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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. A special sandwich can be SO satisfying. I have a few simple ones. I am aways quoting Melissa Clark- so again MC quoting her mom: "Good sandwiches are like interesting people, unpredictable and filled with surprises" "Each bite should be a little different, otherwise it gets boring"
  2. heidih

    Dinner 2018

    @lindag Although my gardening mantra is "Water is Not Love", my kitchen mantra is: Water Works Wonders" - in the case of too thick PB based sauce cold water is your friend as with tahini
  3. heidih

    Dinner 2018

    And cut the lemon around the equator!
  4. I like the contrasting textures of the 2 shellfish. Did you steam together or? Going to make every effort to get to Farmers Market sunday where they sell local mussels - cultivated off-shore http://blogs.kcrw.com/goodfood/2017/06/catalina-sea-ranch-mussels/
  5. 3 places live in my heart: Singapore, Corsica (Ajaccio) and New Orleans. You hit 1 out of 3- thank you! ETA: corrected math - it is hot here- my excuse
  6. The fact that you guys ate while in such distress is a true testament to your "foodie chops". We got it in Cancun on honeymoon....subsisted on bottled seltzer water for several days... All of the food presentation looks very thoughtful. Jealous of the variety of flavors you've sampled!
  7. Here the space they tend to negotiate is at just below eye level and in the produce section; highlighting the "healthy" aspect...
  8. Eater shared a taste of Macus Samuellson's ne ahow
  9. Correlationstudiesn piss off scientists more than pus!
  10. George is lovely. Dill/fennel is usuaaly swallowtail. Nice lush garden
  11. That makes sense in a hot humid place - kind of like when we swim lychee and loquats in icy water and sit around eating them on a miserable weather day
  12. A dragonfruit with taste - that is interesting! Can you describe?
  13. I've never had good luck with beef shank. I adore lamb and veal shank, but I've never been able to coaks the gelatinous goodness out of it. OOOPS - ETA: out of beef shank. Veal and lamb always wonderful
  14. Those thick chewy looking airport noodles have burrowed their way into my taste brain! The seafood is lovely :0 Thank you! Yes, the incessant hawking is beyond annoying. In the 80's we flew into Mexico City. Between the little children begging "Chickles, chickles (chewing gum)" and the overflowing toilet I insisted we leave immeditely and hightail it to Vancouver. Of course the odd path of travel set off alarms with the DEA so I was practically strip-searched in Customs. At least the food and views in Vancouver were worth it
  15. But the OP wanted the floofy puffy ones. I can get heart stopping (cardiac & taste wise) ones buit the puffy light a asir ones are not generally the "artisan"
  16. Isn't the new Ottolenghi a sweets book?
  17. Those glass jars are So cool.i'm a glass whore. Don' get me near a Chahuly exhibit or my California couple Walker & Bowes http://walkerandbowes.com/main/ I have one of their conch shells. Makes me happy every day!
  18. Probably putting my foot in my mouth but holy heck shrimp cooks in less than 5 minutes - why sous vide? Maybe reboil the shells for a stock. Grits are pretty much corn porridge - if you're feeling special maybe go for Anson Mills or Bob's - recipe on the bag/boxFlavorings as you like. It is comfort food, not "fancy".
  19. heidih

    Dinner 2018

    I had 2 old pear trees and they were so big that I couldn't cull so lots and lots of little guys. My neighbor introduced me to baking the halves with a touch of butter, sugar, and cardomom. A frequent evening treat, They were a tad grainy for out of hand eating
  20. heidih

    Dinner 2018

    @HungryChris Pretty much want to live with you - hopefully your wife is understanding I am also a fan of using the herb blossoms - they had such interesting notes
  21. Ha! or with pollinator drones https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2017/03/03/517785082/rise-of-the-robot-bees-tiny-drones-turned-into-artificial-pollinators
  22. Thanks to ALL! Will try both manual lighting and toothpick when daylight arrives. I have to unfortunately involve the "all-knowing" 95 year old but I will force him to read your responses which make such practical sense. As noted I am mechanically challenged though my paternal relatives are all lauded engineers and scientists... He is a bit full of humself with the current status of Croatia in the WorldCup....
  23. Recent podcast/interview by my favorite person Margaret Roach re slugs - just the overturned paper...beer works too The slug bit is pretty far down. Love the ant info as well. These folks have a decent grip on reality
  24. Ummm every Hispanic/Latin market I've ever been to has them and they are tasty. Even my 99 Cent store has excellent ones. I can't get there for a bit or I'd send some. They generally come in plain (still flavorful) and spicy
  25. s noted I am a mechanical moron. I can build an Eric Owen Moss or Thom Mayne fantasy but the stove... So the white thing is the igniter right?There is no way to lift stovetop.
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