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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. Ha - my neighbor came over the other day and asked if I'd given permission for several hives to be placed by my stable which is across the road and down in the other canyon so not obvious.... really?!? I'm all for urban bee keeping and had bees for years in the past - but hello - ask permission... @ProfessionalHobbit Damn - couldn't get to market today. So jealous. I know the one farm from Fresno would have had incredible 'maters. The bees in both chimney well that is a whole other story...
  2. Yes! Bountiful & abundant! a pleasure to see
  3. The 96 year old wants to fudge around with the problem burner. He thinks it is "plugged up". No boiling over has occurred. Its a 4 year old Bosch stovetop and the issue is at the most frequently used front right burner. It clicks and clicks- gas is coming out -can smell it so seems like an ignition issue. I am3 mechanically challenged. Any thoughts?
  4. I like both Madeleine Kamman's and Melissa Clark's takes on snails: MK: Quoting from "When French Women Cook" where she describes an incident with the purging snails: "One boring Sunday afternoon , I succumbed to the temptation to remove the weight. By seven o'clock when we came back from some venture, the walls were decorated with the trails of climbing snails. I got spanked, hated live snails forever, and felt vindicated when they appeared in soups and sizzling in pastry shells". MC: Quoting from "In the Kitchen with a Good Appetite": "...we did relish dipping nuggets of crusty baguette into the molten. garlicky, green-flecked snail butter., of course. ....Years later, I feel the same, and am convinced that the only reason to order snails a la bourgignon is to sop up the butter surrounding them, then unload the snails to your tablemates, passing them off as delicacies"
  5. I often am in same position but in your case - so excellent the vision tasted good. That CSO is apprently magical I was imagining soggy stuff
  6. Check out all the useless but semi-interesting and amusing gadjets on "as seen on TV".... https://www.collectionsetc.com/products/as-seen-on-tv/kitchen-products
  7. @Darienne brosing through Melissa Clark's "In the Kitchen with a Good Appetite" her pesnutbutter chocolate pie popped up. It is a chocolate crust with a cream cheese and whipped cram based filling - not frozen. You can find the recipe here https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/recipe/karens-peanut-butter-pie-11766797
  8. heidih

    Dinner 2018

    Meatballs sound interesting. They hold together in the broth?
  9. heidih

    Dinner 2018

    @Okanagancook According to Nathan in Food & Wine - don't sweat the brand https://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/quick-aged-grilled-rib-eyes
  10. My first reaction as well!
  11. Linking part 2 https://www.seriouseats.com/2018/06/special-sauce-david-lebovitz-on-blogging-cookbooks-and-moving-to-paris.html
  12. heidih

    Pig Ears

    Coincidentally just discussed and pressure cooker works Serious Eats https://www.seriouseats.com/2018/06/the-big-apple-inn-a-little-mississippi-diner-with-an-outsize-history.html
  13. Oh yes we are just crying for you! Hello freezer jam
  14. Ha! why are all the killed ones female - not inciting drama but tis interesting. Chickens v. roosters, cows v. bulls, Oftentimes probably just nomenclatyre as both sexes are on the table
  15. Ha! well if ya wanta go natural there is good reading in this article about a trip Euell Gibbons took with a journalist https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1968/04/06/a-forager
  16. heidih

    Dinner 2018

    Recipe into Recipe Gullet re meatballs? I like the look & sound
  17. Ack @Shelby That refridgerated sushi is gummy and tasteless. Save your craving for when you get that expense-paid round trip ticket to NYC or Los Angeles
  18. I get a trade magazine that has had articles about the drones & robotics that have been tested and refined for some time. Hello northern European innovators - quite fascinating.
  19. We have had some spectcular Italian adventures in cooking but they are older. Thought I'd link the index here. Perhaps inspirational. https://forums.egullet.org/topic/58961-a-year-of-italian-cooking/?page=34&tab=comments#comment-1115010
  20. Soneone up-topic mentioned Baked Alaska. I did it once! I was about 16 and "baby-sitting" a brilliant 10 year old; trying very hard to keep her interested and engaged. The kind that goes on to be accepted at several Ivy League universities. I pulled out the Betty Crocker and suggested we try it. I'd never made baked meringue before other than those crunchy meringue drop cookies. It turned out quite well though none of the adults had ever heard of it and thought I was a bit "odd'. The girl was happily engaged in the lengthy process for the duration. This was the inspiration from the book:
  21. Ooh - bobbleheaded owl makes sense - had not seen. Those stationary one are a joke. I've seen seagulls and crows land on them and....
  22. heidih


    Fascinating. I had no idea
  23. Yup - recycling can be a minefield. It sounds great but you have to consider all the associated costs/options.
  24. Since Los Angeles is a major port, pallets are like gold here. An entire industry is centered around re-habbing them for re-use. Also Pinterest projects have made them trendy. Have to be careful also about the chemicals if repurposing.
  25. heidih

    All Things Mushroom

    Stepbrother returned from Poland last night and gifted us these dried mushrooms. I'm going to grind some for "flavor powder" , make a riff on XO sauce, and we are planning soup tonight. USDA beagle snagged the sausages..... ETA: image
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