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Everything posted by Lior

  1. Oh! Good to know that! It enhances but isn't hot or spicy? I know the older "kids" and I would like that but would a child? I love mustard-I must try this for the weekend. Any suggestions for a different cheese? Otherwise I may just go search for cheddar somewhere... Again-thank you SO much. Both recipes are delicious as I said even with gluten free flour used to replace regular.
  2. I made them all. I even made some gluten free. Everyone likes them and the 12 year old said they were OK. But not for school. Ergh. I think my cheese is too bland as there was no sharpness that cheddar has and I thought, "what is missing?" Maybe salt or spice? Then I realized it is the cheese.
  3. Lior

    Egg Ganache

    1: marzipan and then an egg brandy which has egg yolks.1 tin of milk (wow I am sure we all know how much and all the details here!), sugar alcohol brandy vanilla. Let me know if you want the exact. 2:cream,egg yolks,white choc and cointreau or maraschino. Let me know if ur interested. 3. egg yolks, sugar, orange juice,cream butter and milk choc 4.cream,egg yolks,white choc banana compound, glucose 5. cream,egg yolk,milk choc, walnuts,vanilla and glucose lemme know! does anyone kow how to use real fruit instead of compound??
  4. Thanks. Did you use any fruit? If so, when and how much? Much luck with the production and sales!
  5. That Brioche looks devine. I want to break off a chunk! I also prefer "sweet" breads to dessert believe it or not.
  6. oh good. Went to buy cheese and there was no cheddar. I got gouda and two other kinds- kashkaval and Emek which isn't anything great-kids like it though. So we will see. 17 year old boys are great. They can eat an entire baguette - sandwich filled with everything around and then half an hour later complain that there is nothing to "eat in this house"; fridges and cupboards open and close noisily in perfect synchrony to their complaints .
  7. Lior

    Egg Ganache

    makes sense. I have never tasted her legendary creme brule-have you? Geerts also has egg ganache recipes-want me to look at them?
  8. Lior

    Egg Ganache

    I think that it cannot be the same shelf life! I read somewhere that Kee's creme brulee is with egg and has a 2 day shelf life if even that. I guess it depends what else is in the recipe but egg is egg and scary to play around with! Since the pasteurized egg post, I pasteurize at home any egg that isn't going to be cooked well. How does the pom curd/ganache taste? I am Curious.
  9. Thank you!!! I think a mild cheese will be better for miss picky. I just noticed that they are best warm not room temp. And I guess any cheese as we don't have orange cheddar cheese here-what a pity! Puff pastry- could that be eaten not warm? Or maybe wrapped up in foil? Thanks all!!
  10. no I didn't but then again I didn't have it around for more than a month. I think I sprayed the top of the honey layer with cb and then nuts and then gianduja.
  11. I would love a savory cheese muffin recipe for my picky vegetarian skin and bones 12 year old daughter. I have resorted to nutella school sandwiches as everything else comes home uneaten. She wins.
  12. I have done a few things. 1. made a caramel out of the honey-interesting, I liked it more than my client! 2. filled a choc cup with honey and then a layer of that sodt chocolate-client liked it a lot. If you try this I suggest a small shallow cup or it will be that throat burning sweet taste if there is too much honey. 3. Chocolate honey ganache from Greweling I think-good - beehive also 4. a combo- using a taller cup like in your link, I did a small layer of honey,topped with chopped nuts and then a layer of whipped gianduja-this was most popular! Let me know your ideas/experiments!
  13. warm cinnamon rolls or anything yeast and warm will always be very welcomed I am sure!! Boy, the construction workers I had once were fussy. Black mud coffee with lots of sugar, anything else was left untouched. Sandwiches with omelettes and vegetables and nothing else!!!
  14. Frist, before I talk about the Espresso: I made the salted caramels and most people here thought they were too salty. Next time I will use less salt. I made the Triple Espresso-Vanilla-page 124 They were tasty and all but a few issues: 1. It said the amounts were good for 28 chocolates. The vanilla ganache was enough for 24 hearts, around 24 "kids" and 10 large mice with a tiny bit left over. The espresso was enough for 28. Why? Weird! 2. The espresso calls for a coffee paste. My coffee was probably ground too large. It never made a paste at all. Do you know what grind size is required? 3. The espresso ganache is made with a tiny bit of whole milk-odd I thought and anyhow, it was not enough hot liquid to melt the chopped chocolate. I had to use a bain marie to melt the chocoalte and coffee milk mixture. It was quite thick so I added some more of my so called coffee paste and a drop of cream. I found a difference between the textures of the two layers but perhaps because of something I did like too large grinds or so on. If anyone has made these I am very interested in their results and comments or tips. Thanks
  15. A great pleasure it is to give a gift. Even a material one, but the best is the gift of happily and generously sharing knowledge, help and advice. This forum is a great gift to me and when I can I grab the opportunity to give what I am able to in whatever form.
  16. Did you replace any cream with fruit? I will try this.
  17. I looked at the ingredients. Here the halvah has saponaria root which I thinks is used not for flavor but for whipping qualities (soap root?). Anyway here are two recipes that seem rightish to me although I have not used them YET (I will also try). They do not include this root!! : halvah1 and translated: Halva 1 cup tehina 1 cup sugar cooked to syrup 1 cup water with juice of half a lemon more water according to need Put the tehina in a big bowl. Gradually add the syrup while whipping the Tehina. The tehina will darken (?)(I thought it gets lighter...) and get thicker. When it is homogeneous whip in right to left movements only-NOT circular ones. This creates the right fibers. At this stage taste the halvah. If the tehina taste is too strong, this is not desired, add more water or if not sweet enough you can add more syrup. The mixture should be more than thick. Place in a plastic container with sides. Leave in fridge uncovered for a day or two. Your Halvah is on its way by the way!
  18. Anyway, Eric of SilicaGelPackets.com has been really helpful. I explained to him how I pack my chocolates in plastic boxes half the size of a A4 sheet or a size just a bit smaller than a whole sheet, in order to see what amount of silica is required. Here is the answer: "Just measure the length, width, and height of your box. Then you can match the CU IN up to our chart. I would probably say a 1 or 3 gram Tyvek packet is about what you would arrive at." I guess I will order some at least for the refrigerator.
  19. wow the uses of silica gel are astounding!! Thank you everyone for all the links and info!! I still have to read the abstracts again as I just had a quick curious glance-I apologize-have been so busy. I also wrote to a place and this was his reply: "The Silica Gel packets will still absorb moisture until you get to the freezing point. So they will still work in the refrigerator, but wouldn't be very effective in the freezer. For packaging with food items go with the Silica Gel packaged in Tyvek,which is the industry standard and meets FDA Specifications for dry foodpackaging. EricSilicaGelPackets.com" Perhaps when out hunting it is okay as it is not frozen for more than a few hours? I wonder how that works.
  20. okay. Sounds really good. Do you do this at room temp or in the refrigerator? Freezer? It is making me mad that I cannot find where I got this info from. Maybe a company that I wanted to order from? I sometimes freeze my bonbons or my display/storage fridge is one witha glass door, whose thermostat was installed to suit chocolate but then it gets humidity in there. I though about something inside the fridge to absorb moisture... I want 50% humidity. I think a company told me that it is not efficient at low temps... thanks
  21. I was wondering if anyone used silica or something else to absorb moisture when storing chocolate or other products that require a dry environment. I recall reading somewhere that silica gel doesn't work at low temperatures but cannot find any onfo on this. Does anyone know about this?
  22. It is an absolute pleasure. CaliPoutine, where is your address??
  23. Darienne I have a recipe somewhere I will look and ask around here also. Let me send you a bit and one day I guess you will return the favor. I have to go anyway to the post office for Rina, Mark and CaliPoutine if she sends me her address!! It is not a big package-no big deal.
  24. I make a molded praling and fill with two layers. One slightly lower layer of DDL and one of dark/milk coffee ganache. I coat in white and although it sounds sweet-yuck- it isn't sooo sweet and it is very popular.
  25. send me your address and I will send you halvah
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