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Everything posted by Lior

  1. Thanks. I will check it out!
  2. Thank you for the interesting blog, Gap!
  3. Thanks Brian. I have looked at their syllabus and nothing really attracts me. It seems so hard to get a really good education, formally, in this field! I have not found ANYTHING. Ergghh.
  4. I agree about proceeds going to the society-totally. I agree about weights as well. I think that we can have conditions like using demo-ed recipes perhaps . Each person who contributes a recipe can make a demo-there already are demos - maybe? We do not have to use only existing recipes either.Or/and if there are recipe testers/editors all the better! A team of testers... Kindle? I like real books... although I have never tried kindle so I am open to the idea!!
  5. I think it could be done. I can't receive them and ship them out-would not make any sense!! But I would be happy to help. Padded 3 ring binder sounds good. Or paulraphael's suggestion about punching holes as egulletis alive and growing and so we would need to be able to reflect that in the cookbook. We have an editor and writer, and someone who designed one and a big one at that! So how do we go about this? We need to think how to organize it and make sure it reflects egullet. Maybe according to the forum topics. I will now go look at morris press.
  6. Not only would I buy an egullet cookbook, I would contribute to it being made!! Did anyone ever think of having our own egullet cookbook? Maybe a ring folder type that can be added to on a yearly basis...I wish there was such a one.
  7. Hey Kim! Maybe all of us lunch ladies (Darienne think of a good name for the egullet lunchers)can do an online lunch with you! It may end up being a midnight snack for me! We have no super amazing stores, or at least very few so perhaps you can bring a store to me! Boy, it must be nice to have high school friends live around you-wow. Little touches are from the heart-good intentions like that mean a lot!
  8. Melissa! I liked reading your post! I also thought now to add this to mine (I am in edit mode now) Chocolate sister is from where I am from, lives now where I live, was a teacher, and then got into chocolate therefore she is a "sister"! The second luncher is a glass artist. The third is also a teacher... I have some lady friends that I lunch with. None of them know each other and so it is me with one of them. Cannot do that once a week so it turns out that every once in a bit I do it! A favorite is my chocolate (!) sister as we call each other. We meet somewhere, also to look at different shops or neat places and then lunch. We never stop chatting for a second while together! We look for odd stores to visit. Research places And then meet at some MIDPOINT. Then with her GPS get wherever we need to. Another friend of mine meets for brunch and we recipe swop and chat about the last recipe. She gave me the hamentuschen one I demo-ed on pastry on confections. The third lady is a high school teacher like me and we love to complain together... great topic, Kerry!
  9. Okay, so I guess I may be in the group that uses water over milk. I used 1% milk and it seems okay. The kids, even my youngerdaughter likethe bread!1 YAy! I need to experiment more now-and make the recipes given here. Helenjp - I used the machine and the whole wheat setting but I don't know whatitwould look or taste like if I used the regular setting! Thanks for the tip. I have a Morphy Richards and have no idea ifit is a good one or not! I liked the explanation on 2/3 hydration-good to understand how to develop a recipe and all. I used whole wheat flour that did not specifically say for bread but I have seen those flours so next time around I will get them. This is satisfying for sure! The bread came out to about 2.5 inches in height( abit less than whatit should be I think). Also, what is the best way to store it for a day or two if needed? Or is it best to slice it and freeze? Thanks again everyone! Here are pictures of my loaf!
  10. poppyseedbagel -what a great name! No I am not from The U.S. if you meant me (!). But I would be happy to get a good recommendation for a book on bread-including gluten free. I will amazon that book-thanks. Dougal- I managed to get the instant dry yeast so I used that-I made the loaf according to the recipe from King A. -it is in the machine now. I like fresh yeast because it makes me feel I am using yeast-does that make any sense? I did not heat the milk-oops- Ihope it will come out okay. I will alsotry the Grant Loaf- after this one gets tried and hopefully eaten Thanks so so much! Blether - thanks for the info on milk. How would it change the consistency-softer? I used allmilk since I have no powder and this is what the online chatter suggested. We will soon see. I didn't understand where to see your bread-maybe on the grant site? I am not sure if I can get this gluten flour- I am not sure-is it added gluten to the flour? Perhaps I can find a place to buy gluten. Can this recipe of yours work in a bread machine? I will try it after Dougal's and after I understand this gluten flour! I have a kitchenaid so even withoutthe machine it isn't too much of a hassle I am sure! Thank you very much! You are kind to write such an informative post-I know it takes time and patience...
  11. I had to reply here as I am AMAZED. I just chatted online with someone from KA!!! How incredible. SO I can use regular milk instead of the water andthen no dry milk. I can use mashed potatoes instead of flakes. And 1 TBL packed fresh yeast for the 2.5 tsp of instant dry yeast!! Such quick efficient service-wow. Thanks for the link. Iam now going to get that bread going!!
  12. Hi. Thank you so much! Yes it looks like this is the type of bread -everyday bread asthey say in the recipe. My main problem is that I can't get dry milk or powder here. It may be available somewhere but not within an hours drive of my house and I am not sure even. My bread machine recipesall have powdered milk! Next issue- is it possible to sub fresh wet yeast with instant dry? I have fresh that needs to be used but no dry! And stores are now closed for the weekend... I will go look at AK's other recipes maybe I will find one there.
  13. I need a good reliable recipe for wholewheat bread. My kids eat wholewheat bread. The boys eat a lot of it and it is not cheap -about $3.50 a loaf and they easily eat a loaf a day and I think it is not really worth that price. I thought it may be fun to try a bread machine homemade version that may be healthier and tastier. I probably cannot get the same flour brands here as in the U.S. Any trusted and tried recipies? Something not heavy, good for sandwiches... thanks Even a non bread machine recipe is welcome...
  14. I think it was on another hmmm ahemmm, forum...
  15. whoa!! what gorgeous links. I love "that" old book. And the link Dougal gave me! I will go over both very carefully. I have started to read the thread on infusions. I need to be patient as I cannot drink it all up at once like I want to!! Thanks so!
  16. This is far from my expertise, but I am curious as to what commercial brands do that the homemade cannot. Would a chocolate liqueur also fall under this category? I guess this part of the conversation should be moved to beverages etc...
  17. Aaaah! Okay! thanks. Now do you know of a good book?
  18. I looked through 16 pages of recipe books here, determined not to stray off (did not work, of course!) but found no question like this. So maggiethecat or anyone else who knows such things, what book do you recommend? I want to make liqueurs and cream liqueurs and creme liqueurs (what is the diff?) I am, of course, interested also in chocolate liqueurs, but not only. Thanks!
  19. Lior


    I got into the demo mood while making my hamentaschen. Most also opened-very annoying and I am waiting to hear what to do from the source of the recipe!! Kind of sillyto demo this, but I am an egulleter so I guess I am allowed my pleasure... The recipe again: 4 cups flour 200g butter 1/3 cup of oil 1/2 cup lukewarm milk with 1 tsp sugar and a "cube" of yeast, which measures about 50g-fresh yeast[/b (ferment/proof...) 2 egg yolks 1 teaspoon rum 4 tablespoons sugar 3-4 tablespoons sour cream lemon peel cognac method blend all together. Divide into 4 balls and chill for 4 hours. make into small hamentaschen and fill with poppy seed mixture or chopped nuts Pictures: mis en place: proofing the yeast: Making the poppy seed filling: chilling the four balls: Rolling the dough out: Cutting: Shaping and filling with poppy: Shaping and filling with strawberry: I need to take apic of them made. I was so disappointed that some opened that I forgot.
  20. Lior


    I know it is last minute, but here is a HUngarian/Austrian pre world war 2 recipe passed down: 4 cups flour 200g butter 1/3 cup of oil 1/2 cup lukewarm milk with 1 tsp sugar and a "cube" of yeast, which measures about 50g-fresh yeast[/b (ferment/proof...) 2 egg yolks 1 teaspoon rum 4 tablespoons sugar 3-4 tablespoons sour cream lemon peel cognac method blend all together. Divide into 4 balls and chill for 4 hours. make into small hamentaschen and fill with poppy seed mixture or chopped nuts
  21. Even just storing chocolate (as we all know...) makes for absorption of odors. SO I always store my infused bars with things like orange peels that have been dried, chilies dried etc. I get a whiff when opening the box...
  22. I add it while melting and then temper as usual.
  23. fascinating subject. Made me wonder if animals have the same tastes as humans and what tastes do they prefer? DO they taste umami?! ALso, what about fruits that don't really have a part to eat? Like the Yemenite citron I used to make truffles-it had absolutely not a drop of juice-true to its kind. Whay would such a fruit exist? Perhaps there are creatures that like the rind? I can go on and mention how it is odd that fruits differ so from each other-some have no peel at all, some have seeds on the outside, some are mostly seeds, some have thorns on the peel, thick peel thin peel, it is perhaps catered to certain creatures...
  24. nice ideas! Perhaps the humidity here is worse. We are having now having hotter weather than ever for this month. At least since 1942! It is t shirt weather. But at least it is dry- Great for chocolate!
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