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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. That is really interesting n the shrimp head fat. What a flavor game changer. Around here I think the orange color is from tamarind.
  2. Do you have Diana Kennedy's Oaxaca al Gusto? Beans every which way. https://utpress.utexas.edu/books/kenoax
  3. @dcarch The composition and nutritional value of both manure and compost vary by what went into making them (including the age of the animal) so there is no direct side by side though some suggest that the NPK of compost is richer. I imagine access and quantity needed are major factors with gardeners using the most convenient.
  4. heidih

    Dinner 2018

    Yes the advert for Rice A Roni was someone hanging off a cable car on a hill in SF singing the jingle. We had it on occasion. It got my mom into the mode of pilaf using Uncle Ben's converted rice which yields a more al dente grain. Lightly sauteed first in butter or margarine and then water and flavoring was added. Pretty foolproof.
  5. I really like lamb, esp shanks. For some reason goat has not made it onto my plate. There are a number of Halal grocers and Hispanic grocers nearby that carry it and a friend has touted them. I recall chardgirl's excellent blog featuring a goat centered meal and was enticed by this Roads & Kingdoms piece. http://roadsandkingdoms.com/2018/sheep-go-to-heaven-let-goats-into-your-kitchen/ Soon! Anyone here a fan?
  6. What is the dip? I limit my Frito consumption to a yearly nursery tour bus trip otherwise it could be Fritos & dip for dinner every night Oh the unlatchd fridge... We had one of those little 6 pack campers that sit in a truck bed. The labrador was back there when the beer bottles came flying out and opened the caps just enough to turn it into a geyser situation.. We didn't hear anything but Murphy was in complete panic; practically tried to squeeze himself through the little connector window to the cab.
  7. Oh and I handed the book (my old copy) to my son one summer. He needed to prove responsibility to a demanding father... He chose the bunny salad (the one with the canned pear halves). He walkd the mile to the grocery store, and learned to use a manual can opener. Many phone calls later he proudly presented it to his grandparents. I was at work, they took no pictures - grrrr. Then I handed him Julia Child's Mastering the art of French Cooking Volume 2 and asked him to make baguettes. He did, they were good. We had family visiting so he got to share his success. Happy memories. He was maybe 10 or 11 at that time.
  8. I always helped. Great grandma was the chief cook. Made her own soup noodles every week. Definately helped washing dishes while standing on a chair by the sink. But my first "solo" was making my way through the Betty Crocker Boys and Girls Cookbook. The passion has only intensified over the years. This one: Betty Crocker's New Boys and Girls Cookbook
  9. I could certainly be wrong but the fat float as I've read about is common and desired. Along the lines of getting a bowl of pho with no little round fat droplets floatng - you are in for a flat taste. It is not attractive to Western tastes oftentimes. Who is your customer base?
  10. Thank you all - makes more sense now
  11. I know this has come up before but I do not recall the answer. I tend to buy frozen fish fillets that are individually vacuum packaged. They all say to remove from pack before thawing. Why?
  12. I am not posting this to engage in political discussion, but if you agree with the message WOW it is a bargain https://www.penzeys.com/online-catalog/penzeys-american-heart-and-soul-box/c-24/p-3121/pd-gb I think it is free in the stores versus online thru today or tomorrow
  13. heidih

    Dinner 2018

    Now I'm craving the cordycep panchan from the Korean mart.
  14. Madhur Jaffrey's older vegetarian cookbook has a number of meat subs and is really good overall. I am a big fan of her work. Madhur Jaffrey's World-of-the-East Vegetarian Cooking
  15. Yes Songkran. If you've never experienced the water festivities well... make a point. I accidentally stumbled upon it at the huge temple in Hollywood. The food!!! https://www.tripsavvy.com/songkran-festival-los-angeles-4157756
  16. Sara Moulton in today's podcast with Ed Levine says she eats 6 I think peanut ones as lunch dessert every day - my hero . I lived on the things in law school. Don't agree with her need for them to be frozen!
  17. heidih

    Dinner 2018

    Oh Norm! I remember my first tempura at a dinner party when I was maybe 14 (remember those) given by a neighbor. Adventurous Caucasian woman. She did it well and it was paced simply by the logistics of only so much going into oil at once. We ate a ton. On a similar note my mom and a friend did a fondue party that had the cheese style but also the boiling oil for skewered beef! It was dramatic
  18. heidih

    $5 Meal Challenge

    Yup - Kim Severson in her memoir "Spoon Fed" describes salmon as the zucchini of Alaska
  19. heidih

    Bastard condiments?

    I can testify to enjoying the mayo/pesto mix - usually on grilled veggie sandwiches or with french fries or boiled tiny potatoes.
  20. Here is the second part of the interview
  21. heidih

    $5 Meal Challenge

    Holy crud kids! - it is just a discussion idea; not a suggested lifestyle. I think $5 is a bit artificial as food costs vary per posts above. Our food costs in the US are very artificially low in some aspects. My sister in Australia goes into shock every time she visits Los Angeles. That said, I have had some of my most enjoyable and inspired meals when challenged by my pantry. I keep a very minimal food supply which is stupid when you live in earthquake country but I love food shopping Last year I was housebound for a week and chose not to ask friends to deliver groceries or to use a delivery service. I foraged greens from the property which were abundant since we had a true rainy season for a change. I got in touch with simplicity and clean flavors. I pulled out Patience Gray's "Honey From a Weed". I brewed tea from the citrus blossoms. I used my citrus fruit for both flavor and acidity. I certainly spent less than $5/meal and I ate very well. Butter, oliv oil, beans, some pepperoni hidden in the freezer, pasta, homemade bread, eggs, and other simple things lovingly prepared and eaten when hungry are soul satisfying. Admittedly I used the lone can of Cream of Mushroom soup my stepmother left behind....and I liked what it did to some dishes!
  22. Yes I can bake y'all under the table but some things in a mix (hello Jif) are just super easy, economical, and delicious. Kroger does a brownie mix for 79cents! that I augment with all kinds of flavorings like grated tangerine zest, warm spices like cinnamon and cadomom, coffee - the list goes on. And baking at 375 makes drool worthy drop cookies. I bake my own bread and do most everything from scratch but....
  23. There was no discussion of peanut allergies in the common vernacular of the 60's and 70's so not a reason I'd bet
  24. Growing up that is how everyone immediately recognized peanutbutter cookies - the fork crosshatch.
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