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Everything posted by Lior

  1. How wonderful! The bargains are amazing. You will just love your soon to be haven! I also have flourescent lighting and low ceilings. Someone once told me that this type of lighting is unhealthy (?), but suits my place. Are you putting stainless steel tables along the walls or in the center of the room? Mine are along the walls and are basically work stations for me, but my friend who is mainly a workshop centered business has a big long table in the center of her room for the participants. My room is too small for that (her table can easily have 10-12 people around it). So I think 4-5 in my place is the limit. Have you thought about storage solutions? Shelves, drawers etc? This is my problem as I tend to be messy in terms of having the proper place for everything! And what about walls? Chocolate splashes etc!! My cream colored walls have too many chocolate splashes! One day I will put up tiles. I know that I want to visit one day. I hope it goes smoothly ,but usually these things don't!! But at the end, your haven will hopefully be just that! SO, soon you will reap the benefits you so deserve.
  2. I know it is good and also for making nut pastes!
  3. And why don't I get a free thermomix???
  4. thanks for sharing! Mini things are always lovely! Looks nice!
  5. Lior

    stable mousse

    I do not see why it should be so "tricky" to talk about. This is what is great about egullet. Information can be shared, discussed and even argued. That brings only good. Everyone gets thinking. Open minds are better than closed ones. I totally enjoy reading what many of you out there have to say. Sebastian, are you allowed to tell which company you work for? Do you teach?
  6. Lior

    stable mousse

    sigh! Thank you very much. My passions and emotions are only for learning! I am quite enthusiastic to learn the scientific side but it seems difficult to understand! Chemistry was so many years ago I will try to digest the info. As you said, in the end, everyone uses what they are comfortable with, which as long as it is fresh and delicious and looks beautiful, is fine.
  7. Lior

    stable mousse

    thanks to you both!! One day I hope to be able to afford the aW device!! Now I guess I should make a mousse!!! But I am as "chicken" as a mouse....
  8. Lior

    stable mousse

    Schneich, this is what I learned as well, but could not ever really prove to myself if it really improved shelf life. I am so gladto see that it does. Is an aW device expensive? Where do you get them? Thanks for chipping in with the scientific side! I also think it is great to discuss issues to the nitty bitty-we all learn from it. I have certainly learned a lot. So Schneich, what is your view on using tempered chocolate in a mousse? I am now confused again as HQAntithesis says it does make for a more stable mousse!
  9. Lior

    stable mousse

    oh! I will pass this info on to her - I am sure she will be pleased! Thanks.
  10. Lior

    stable mousse

    okay so I will pass on the info. I assume this person's mousse is just a bad recipe if she experiences drooping. Thanks Using tempered chocolate is not only for butter in a ganache and as I mentioned, you do not use hot cream so there is no melting of the butter or whatever. Sebastian, could you explain anything about why there is this method? Is there a benefit to making any chocolate ganache with tempered chocolate? HAS anyone tested side by side differences in any way? I have found certain benefits such as slab/truffle ganache setting up very quickly and nicely to be rolled or cut. Thanks everyone.
  11. Lior

    stable mousse

    and if it is not to be served frozen? The original question was for a mousse cake whereby the mousse was from chocolate and whipped cream. The maker wants to serve it "half frozen" and experiences drooping if served half frozen or if it wasn't gobbled up right away.
  12. Lior

    stable mousse

    In my second course with Wybauw we were taught to use tempered chocolate for a more stable ganache and this is supposed to increase shelf life. You actually do not pour hot cream onto the melted and tempered chocolate, but once the cream has cooled to around 35C, similar to that of the chocolate more or less, you add it and this crystallizes the ganache. I cannot testify to the fact that shelf life is better or that the ganache is better, it is just how I was taught. A scientific side by side is always on my mind but never carried through. Perhaps I really should do this! As to mousse, tempered chocolate may replace the need for mycryo or cocoa butter or gelatine. I am not an expert at all in mousse making just curious as this question was raised!
  13. We are having a discussion on our local forum on whether using tempered chocolate in a mousse will create a more stable one or not. I read the thread of mycryo in mousse or just using cb. It seems thatif using tempered chocolate in a ganache creates a more stable ganache (supposedly) then the same would hold true for a mousse. Unless the freezing of it alters the crystallization of the chocolate. Anyone know anything about this? Just got me curious and as Darienne says: I am always learning learning...!
  14. Lior

    Chocolate Sauce

    Hi. I wrote this a few weeks ago but apparently was not of much help. Perhaps it will help you! I am sure the thread will interest you as well. Scroll down to my reply and click on the link. It includes a recipe. I have a recipe for chocolate spread from Wybauw. If you have his book. If not you can PM me.
  15. If it looks good I bet it is just fine. I eat 100% pate cacao all the time - it is not horrid IMHO! I would taste a bite or two, just to make sure it isn't rancid (cb), which I am quite sure it isn't.
  16. Well as I previously mentioned, our local chocolate forum spent the evening together at the thermomix demo. One of the members hosted it in her home. There were 21 forum members and most brought some samples of their chocolate. Some members make chocolate as a hobby. One member, Jo from Holycacao chocolate, is our country's one and only bean to bar guy and he also attended. He brought tastes of his chocolate as well as beans and nibs. We did a quick making chocolate session with the thermomix. It ground the pre roasted nibs that Jo brought to a liquor in a few seconds and I tempered a bit. It was grainy, but it was chocolate and very fascinating for the group. We also made pistachio marzipan and hazelnut paste in the thermomixer. It was as smooth as could be! We also made lemon sorbet. It was an very interesting evening and the machine is small but quite amazing. Unfortunately it is also expensive! Some of the chocolates from left to right: macadamia praline in a dark ganache, Halvah, Irish cream, unidentified, banana split and passion fruit Left to right: Masala Chai, unidentified, ginger from left to right: Tonka, Almonds in a spicy caramel mine- two layers of gianduja, dark and milk infused with violet left to right: dipping a cashew into the liquor, Jo Zander in green left to right: the thermomix, pouring the liquor out, inside the thermo
  17. You are absolutely correct. Just last night I was chatting with a respected colleage of mine who told me he closes for the summer. I have been thinking of this for a while. Perhaps I should learn ice cream and do that in the hot months. Even if I make chocolate, customers walking out to the steaming hot car get so many instructions it is ridiculous.
  18. Absolutely a fascinating read. I have to go back and read, I "gulped". Maybe then I will understand some more. Heartland etc... (?) Anyway I am totally "green" once again. But glad everyone had such a wonderful time.
  19. What temperatures and humidity are you getting? I have my air cond on almost all the time in my studio as well as a dehumidifier. I still get 65-70% humidity. But I manage.
  20. I see! And it goes with sweet? Is the filling sweet? I think it was an extremely elegant looking plate. Thanks for the answer!
  21. Beautiful- I just looked now!! Amazing. I loved the fruit sushi! Is that seaweed or chocolate wrapping?! I loved the spoon with the wasabi ice cream! Just gorgeous.
  22. I think the dried lavender is beatuiful as is and whenever I open the box of it there is such an aroma. Okay I love lavender... I found this picture. It is at the bottom between 2 almond dragees-3 little flowers on the corner. I can search for a close up if this is not so good.
  23. Hi There is a whole thread on candying petals. I bet it should be easy. Go back a page or two-Lana and I participated a lot- it is either her or my post. Oh and I make such a truffle but not with candied lavender just a plain lavender flower. I put 2-3 tiny flowers on top and it gives a ton of aroma and taste. I will show you a pic if you want.
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