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Everything posted by Lior

  1. Wow you are speedy!! I would love to help but only if it is possible from far away. Time of year is also important for me as I am sure it is for most people.
  2. Oh John- you are a gem!! Thank you for so much- the advice every time, the pictures- they are just lovely, and the support that I don't know if you are aware of... but it is usually there when needed! And Steve- thank you so much for the fantastic pictures. An absolute feast- better than the one all of you had there with the chef and his staff!!!
  3. Lior


    Oh Darienne, you are so nice! I was just informing Alan (as it has been assumed that it is about english speakers, and there is no gender issues there anyway). But here it is annoying to be called by the female incorrect use of the word with the feminine hebrew suffix added on to that and some fondeures (in the feminine) (!) here correct everyone by telling them "not chocolatier, not chocolatiere"eet" -nothing but chocolatiere!!! I simply got curious and had some fun with Darienne at the same time. What a long thread on a such a topic! Sorry, I guess itis my fault!!!
  4. Lior


    Yes But Again if you look a few posts up .... In Hebrew it is a problem! We have gender in everything! In adjectives and nouns and professions
  5. Lior


    chocolate pot with rice... I guess I will stick with chocolatier as I know people here will pronounce it as chocolatrees! And then we have a tree issue which could be a theobroma one I suppose! editted to add: I liked your old story- how amusing!
  6. Lior: Thanks so much for the boxes of goodies you sentl. Wish you were there, but the goodies were an acceptable substitute. I brought home the chocolate halvah for one of my customers to sample - I'm hoping to use it in a filling for cakes I make for his restaurant. I also brought home the Chai tea and (what feels like) coffee, as I'll infuse these flavors in cream for some new amazing cakes for this same customer. I'll let you know what I do with these items as I get around to using them. Mary ← You are very welcome.
  7. Location mean not much as everything is far-unless it is Europe!! Yes I think I would commit to coming. Thanks and waiting for the pictures! First settle in!
  8. sorry but can someone explain the term "deglaze" I assume it means just adding the puree?
  9. Lior


    The point is that I speak Hebrew here and we do have the feminine and masculine and it is not correct to use masc for fem and so forth. So we say, in Hebrew : "shokolatiyeh" and as a a lady people sometimes add the hebrew feminine (it pronounced "eat) to this and this cannot be added to the ending "yeh" It is not right to say "shokolatiyeh-it" and so it becomes "shokolatierit: pronouncing the r. Kind of hard to follow. And besides, someone on my local forum asked and was told that itis chocolatier for men and chocolatiere for women. I thought he may be mistaken and "shokolatierit" sounds odd. It is not really important but I am curious. chocolatrice sounds nice!
  10. Lior


    I wonder if that is just common talk nowadays? I wonder whatis commonly used in France? I guess the masc form as was mentioned...
  11. I just dip with a truffle fork the one that looks like : @ (which here is referred to by all as shtreudel! Silly) tap tap. wipe once and place. I thnk the way you disconnect is important. It is super easy-you should try it. I like making them.
  12. You are welcome I appreciate all the recipes and pictures, emotions and sharing!! I can feel the excitement!! I am sure it will all sink in -all that was learned and done in the weeks to come. Here is a picture of truffle shells capped for whoever asked about them. Thanks! filled and capped- I used a diff color to cap so it shows up clearly. dipped and decorated:
  13. Lior


    wow! Thank you! Very fascinating! I hope Sommeliere has no other definition! So if I am asked I will say the masculine form as the pronunciation for feminine is different. It is hard for me to call myself "chocolatier" to begin with!! I always feel like those bigs guys out there would raise their eyebrows in amusement! "Hi, Pierre (Marcolini) I am a chocolate pot!!
  14. The survivors look excellent. The transfer sheet ones that John helped you with are lovely!! It is funny how one thinks he will remember what is in each chocolate, but doesn't!! Morato slab? Is it the ratios orsomething else that makes his different? Iassume Wybauw uses tempered chocolate in his slabs. This interests me a lot- the comparing of methods. Thank for the pictures!
  15. Lior


    How funny! I do not want to call myself a chocolate pot! Anyone French out there?
  16. Can you say "chocolatiere" And if so is the "r" pronounced? I know that chocolatier is"shokolattieh". I seem to recall that there is not a feminine form-perhaps I am wrong!
  17. Those look fun! What did you fill them with?I know so what you feel about how much there is to learn!! I hope there will be another conference and I hope I can attend!! Thanks for posting!
  18. It seems that Kerry can do at least twice the amount in half the time than most of us-and happily!! She is a gem!
  19. Reading and looking and examining with rapt attention!! How lovely the little one can participate!! Great fun to see faces and all!
  20. Lior

    Pitango fruit

    food process and then put the puree in freezer. Ihad my "little one" and her cousins go picking. There were notmany and whatthey picked they ate.They brought me the yucky ones!!! More will still come as I see them on the way.
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