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Everything posted by Lior

  1. Fantastic idea!! I also though I should have drawn a line around the balloon totry to dip evenly-but with which writing utensil?!
  2. Hi- thanks everyone! The demo was interesting! The nicepart about the balloon is that I can get a design on the bowl's inside!! I will get a nice container and try your method-cmflick-thanks!
  3. I can see myself now getting into artificial expressionism colors swirling moods... Oh dear!! I will have to check a few places. Did you finger swirl? Ikeep going back to look at your marbles! They are so 3D- they go in deep!! Just like a kid looking in his marbles to admire them-"Hey look at this one!" Thanks!!
  4. Kim Shook! That tart looks fantastic! So perfectly done! I want a bite!!! CHocoera- your cake is fantastic looking and sounding. The choc wrap is lovely!!! What is the white circle it is sitting on? Couldn't decide if it is plate or part of cake!! Pastry girl!! I too stay away from artificial colors. But your "marbles" are so amazing looking it makes me want to try to. Just so I can say,"been there, done that!!" So I will order some colors. What type do you suggest?
  5. For Passover I made frogs (a plague)with natural green cocoa butter, little puddles of a bloodied Nile (very silly looking-make the kids laugh...)with strawberry freeze dried powder and pyramids on a stick and a bowl which I plan to fill with chocolates for the hostess along with a few other gifts. The bowl is ugly. It is my first time making bowls... I would love any tips. How do I make the rim even all the way around-same height? I decorated with gold dust but I should have mixed it with white chocolate first. Please anyone who does these, advice!! Mistakes (dumb ones): 1. Bowl one- I drew the design on the balloon before piping- bad news it transferred onto the chocolate!! I assumed permanent marker would not come off! 2. Names - I wrote as usual and obviously got the mirror effect (how dumb of me!!!!!) 3. Bowl 3 is the best but still ugly-ish! Frogs: More: Wavy Nile blood puddles: The Ugliest bowl with marker: Bowl with mirror writing nicest but still a bit ugly! Again, any tips??
  6. SO I have decided on giandujas. I will make a pistachio, almond, peanut and sesame seed gianduja. Each will have a decoration of its nut to identify. I mixed about 60% of 65% where 35% is maltitol and 40% of 100% to get close to 80% . So there is less maltitol. Then I will do a 50/50 mix with the nut butters. I have to wait till 4Pm for the stores to open to get sesame and peanut butter from the health food store. It can drive me mad that stores close between 2pm and 4pm for the mid afternoon siesta!!!!!! I never sleep! Why should they?
  7. Something weird and not really connected. P.H.'s sister lives in my area and buys chocolate bonbons from me!! I told her she probably should ask her brother to bring her some when he visits her!
  8. Thanks Lana!! I will make a gianduja from 100% and praline that I make. Great idea. I wonder how it will turn out! Gianduja, which here is called "Nougat" (so confusing!!) is extremely well liked. Oh and Nougat as you know is called something else. A rough translation would be something along the lines of milk-atzia! I guess due to its white color!!
  9. Thank you!!!! I had thought about this, a natural nut butter with no added sugar. I guess I need to consult with a pro because I wonder about the fats. In the cb and the nut b... I once was told that macadamia nuts are good for diabetics but I don't remember why as they seem fatty for sure. I will make a pnut butter and a macedamia butter. Perhaps a bar with a thin filling of nut butter, and a few crushed nuts to decorate the back of the bar. I so appreciate your answer! Thanks. Time is running out. I made a 100% bar and included black and white sesame seeds in and on it. At least I have done one thing!!
  10. YES!!! This is what I do as well!! I have a few tiny plates with diff percentages-I break Valrhona callets in half. And if there is an interested person, I explain and give tastes. But this is more like chocolate education 100. When someone starts asking relevant questions. I also bring a cacao pod, beans, nibs (these they also taste), cocoa butter and my mollinillo. I love this part. Then sometimes a small group gathers around and I give my beloved explanations. And yes, this does lead some to buy I agree. I personally love solid chocolate with inclusions much more than "bonbons" But here the bonbons are what is popular. I think the public have not gotten to the point of wanting origin chocolate, and tasting bars etc. We are behind on this for sure.
  11. Thank you!! Wow it sounds like you also made a large variety. Itis easier tohave less variety and more of each type. But then there are always comments like what else do you have in white? Or do you have cashews with cranberries? (GRRR!). But it does give exposure. And one annoying thing I found is that when I give tastes, people buy less. Perhaps a taste satisfies the initial craving felt when looking. Or it is the effect of "hey I got free chocolate, why buy?" It is hard to know what is right.
  12. Okay now I get it (knock on my head and ask me if there is anyone home....)! Thanks a tonTammy and John!!
  13. nice!! How lovely to be able to celebrate your grandmother's 90th and with her-may she live to 120!!
  14. So it is like this: I have 100% and I have 65% Valrhona with maltitol. I thought to combine them, as I often do, to get an 85-88% maltitol chocolate. I usually make bars and a praline with a water ganache. Obviously shelf life is a few days for the praline. Now, I want to give a present to a customer of mine (who is diabetic) and always buys chocolates for her friend, who is an elderly lovely lady and has terminal cancer. Long stories!!! Anyway the diabetic aquaintance/customer is such a lovely lady that I want to surprise her and make her a special gift for our holidays. I want it to be suitable for her disease as much as possible. Any amazing ideas would be fantastic!! Thanks!
  15. Tammy, do you mind adapting this to a recipe-even a simple one- for me? I never get it unless I see real examples- original recipe and then adapted one!!! I am fine in all subjects-really!! Just math!!!
  16. Hi! Glad to hear it works-at least in the meantime!!
  17. Thanks cmflick!! And yes that is exactly the fruit!! Thanks!! It makes a wonderful jam. I have used this jam on chicken-it is great!!
  18. Thank you guys so much!! You make a gal feel soooo good!! Passiflora is passion fruit or granadilla yellowy sour jel-like and lots of seeds inside-do you know it? I tried looking up what Fejoya is in English and all I got was Fejoya!!And the "things in vinegar" are capers!! (that smaller jar!)
  19. Well first, thanks, second, I would make back plus more, however, one must consider all the hours of preparation, not just of the chocolates, of packing containers, taking all thestuff to the place, gas, standing for a few days all dat long, a helper, etc etc so it has to be profit that includes all all all costs!! And a profit that is well worth the effort. I decided not to take a chance and from what I heard it was a good decision.
  20. Oh and the jams (I bought Fejoya and strawberry jam and something in vinegar- I don't remember what it is in English!!) and liqueurs were all organically home grown. I took pictures of what I bought and of me and my chocolates.
  21. Well after turning down many chocolate festivals this year (recession - colleagues told me that the festivals did not go well this year...) I did a very small one here in my hometown in the vet's backyard. Besides her 18 amazing cats and 6 dogs, millions of birds, her clinic, she still finds time to paint on wood, glass and lanterns as a hobby (will post a picture on this later), when bringing a kitten (I have 3 cats and a golden retriever) that was abandoned with its eyes still closed to get a bottle and kitten formula, for Mr. Puff , we decided to have a backyard art fair with my chocolates, her things and a few other artists, crochet, jewely, jam, liqueur etc before our holiday season. SO it was today and it was great fun even though I did not turn into a millionaire!! In a few mins I will post pics.
  22. forgot to mention that I piped a tiny amount of caramel syrup/sauce into the shell and will pipe the "custard" over that...
  23. I just made an "instant" Panna cotta. I am sure it is far from the real thing. Iused cream instead of milk and made the "custard". Then I poured that onto white chocolate (equal in amount to the cream) and mixed. It is very tasty, a bit sweet. My issue is that while it tastes smooth it does not look smooth. When I am done I will take a photo. Itis cooling now and then I will try piping it into a shell.
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