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Everything posted by gfweb

  1. Yes. Me too. Not hard at all to make your own. I keep some frozen for when I need a reuben or an Irish stir fry for breakfast.
  2. Irish stir fry for St. Patrick Corned beef, potatoes, onions with a sriracha/ketchup glaze
  3. Its all about the lines. Good for them. Bad for me.
  4. The idea of drying out the meat is a complicated one. There's actual water loss that occurs but there's also a texture change that makes overcooked meat seem dry when chewed. One of the points of a steam oven is to minimize the water loss, but you can still overcook in one of them. The base of your meat sitting on veg will only be exposed to 212F (boiling) until the veg have all their water cooked out, so it won't overcook too easily. But it won't cook at the rate of the 350F air-exposed meat up top. In essence the bottom will be braised and the top roasted.
  5. gfweb

    Dinner 2015 (Part 1)

    Exactly my method, Anna.
  6. Interesting link and theory of barking. Might be true. Only weakness is that he presents it as though it is a truth, unless I missed it there is no actual experiment or testing to see if the idea is correct.
  7. gfweb

    Dinner 2015 (Part 1)

    BKE-great stuff! Smokers Deli has a PA Dutch sound to it. Bet that scrapple is the real thing.
  8. I suspect bark is more Maillard than dessication.
  9. gfweb

    Dinner 2015 (Part 1)

    Salmon steamed over onions, diced baked tomato and shaved carrot in white wine sauce, butternut squash, mashed yukons. Tasted way better than it photographed
  10. Say over the past month, what books have you turned to repeatedly? With the exception of Bittman which I use for cooking times mostly, they all are more for inspiration and interest than specific recipes, although I use them for that too. Mine are: How To Cook Everything- in which I usually don't quite like the recipes and have to tweak them. Flour and Water (thanks Okanagancook) for its great stuff on pasta. Think Like a Chef- which has helpful discussions as well as great recipes. Top Chef contestants would do well to memorize it. It predicts what Tom will love and hate. Rustic Italian Food- Marc Vetri's really excellent thoughts on food in general, pasta, and salumi. Jacques Pepin's Table- No explanation needed. Great recipes.
  11. Oh please. BBQ is the opposite of sous vide insofar as it is hard to reproduce BBQ results without lots of experience. Its all cooking. One is well-worked out and teachable and one is more soul than science. Which is more admirable, Grasshopper?
  12. gfweb

    Breakfast! 2015

    The dog got some of the eggs because he always does.
  13. That's kinda yellow in spots....
  14. gfweb

    Dinner 2015 (Part 1)

    Duck breast with lingonberry sauce, farfalle, sprouts
  15. gfweb

    Breakfast! 2015

    Omelet with Mexican chorizo to warm up a nasty morning. Rotuts, we just got all the snow you ordered, where can I send it?
  16. Carrot tops have a unique taste. Kind of astringent, but not in that oxalate kind of way. Vaguely in the dill spectrum, but different. Maybe use a little in a cole slaw..... Nah.
  17. I know nothing about industry standards. That aside, it seems like you get to promote to his customers and he gets access to your customers that are in his area....so both benefit somewhat. I'd ask for a fair number. $750 does have a nice sound. But if you don't get the answers you want, you can't back out at this point without taking a reputation hit. Would that be significant? I don't know. Probably not. But I'd lean toward going on with the dinner in any event and being a stickler on hammering out terms when the next gig is offered. Do you have any expenses from doing this dinner?
  18. Is the dinner for a charity? Might change the host's expectations of your compensation.
  19. With a very few exceptions our contractors have been like Mr. Haney on Green Acres.
  20. We are about due for a new dishwasher. We have a 25 year old Maytag that still works fine, but is getting noisier. Never a good sign. The end is near. That's about 9000 hard water loads with never a hiccup. Impressive. But from looking at CR and at the comments here I think a Bosch is in our future. Are there any issues with septic systems and dishwasher choice?
  21. gfweb

    Dinner 2015 (Part 1)

    Looks tasty, scoob. I googled sachicha and got nothing relevant. How's it different?
  22. Filet tip "pizza" with horseradish / bacon / onion jam
  23. Back in the 70s, a friend had a fireplace filled with Mateus bottles plugged with candles. Might've been a Lancer's rose in the lot too. Very romantic,in an urban grad student kind of way.
  24. I only drink Bloody Marys when above 25000 ft. Somehow better aloft. And they never put frigging celery in them up there, so there's that.
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