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Everything posted by Lior

  1. I am not a bubi yet, but I can send you some good stuff from here.
  2. Is it possible that he adds some cocoa butter to keep it firm and yet soft at room temp? Thanks for that link Lana!
  3. Did you caramelize the dry sugar?
  4. How does one know when flour is rancid. I keep in glass sealing jars for ages. Never noticed anything odd... oh dear...
  5. A lot of those flours are great for gluten free recipes. I keep glass jars with different flours and labels in my pantry. I like the way it looks! I need a good recipe book that use these flours!! I just experiment and substitute, and it is far from perfect!
  6. I see. Thanks . Will make it for my mom in Dec. She loves gingerbread etc so this is perfect.
  7. Hi. Thank you very very much! I just got home and ran to look to see if there was an answer and ! yes!! I don't have enough apples for the pie, but I am glad to know about it-would have been PERFECT a few ago but will use it in two weeks. As to the gingerbread I also don't have all the ingredients-stores are closed for the sabbath already-draaaag! But I also want to make this in December for a special occasion. So I have a few questions: 1.I can google it I know but what is calvados? 2. What is the difference between apple juice and cider? This sounds just fantastic! Thank you so much!! So I decided to make something that I think is called cream puffs or eclaires-look fancy, taste good and are easy. I have made them many times but forgot about them for a long while.
  8. Is anyone up and on egullet? Just got a phone call from my SIL that he passed the last of his accounting board exams. They are coming for dinner and I want to make a nice cake. I am not an expert by far. What do you recommend? I want something special that he has never had but that I am capable of making! Our usual is simple coffee cakes, chocolate cake, no frosting unless ganache at times, pound cake, etc Thanks-if you have a suggestion I will probably need a recipe or some recipe source online.
  9. I will keep my fingers crossed for you! If only I could send you part of our warm sunny weather! It would be good for the two of us!!
  10. OMgosh!! I know it is on the way! You are so kind. Do you use it for the product? I will get a great picture for you... BTW your stand/booth looks really cool. I love the little girl in your arms while your stir. I wondered who enjoyed it more. About the Lecithin-I can pm you an address in WIsc. Someone is coming here in Dec and can bring it. Of course, only if it is not a hassle.
  11. excellent. I will go and get some. I hope there are capsules there! Thanks
  12. I wonder where can I get lecithin besides the pharmacy/health food store. A while ago a lab doing experiments called me (!) to see if I had any lecithin... I just got some moisture into a batch of choc that I left unsealed in the temperer!
  13. I wish I could be there and meet you. One day I am sure I will go. Have a great experience and I will be looking very forward to your documentation! Thanks!
  14. I agree that it is very nice when people can choose their chocolates. This is how I did it. It can be time consuming when there is a crowd and then there are walk aways. Perhaps both "Do you a box or do you want to make your own?" sort of thing could be good. I agree that "less is more". I have cut down a lot. It is also a matter of culture. Many people here expect abundance. It is this mideastern trait of "lots" shows labor of love and etc. But I think less can be appreciated as well. I have had people say-only x kinds? So and so has 30 flavors... (go to them!) I also think a display that is not flat is more interesting and needs to be taken into the planning of a table display. I stopped wearing the chef jacket - yes too stuffy looking I also think!. A t-shirt or sweatshirt with my logo or an apron with logo is just right. I also discovered that people tend to go directly towards the young adults for service (humph)and the "kids" are naturally friendly and joke and flirt etc-it works really well! Thanks so much for those links on Cambro etc. We do not have a Costco here. I think the only really big chain here is Ikea and nothing is for free there! I know that everything in N. America or well lots of things, are big . A lot of stores here are boutiques or small and salespeople do not like it when customers unfold or remove things from shelves and look around-this drives me mad as I hate "help" of this type.
  15. In the above photo I am near the little square plates where I give explanations on chocolate and tastes of the different kinds and percentages. Last year I did a backyard artists' sale at our local vet's backyard. It was smaller and I used my new glass tiles that my friend, a fusion glass artist custom made for me. No more open displays for me. Thanks for teaching me that!!
  16. The wine festival- an oldy but note how we display our bonbons out in the open along with all those dust particles and who knows what else!! My son is far left, his friend is in the middle.
  17. Wow to chocolot and wow to Lebowits!! Thank you sooo much. I hace never seen this cambro half tray thing. Is there a url for me ? I appreciate it a lot. I see how lovely and organized. I will certainly start selling in boxes and not displaying all as is common here. I willpost an older picture and then a more recent one with my "tiles". Thank you both ever so much. Such fun. The green and brown is an eye catcher and stunning.
  18. I paid 450 Euro for a 2 day course in Belgium a year ago. That is around 660$ for course 2, 2 days. I would easily pay 1000$ for a good and thorough 4 day course. As you may recall, I was not satisfied with my second course. It was basically a totally mad rush of making a bunch of recipes within 2 days. No real help, improvement of my technical skills etc. Nice recipes though. We learned about shelf life a bit. I always felt that what is missing in all the available courses is a good in depth course with theory and practice and a few days is just not enough. This is not available- perhaps in Germany and Switzerland I recall there is a few weeks (at least6-8) course-expensive!
  19. Quite honestly, no. This is an issue. People need to do hands on and then get some practice while being overseen and the ability to ask questions etc. Otherwise it is kind of like the callebaut classes, which are good, but I certainly felt like a day or two more would be perfect
  20. I guess it can be divided into at least areas: 1. Improving technical skills- a. a good flat framed ganached with thin foot applied b. dipping without any foot or fork marks c. recognizing temper by eye alone d. molding, filling, closing e. ganache making techniques- using tempered choc, by hand or emulsified 2. Decoration a. decorating enrobed/dipped bonbons b. using color (hand, sprayed, interference glimmers etc c. transfer sheets (also making transfers), textured sheets) d. stamps or applications This is what I thought of off the top of my head
  21. Here is my creation. The base is 5mm as should be. The buttercream should be 10mm. I put it in the fridge and as expected it hardened, but how will it dip? I have yet to discover
  22. Gosh you guys have so many rules and regulations! I am certain we do, but they are never followed!! I suppose it is really in everyone's best interest. I would love to see a picture of your stands. I think I have posted a pic of mine, if not I will be happy to. Everything seems so organized, set and established in your neck of the woods. Despite the personal hassle it really is correct.
  23. I want to come. My issue is that I may be in the states in July/Aug with husband and youngest- she wants to see "America" and Disneyland. School holidays are in the summer. Dilemma... I really want to come so maybe I will figure it out.
  24. Great idea. The buttercream never hardened-even for piping it is tooooo soft. Now after it sat out all night the sga continues. It is now in the fridge. I think I will take a photo .
  25. Yes, a box with all sorts of items is excellent. Make a list. Bring lots of change with. And yes, lots of water, as you will get thirsty-also because you get a bit nervous. I know that I put each type of bonbon in a plastic box and labeled it on the sides and top. I stored these under the table-each plastic box under the area of where that particular bonbon is displayed. So one on top of the other under the table under the display of those kinds. So if on the table you have two rows by six, under each kind you store that kind. So under the table you will have 6 rows of two boxes whereby one box is on top of the other. Hard to explain. You may want a sign up list for customers who want to recieve a newsletter. Have helpers.
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