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Everything posted by Lior

  1. Do you always pour out your chocolate at the end? What do you people do? Leave it in the melter or temperer or pour out and then store? I sometimes do leave it in-I am lazy! I cover it with nylon stretch really well, put the lid on and cover the melter/machine in a garbage bag-tucked in and under. probably easier to just pour out!!!
  2. To those who may be interested in Israeli cuisine, there is soon to be an online course: quoted: "For a sum of $145 students can take part in a three-part historical and cultural journey through the evolution of Israeli cuisine from ancient times until the present day. The course will address the unique confluence of cultures in Israeli cuisine, and will introduce, for example, couscous cooking methods and the recent gastronomical trends in Tel Aviv. " quoted from ynetnews. about the Israeli couisine course cooking course
  3. wow, everything looks so very delicious-YUM!! The Panna Cotta dish-whew! Gorgeous!! Jenc- I will try to make them with a melon scoop first. If they are as good as they look, I will find a mold somehow. I love the way they sound and look. And hopefully it is not too difficult. Expect to see pictures soon!
  4. I think there is a miniscule amount of water in chocolate. However there is also some in the air... I guess if it is really dry it would be fine to keep the lid off but if not always do everything to protect your chocolate from moisture in the air. I once left the lid on, and left my chocolate like that for a week and it got moisture and was grainy. So don'tleave it like that even with the lid on and even when it hardens...
  5. uhm... I used frozen lemon juice concentrate with mint leaves infused...
  6. I use plastic containers on wheels and with lids (65 liters)to store them. I have labels on the containers so I know exactly what is inside. They come in colors...
  7. those cookies look gorgeous! I think I will try to make them. What kind of a mold is required? Can I make them without a mold?
  8. I just got an email that the price is 20 Euro plus 15 Euro for shipping. I thought it was for a year subscription but now realize how naive and foolish I was!! OUCH!
  9. thank you. I will send you an address. I also think the price is too high for me right now but would love to see a copy! I am interested in learning more and thought perhaps this would help.
  10. Manufacturing confectioner. I was wondering if anyone has a subscription? If so, what do you think? Did anyone ever buy an article? There are some interesting articles like March 2007 on crystallizing ganache by Greweling...
  11. SAvory sesame and chocolate? I have made a sesame gianduja from unsavory paste! I can try to think of something. We can use saleb. IS there a train to Ann Arbor? I really need to look at a map!!!And check out indirect flights as well as. Thanks all.
  12. Yes! I am seriously considering this! A flight from Madison or even a train. How far is it by road? Or boat? I need to see it all on a map, I guess. If I do, I will be happy to make or show something from my part of the world or anything else that I can do like chocolate. I can be Kerry's resident.
  13. You sound just like me when developing a product. Each time a change!!! I know exactly how it is!!! Hah, I can reap from your work!!! Can u imagine if we meet??
  14. It looks quite definite that I will be in Madison, Wisconsin(of all places!!) in July/August. Not sure exactly when. I will also be possibly in Florida- taking my youngest for a visit to Disney Land. Do you know of any courses around these places? Notter school does not seem to have anything that would interest me. I have written to the Univ of Wisc and have not yet heard back. Thanks!
  15. Darienne, I just checked out the recipe-looks easy as pie. Some questions: 1. you score and then break and then dust in cocoa powder? 2. The you brush with tempered chocolate to make a foot? 3. Then you dip the whole thing in tempered chocolate? 4. Then you sprinkle with nuts? Which ones? roasted? raw? chopped or crumbled? Since you have made them a few times... thanks!
  16. will look it up and try! Thanks!
  17. Lior

    Citric Acid uses

    how about freeze dried fruit powders? Or lemon powder?
  18. Don't be silly!! Now where do I remember reading "learn, learn, learn..." Hmmmm! Mistakes are exactly what make us learn and understand.
  19. Lior

    Citric Acid uses

    I will look for something like that. Thank you.
  20. Lior

    Citric Acid uses

    Tri2Cook! Can you direct me to an information source on this-I find it very interesting. I am not sure where to get all the acids besides citric, which is easy. I would like to know more about balancing tastes with it and restoring fresh flavor. Kerry, I assume you use it to balance off sweetness? Like in marshmellows or caramel? But also in a ganache? Would that be a fruit ganache? Totally interesting!
  21. Yes, they should last for a long long time. I store solid chocolate in an airtight container wrapped in saran wrap to prevent any moisture from getting in. You can also freeze it this way but wrap it really well. It mustbe a tempering thing!!
  22. Lior

    Citric Acid uses

    I use it to clean the calcium residue -lime? from my kettle. Works like magic!
  23. An end is also a beginning. I think it may be curious to express this along with your gift. Make whatever, say a lemon cake, wrapped and packaged according to Japanese culture, but it should be something from your culture-like a brownie or lemon pound cake. Then I would neatly wrap up all the necessary ingredients required to prepare it according to the recipe, and include a recipe card. A new beginning for them. That way they will always remember you if they ever make it. To me it would be very meaningful anyhow...and true to "an end but also a beginning..." Best of luck
  24. I would simply ask her or a super allergic customer to give a few detailed recipes that she has decided on and as a kind gesture, you can then make them for her and serve them up nicely and fancy. She obviously eats, so she knows what she can and what she likes. Throw the ball into her court. SHe gives the recipe in detail and you do the rest.
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