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Everything posted by Lior

  1. May I ask if there is a barrier layer of sorts between the nougat and the caramel? I found after a while there is some transfer of moisture from the caramel to the nougat. I guess a thin layer of chocolate like a foot or even rice paper would solve this. Anyone had this issue?
  2. that was what I thought-I don't buy a very expensive brand but it is decent-we use it up quite quickly-on salads in light frying, in humus/tehina/eggplant etc. I would say within a month and a half we finish a bottle or less even. We are, at weekends especially a bunch of people. Now sometimes we get oil from people that press it-this comes in a rather large can and I have no idea as to its quality as nothing is even written on it- direct from small presses. I guess I can ask them...
  3. my brand is cold pressed and 0.8%-just checked and it is in a clear bottle. It is not tops but good-I think.
  4. Well after a quick glance at Taubes and the info about LDL lowering medications like lipitor, which hubby takes-I guess I need to develop a view!! And Mario has some great recipes and I can make them in shorts...
  5. Well first of all I cannot yet have a worldview as I still don't know enough-just read a bit heard a bit... I also heard that many olive oils that say extra virgin or have that 0.5% or whatever -is not really what it is claimed to be. Is this possible? This is what we have on the supermarket shelf-who knows? Now I don't usually deep fry except for french fries and then I mostly use canola and add a bit of olive oil (I thought for taste!). I always keep the bottle next to the stove-uh oh won't do that anymore! And now to look up Mario Batali and Taubes Thanks
  6. I was sent This I almost always use olive oil-for most things including frying-eggs,schnizel etc. I tried looking at other sources and the info is confusing. Besides the smoke point, does anyone know what is healthier? This info seems to change all the time, what was not considered good,I often read is now good like coconut oil. I try to avoid frying mostly, but it is nice here and there.
  7. may I see an example? I assume no artificial anythings, only sorbitol or invert... Thanks
  8. Those cupcakes look nothing but GLORIOUS!!!
  9. Lior

    Citron ganache

    those seals are so cute!! Yes it does kind of look like one!!
  10. I have tried in the past to bite my computer screen, never worked for me!! I wish it were so easy to send some to you! Thanks!
  11. Lior

    Citron ganache

    hmmm sounds good! I will have to look that one up. Thanks! I had fun making them! I love adding little hidden things on truffles-see if you can find a face!! Just finished dipping the last ones-phew!
  12. Lior

    Citron ganache

    Today I completed the order. Irolled the citron curdtruffles into citron-ish shaped truffles. I rolled the dark chocolate truffles infused with citron zest into balls. Both are dipped in dark and either rolled or decorated with citron zest powder. I love the taste of both. I am not completely satisfied with the look.
  13. It seems that the ratios are fine. I add butter at around 35 C while the butter is of course at room temp and soft. Is the room cold? Are you doing lots of molds? You can use a silicone spatula to squash down the peaks and level it. It is a problem. Maybe there is too much butter. Put the piping bag in a melter set to 28-29 to warm up the ganache? I have also had these annoying issues. I have colleagues that make ganaches one day and pipe the next by warming up the ganache. Never worked well for me... I always pipe just like you-as soon as I am done fiddling around it is ready to pipe. Oh the annoying little issues!! I am not good at slabs because I use caramel rulers and not a tray and leveler. I keep saying that I must buy the tray/frame and leveler...
  14. Lior

    Citron ganache

    Thank you! That is what I will do! I leftsome of the peelish zest in as I like it... when they are done Iwill post pics Thanks all!!
  15. Lior

    Citron ganache

    well I have already made the curd! I will post pictures soon but there was absolutely NO juice, not a drop, so I used the zest with lemon juice to make the curd. It is totally delicious. I mixed with white chocolate. I will now make citron zest powder to rollthe truffles in. I am not sure about what to coat them in-if to coat them! I am thinking of dark chocolate so that the zest powder stands out-I hope. What do you think? Now I am making a dark chocolate ganache with cream and citron zest, which I will coat in dark and roll in the zest powder. I made very small amounts.
  16. Lior

    Citron ganache

    I appreciate all the responses. I do not have hardly any juice. But maybe I could use some lemon. ALso, I have never made curd... I need to buy the PH book but that will take a while... I think I will a curd with dark chocolate. Thanks I will take pics.
  17. This evening I was given a big-huge -almost the size of my hand- Yeminite citron with a request to use to make truffles of a sort. It goes to someone special. I don't want just a regular lemon white chocolate ganache-I don't think I do anyhow... I feel like dark chocolate. What do you think? Does anyone have any ideas please?? I know that there is hardly any juice in this citron variety but the pulp is thick and I do not know how to use it. The peel is very nice...
  18. You can melt and temper the chocolate and leave it is liquidy, but then you should add the cream at around the same temp as the chocolate (30). I usually just zap it till some is a bit meltly, and then mix it together as much as poss and when it is kind of partially melty and lumpy and sticky (do you know what I mean?) add the hot cream, which can be infused with flavors. Pour onto cake when both are not hot, but ganache is still pourable. It is late here... sorry for the weird descriptions.
  19. It looks separated for sure! Try using a hand held blemder/emulsifier to get it emulsified. That usually works. If not then there are different options like adding some alcohol or milk...but first try the emulsifier. I usually do closer to a 3:1 for a white ganache. Adding some glucose or honey even will giveit a bit of a shine and a good texture and it even helps in emulsifying it. Good luck
  20. Long ago I made fondant with puree of pomegranates- I will try to find the recipe if I wrote it down... the pictures tell me I added it as the liquid while making it
  21. A few days ago I made an Irish cream espresso coffee 2 layered truffle. I made a nice one (with the gold top) which I meant to photograph alone all by its self but hubby got to it first... (you can imagine my indignation at seeing it missing on this little plate:
  22. yeh that is small! But small is in. Well Is ent a few packages of chocolates today overseas to Canada and the U.S. Small orders and it is to people who will forgive me if they arrived in bad condition! I sent it by our registered mail. There is a better service of 3 day delivery but here Sat is not a working day and there Sunday is not...so if I send it Friday it will not get there before Monday or Tuesday... And it costs 3 tomes the price. I decided to start from the basics and work my way up accordingly. For a 1 kg package I paid around 8$ or just less. It is a beginning!
  23. Lior

    cake toppings

    honey is also a swap for the inverted sugar/corn syrup etc. Each is slightly diff but I switch between all no problem incl silan. There is a thread here on egullet on the syrups...!
  24. great!! I loved watching it!! I wish you tons of success!!!
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