C and it may have gone a bit more after I turned off the flame. I guess I should stop at 143-4. Then I added the butter and cream and brought it to 121C and again it continued going up a bit. Then I added some fruit puree and brought it to 120C. So now the chewy caramel does not slide off or change shape, it is really tasty BUT STICKS TO THE TEETH!!!! Which is not at all good! My nougat also came out a bit too chewy - I guess I must turn off before the desired temp is reached?
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