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Everything posted by Lior

  1. Lior

    Fine Chocolate

    Really lucky girl! I swoon over here that you can access all these chocolates from all the bean to bar micro batch makers!! I have had CC-I love the pulp/raisin one. Sigh!!
  2. beautiful cakes! The little smash one is fabulous!!!
  3. Lana-thank you SO MUCH! what is this about the light on the melter? How does it help you?
  4. Lior

    Banana Ganache

    definitely banana looking! Yum!
  5. Is this from Ramon Morato's book? How is the chocolate tempered? 50-37-50??
  6. Lior

    Banana Ganache

    Well thank you!! I will try this as well! I think maybe a dark chocolate shell could also be nice. What do you think?
  7. Lior

    Banana Ganache

    Callebaut recipe I have not tried it but it is from their site.
  8. The thermomix importer here has agreed to give members of our local forum a workshop using the thermomix for various reasons including chocolate, ganache and mouses etc. Apparently most of these reps around the world are happy to arrange demos-even privately in your home. Perhaps we can do this at the next egullet conference or some of you can get together and do it. 13 min online video
  9. did anyone understand how the chocoalte got tempered? He put it at 50C and 4 minutes and then the lady claimed it was tempered. Did I miss out on something?
  10. please keep us informed!!!
  11. perhaps adding some alcohol -pure- would help shelf life-to get to 60 proof?
  12. I am totally with ya!!
  13. My local chocolate forum is discussing this especially with white chocolate shells. Should the shell be almost see through so that a dark ganache is very obvious? Some like this and think it is a sign of quality. What about too thin? Shelf life? Breakability? Conking in of top part? Drying out of ganache? What do you think?
  14. Great idea! I will have to see if they have them here! Oh and we are now at 27 C 80% humidity and it will get to 32-34 in July and August and Sept. Ususally doesn't go higher... blckhhhh I hate heat (and there are medusas-jellyfish on their way to our beach, my son already got a small sting...) Perhaps I don't have to warm the molds if they are in a room out of air conditioning... I love all the smart solutions everyone has!
  15. I have 2 melters so that is an option-a great one. I think you mentioned this once and I forgot all about it. I will also try the oven and tea towels!!! cute!! If it helps with bubbles-all the better. I also do not have a warming cabinet or a vibration table... I totally agree with tri2cook about never bumping an idea or what is behind it and would love to hear about the mold cooling method. Another thing that bugs me is that I never temper by eye- I always chicken out and it is so silly. I get tempted and use the thermometer.
  16. omg!!! 7-10 thousand USD!!!! Okay so that is out! I will melt those bars and start again. I will try the ideas and report back. Thanks
  17. I understand. Molding in layers is sort of what I did, as I filled one third of the cavity, waited a bit and when it was just hardening filled the rest. Which molds are better than theclear or yellow ones? Mine is a typical CW one. A tempermeter sounds very good. Where can I source one-it may be worth the price! I like gadgets... Also, I did slightly warm my mold-like Scheich suggests-a quick blow with my hair dryer a quick shine up with cotton and then I filled 1/3. I have ordered the science of chocolate book by Beckett as Minifie is too expensive right now. Perhaps here I can learn about shaling and honeycombing!! If the mild sits on a frame so that there is airflow underneath-would this be of any benefit? Thank you both so much- I am so thirsty for chocolate knowledge!!! I can't wait for my book!!
  18. the heat the chocolate gives off ? Is there a reason why it happens on the big bar, and why with 100% and not other types? Could it be connected to the cocoa butter amount/density? And why on the lines between the squares? Thanks Schneich and everyone!
  19. Hi. The molds are clear but not yellow/ed. They are about 120-130 gram bars-not so big. Since it happened once before I decided to do a half filling wait a minute and then fill the rest of the way-perhaps this caused it! The warmer threw the cooler out of temper... Although it was only a minute or so. I don't have a fan. I usually leave the mold out and when it starts hardening, place in fridge for a short while. The bloom is just like cocoa powder- same color. I don't think the mold is unusually thick and I have used them many times before also for other types of chocolate. Thanks
  20. Yesterday I hand seeded a kilo of 100% cacao pate in order to make bars for a client. I have done this many times before. This is the second time I get a strange bloom. It does not look like fat or sugar, but cacao powder- looking. It happens on the places in between the squares of the "big" bar and not at all on the smaller bar (50g) and not on my "temper test". Any ideas? I am very curious what I did wrong or why this happened. same batch same time: temper test: thanks!!
  21. Hi. I can fully understand being far away from technician help and tis can be sticky. That being said, the Delta is a newer version and I think better. I would trade mine in for one right away. I usually use seed. No problem and more common to. Yes you can melt in micro and then pur in, but I don't find the need to. I think getting two bowls for switching quickly between chocolate types is clever. Get two baffles or if it gets too expensive, then get two of the smaller parts to be safe. Their shipping costs for even a thumb sized piece to abroad is earthquakingly ridiculous.
  22. lucky guys! We pay 15.5% on everything bulk or not. Not fair!!
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