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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. Liuzhou - can you address the whole wok hei at home question in terms of home cooking in China versus restaurants? The first time I saw someone use a real wok as opposed to the teflon electric ones being demonstrated in stores way back when, it was here in the states on a regular gas stove. I went to pick up my kid and the mom who was born and raised in Taiwan was making dinner. While waiting for the kids to pick up their toys I watched as she cooked a simple beef and gai lan dish. What impressed me was the progression of the ingredients into the pan, the movement of them, and the slicing. I did not have the opportunity to taste it but the smell made my tummy growl in anticipation.
  2. I have converted many to these kitchen brooms that are generally around $5 at Korean and Vietnamese markets. They are flexible and pick up fine things like flour very well. As to the dustpan, I find that to be more about technique.Sweep into dustpan, pull pan back a couple inches and sweep again as needed.
  3. Based on discussion like this one http://forums.egullet.org/topic/118417-woks-buying-caring-and-use-of/?hl=%20wok - it would seem that the type of wok is also a major factor in how the food cooks.
  4. I do not bow to the health guru-gods, and cheese is very much in my life. I think the milk drinking thing is a habit that some kept from childhood and others left behind. I know people who have to stop to pick up milk on the way back from the airport after a trip because somehow a home is not ok without milk in the fridge. The recognition of lactose intolerance may be a factor as well. Then there is the whole bottled water culture competing with the milk culture perhaps?
  5. Another simple marmalade filling would be bitter orange. Sabra liqueur as the filling flavor also sounds good to me.
  6. I like cherries with chocolate. Perhaps simply a cherry marmalade? If you had not already baked them I would have suggested a small hole in the top cookies - just large enough to have a cherry centered in it.
  7. dcarch - I agree that they are superb raw, but the ones I roasted above were at that leaky point - on the way out. I took the rest of the roasted ones and did a simple pasta with some added browned onion, a splash of balsamic, snipped garlic chives and basil, couple spoons of cottage cheese (no ricotta in the house), and a sprinkle of a shaved cheese blend from Trader Joes. I put it back on the heat to melt the cheeses after I took the shot. It was absolutely wonderful. If stepmom snags more of the over ripe romas at bridge this week I will roast them as well.
  8. There are some ideas for both sweet, savory and drinks in this prior topic http://forums.egullet.org/topic/92171-preparing-prickly-pear-tuna-fruit-of-the-cactus/
  9. Our topic which is so large it is in 9 parts is an excellent reference: start here http://forums.egullet.org/topic/145383-sous-vide-recipes-techniques-equipment-part-9/?hl=%2Bsous+%2Bvide
  10. We discussed clear ice in this topic http://forums.egullet.org/topic/136402-clear-ice-is-this-the-answer
  11. I grew up with the kids drinking milk at meals. I think my immigrant parents bought into the constant ads about how necessary it was for children to grow. They grew up dirt poor during war and it was never an option. At grandma's we were not supposed to drink at meals. Something about it filling us up and we would not eat properly. My own kid disliked milk and I never pushed it - National Dairy Council did not sway me. I saw it as along the lines of the Wonderbread ads about building strong bodies 12 I think ways - via the vitamins and minerals added to the dough. Right. ETA: personally water or iced tea
  12. Here I am again. Last year the saba ended up being too sweet for my taste. It was enjoyed by some over ice cream or things like pancakes, but that subtle acid edge was missing. I picked them earlier this year and the grapes themselves have a twinge of tart. We shall see. This is about a quarter of the "harvest". I expect to gift some this year so am going to search for the right vessel. The grapes are in gallon zip-locs in the freezer. Also when I first made this I thought I was some genius discovering a new process. Turns out it is an ancient process and we have discussed it before here: http://forums.egullet.org/topic/102533-saba-cooked-grape-must/?hl=%2Bgrape+%2Bmust
  13. Ruhlman discusses Alton Brown's point of view on this issue which is "We all need to calm the fuck down!" Ruhlman post
  14. This is a link to an older topic - unfortunately many of the images have been lost to off site hosting or software issues but the ideas are interesting http://forums.egullet.org/topic/45243-food-shutter-bug-club/ Looking forward to new ideas.
  15. heidih

    Breakfast! 2013

    That is something I have not heard before - can you describe the taste of the bamboo liquid?
  16. I have never done slow roasted tomatoes, usually managing to eat them raw. The romas I was gifted with today were over ripe. I decided to slow roast them and they are lovely. They were done for an hour and a half at 325 with olive oil, salt, fresh cracked pepper, thyme, rosemary and garlic. The only miss was the garlic - I should have held it back as it got that burnt flavor - maybe add last half hour. Lat shot is a poor one of some of the tomatoes on toasted sourdough.
  17. NO - they will start fermenting pretty quick at room temp
  18. Here is the wiki bit about the 2 major producers we would see in the US and Gold "In 2006, Del Monte announced its withdrawal from pineapple cultivation in Hawaii, leaving only Dole and Maui Pineapple Company in Hawaii as the USA's largest growers of pineapples. Maui Pineapple Company markets its Maui Gold brand of pineapple and Dole markets its Hawaii Gold brand of pineapple."
  19. If you are in the US, the Gold is a branded thing that Dole did. Was it a Dole pineapple?
  20. heidih

    Dinner! 2013 (Part 4)

    Anna I saw that David Lebovitz post and was planning to make the dressing. Did you make any changes and how did you like it?
  21. A simple but satisfying lunch today was leftover raw kale salad (lacinto kale, roasted almonds, Feta, dried Montmorency cherries and an oil & vinegar dressing upped with garlic, cracked pepper and lemon zest), toasted sourdough with Seville orange marmalade, and onions browned in olive oil with egg whites and snipped garlic chives from the garden. I am not opposed to whole eggs; I just enjoy whites only on occasion as a binder for the other ingredients. The black kale was much greener than it appears.
  22. I keep this flea market cutie on the counter and use for garlic, peppercorns and other spices, herbs and citrus zests - the list goes on. It is good for a small quantity, just needs a rinse, and as noted - it is cute. I am way too much of a klutz to use the knife smash method.
  23. My inbox is empty.....
  24. I knew I read this somewhere before......on eGullet Prior discussion: http://forums.egullet.org/topic/134309-dont-rinse-raw-chicken-says-bfsa-cfia-usda/
  25. I have heard this several times over the years. The washing is an ingrained habit for many I think. The theory about germ distribution and not washing makes sense. Has it changed your chicken practice?
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