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Everything posted by Lior

  1. Thanks!! A chamfer is just a smooth surface? Like in the picture - on the top of the acrylic rectangle- a centimeter of so in width? I am wondering because I had one similar made of stainless steel. If I want to make a thin sheet of chocolate and put a transfer sheet or an acrylic sheet on the top to make it shiny, in order to paint on or write on, or cut into smaller squares (chocolate paper), would this work to make it even? When I did it Ihad small shallow "valleys" her and there, in the middle parts of the sheet, so the acryllic or guitar sheet didn't touch these areas, and so the shine was lost here and there. If it were a transfer sheet, the design wouldn't have come out on these areas. You are very kind to post a picture- thanks!
  2. I agree- your site and chocolates are lovely! I wish you much success!!
  3. lovely ideas! WOuld it be a hassle to take a photo of the raplette and set up, Luis? And Kerry, is the chamfered acryllic like a spatula or something like an offset one?? Thanks!
  4. Sounds amazing!! I am also waiting to hear and see more!! Thanks!
  5. Well thank you everyone!! So we put olive tree branches with leaves for the "roof" and then the date branches and fruit to decorate. For dinner we had salad- lettuce, red cabbage, red onions, tomatoes, cucumbers and pomegranate seeds, with olive oil and lemon juice. We had a spinich and cheese quiche, cheese lasagna, garlic spaghetti, aspagagus, and various cakes for dessert including baklavah types. Nothing fancy this time. My brother lives in a small community of 90 families on top of a mountain in the Galilee. The town is about 25 years old. The dinner was interesting because a communal huge sukkah was put up by the families and then each family had its own table and brought their own food. After dinner we had "singing in public" that is a translation so it sounds funny, but we hand out songsheets and sing folk songs and someone plays on the guitar and the "darbuka" which is a kind of drum. Hence breakfast was in my brother's sukkah.
  6. Yes those are dates. We cut them off trees that line the streets. At first they are red and then when they turn brown they are ready to eat and are delicious!
  7. We spent sukkot at my brother's house. Here are pictures of breakfast in his sukkah: Pancakes for breakfast...
  8. It was still gritty after melting it and adding cream. It is very odd because I stored it in the melter with the lid ononly to discover a few weeks later that the lid was not properly closed and perhaps the lid is not enough anyway (?). I guess at 80% humidity, that did it. I don't want to burn it, but I just could not melt the grits out!! I tried with my cheapo emulsifier and as luck would have it, the blade fellout and into the chocolate (when it rains, it pours) so now Ihave to get a nice good one, but in the meanwhile I have this goopy mess. I wonder if I should throw it out and forget about it. It is so annoying- good Jivara in such a state! I will have to be more careful about storage. Nothing like experience for a teacher.
  9. I have a large amount of chocolate that got gritty. It wasn't closed well so I assume it got moisture from the air... When I tried melting it I saw blobs and grits- probably sugar and milk-awful!! Even for ganache it is gritty. Should I just say good bye to it? It is about 2 kilos. It is very annoying!
  10. Lior

    Paper liners

    Okay, and where do you get the glassine from? Thanks again!
  11. Oh it is beautiful!! We don't get little pumpkins like that here!! It is very fall looking! And the table shines so they reflect! Thanks for sharing!
  12. Lior

    Paper liners

    Ok got it!! I'll check out her site-thanks!
  13. Lior

    Paper liners

    Yes! I think it is glassine that I want!! Mari cut's it, then uses her label to close the fold I am not following something here... Who is Mari and how does she use her lavel? Sorry! I wonder if these can be made with a logo on. Embossing is lovely but I bet super expensive. Thank you so so much!! I have a lead! Yay!
  14. Lior

    Paper liners

    Thank you Luis! Is this food safe? And what about the printer ink? Would it be okay if a chocolate was placed on it? Do you use it? Thanks, Ilana
  15. For Yom Kippur Eve: To all taking part in this holy day, May you be inscribed in the Book of Life. On this day of repentance, I would like to apologize to anyone I may have hurt, annoyed or insulted. It was never intentional and please know that I am sorry if I caused any hurt.
  16. Lior

    Paper liners

    Ok. The squares are about 0.5 cm in height and 4.5 X 4.5 cm width. He wants a white, milk, dark and milk with orange flavor , one on top of the other. Here is a picture of the box with one square: I cut out a square of paper as an example of what I need between squares of chocolate!!! I will look up vallum as I don't know what it is. Do stickers stick to parchment? This could be an idea... Thanks so much for your interest and trying to help out!!
  17. I am sorry to hear how awful Mr. Kim feels. I did not know he wasn't well. Best wishes for a speedy recovery and much health to you both!
  18. A home made recipe book is a LOVELY gift. I love that idea.
  19. Lior

    Paper liners

    nice idea! However he wants a liner in between each square. The 4 squares are one on top of each other. And this liner that you mention- where do I find it? I think plain liner is good as I can use for other things, and a sticker somewhere somehow for his logo. Thanks for thinking for me!!
  20. Lior

    Paper liners

    Oh boy 10 M minimum order!!! Thanks Pam- it seems like an interesting site to look through! Shana Tova Gmar Hatima Tova (Happy New Year and May you be inscribed in the book of Life)
  21. Lior

    Paper liners

    I am not sure it is hard to tell. I often see them in brown over the top of chocolates in a box. Thanks though!! Itis like a kind of glossy paper.
  22. Hi. My pilot now wants paper liners. In the end he gave up on planes. We now have a thin square of chocolate, with MY logo on it!! He wants 4 squares, each a different chocolate color, one on top of the other - divided in my box with paper liners, upon which he has his logo! Any suggestions of sells these liners? Thin ones, not pads. Thanks!!
  23. That is a gorgeous idea for autumn! We are still sweating at temperatures in the 80's! I want your fall!!! I want squashes with flowers!! Cool fresh breezes and rain!! I guess it will come soon enough...
  24. Thank you! The pomegranates are from my cousin's farm. Every Rosh Hashana he gives me a whole carton full as I just love this fruit- its looks, ist flavor... I use it a lot this time of the year, even in chocolate. To me it is the ultimate gift! If I get one with a perfect crown, I can look at it forever. Dates grow all over so it is so easy to get them. These are a kind called Barhi. You can only eat tehm after you freeze them well. When they defrost they are ready to eat, the more they defrost the softer and more honey-er they get. I love using the season's food for each season. Now it is pomegranate and date season.Also figs, which are considered also a special fruit as there is no pit or peel to waste- you eat it all. New figs are constantly growing and ripening from May to October- always a new fig to pluck!! Again, no waste! Its silly but I love these things!!
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