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Everything posted by Lior

  1. Lior

    Bonbon Storage

    There is a thread somewhere here showing Reynolds vacuum sealing baggies-ziplock ones. These can be frozen and save space. I do this. Ialso use plastic containers similar to Joanne with a cut out pice of baking paper in between layers. Cover all with some paper towel stuff- cheap kind and then I throw in a small packet of moisture absorbent packet, close and wrap in a few layers of saran wrap type wrap, fridge and if needed then freeze. Label each box of course.
  2. Lior

    Pop Rocks

    That is ideal! Where did you see these? Thanks!
  3. Lior

    Pop Rocks

    They may get soggy. I think the chocolate covered ones may be better. Which kind did you get?
  4. How about Harissa chocolate bars?
  5. sounds completely fascinating. I was just wondering about this- picking up a design with an acetate sheet and then using that on a slab of ganache before cutting. Kind of like a pattern part on each bonbon. Please keep us informed! Thanks!
  6. Thank you Kim!!! I will let you know how it goes!
  7. Sure ! It is a great demo and explanation. You can see the whole cutter/bottom wiper(!) in the very last picture. In the pictures above the last one you can see him wiping bottoms on the wire up close. This sounds awful! Wiping bonbon bottoms
  8. Kim Shook! If you don't mind I would LOVE a recipe! Once this lady who makes gluten- free goods from her home told me she had made fudge. I bought some and they were just dense brownies. She told me that they were "fudge like in America!" Hah! Your confections/pastries are totally great and that fudge looks intriguing- who knows it may be that you will shake my town with fudge! I am sure it will be a treat for my family to taste some.
  9. Thanks everyone! Well it is actually much easier than it seems... And imperfections do annoy me- although I really do want it to "hand made"- where does one draw the line? A wire cake leveler? Is that to cut a cake in half? It cuts evenly? Is it sharp? This could be a good solution if it is what I think it is. Like what Chris Hennes uses to wipe the bottoms of his bonbons? (I know that sounds a bit odd! ) Thanks!!
  10. Ok so here is my next attempt. I am rather satisfied,however, there are still issues. Centering the design. placing the balloon to set in such a way as the bowl will stand just right and not slightly tilted, and of course that issue of the perfect rim height!! note the off centeredness: next experiment is the vodka and then the cb colors I so excitedly received...
  11. I will be happy to brainstorm. Maybe something like a liqueur version of some bonbon-chocolate, ceam and something else like passion fruit....
  12. I have the X3210- two of them. I know the service is awful and I also had a "fight" with them about something. But my machines do work and do help me. I guess if a place has a similar version and better customer service I would rather go with them. But in general, a tabletop temperer is convenient.
  13. I also learn something new everyday! CLick on the link I gave above!!
  14. Thank you! I will look for it and do it with a cheesecloth! If you get an uncomprehensible message here on this thread from me, you will know it worked.
  15. I don't know if this is too late but... Here there is an Ethiopian restaurant. At the end of Passover the Ethiopian Jews celebrate a return to "bread" and say good bye to Matza by a celebration called "Gdeft", which includes traditional dancing and traditional breads and foods. The dessert at this restaurant, which is also served for the Gdeft celebration is called Engotcha, a bread sweetened with honey. I am attaching a video of it. Basically the person is explaining about Gdeft. When the bread gets cut the usual blessing is said in Hebrew and a piece is passed around to all (a custom in all Jewish cultures). Then you are given an explanation about the salty form of the bread, called Dabeh, and a sweet honey version, called Engotcha. Honey is used because of the connotations of sweetness, and also because of the stickiness, which represents family togetherness. A sweet drink called Tej is also served and is made from barley and honey, for celebrating love and life! I can find you a recipe for the Engotcha if you would like.Gdeft at Habash restaurant
  16. Perhaps cold but not frozen? Then if it is not smooth enough you could give it a heat gun hit. Perhaps make a few little ones and try different effects/methods? I wish I knew more about pastry! I need another lifetime!
  17. Well thank you both so much! Lisa do you just put the chocolate and cacao in? Or in a cheese cloth like Tri2cook mentioned?Is grain alcohol 100 proof?! Is there a thread on this or instructions over in egullet Homemade Liqueurs, Tips and Tricks; Successes and Failures? I don't mind looking butif you know where.... I have been looking for ages to make a good chocolate liqueur. I made a creamy one (I think Kerry also did it), it was nice but not balanced enough according to a friend/more expert on liquors of all sorts than me! Thanks!
  18. I guess you can try that but if frozen it may cause the chocolate to crack. You can spray it with cocoa butter wait 24 hours to get if firmer and then dip-maybe, but the mousse is probably too soft and wobbly.
  19. perhaps you could replace the letters in the cavities while coating the cake and then remove them and give the cavities a spray with thinned chocolate. Would that make sense?
  20. aah, okay. I guess I will just read up about it on google and do some experiments. I don't think I can find it here in stores but who knows... Thanks!
  21. I thought it could be interesting as well as useful. I looked for it on the vanilla thread but could not find it. I was tired so maybe I missed it. I will look again! Thanks.
  22. Ok thanks! Someone on my local forum asked and so I got curious if there was any new way that I did not know about! Thanks!
  23. It depends on your needs. If you temper a lot and need quick tempered chocolate I think it is worth it. As I said, this with the melter gets me the efficiency I can't do without! It is easy to get used to "luxury" Like a dishwasher....
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