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  1. Because 'science'!
  2. Thanks for the heads up! Maybe I should sign up for Netflix again.
  3. Not sure you need something this 'fancy' but the most common food release spray I've seen in restaurants is Vegalene. It's not going to be the least expensive option though.
  4. Would have never thought to make Carmel sauce this way! Reminds me of confiture de lait which is a favorite treat. I'll have to try it
  5. At over 1k pages he definitely gets into both art and history
  6. Def not an expert either but I really enjoyed Rasarumah close to DTLA
  7. I don't know about substituting rye in an existing cake but I have rye chocolate chip cookies recipe that I love & the flavors do go really well together! Another combination I saw quite a bit when I visited Paris last was Buckwheat and Chocolate in cakes or other desserts. Personally I would look for recipes that that have been developed for those grains in particular https://www.poilane.com/en/blogs/blog/gateau-de-seigle-chocolat
  8. I have made a fried leek ice cream in a pacojet maybe 20 years ago! It was fried leeks that were a little too dark to use for service that went into a creme anglaise i made off the top of my head. Don't remember the details but the chef loved it so we paired it an onion gratin with 5 types of onions. Topped with some fish and a quenelle of the fried leek ice cream
  9. An individual gratin of leeks and haddock maybe! Sounds delicious
  10. Hot or cold barley tea is nice
  11. I have way to many cookbooks but here are a couple of the latest
  12. I think this is the answer personally
  13. It's all I use. For me it stands out most in simple preparations like that
  14. There are several I would never be with out but would put an umbrella over the Fennel family: Fennel seed, Lucknow fennel seed and fennel pollen
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