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    Tallinn, Estonia

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  1. Pille


    Thank you, Franci! That terrine looks intriguing - we make "sült" or jellied meat with pork legs and hocks etc, but I can see that oxtail would work brilliantly as well!
  2. Oh, thank you, Heidi (And apologies for being such a bad eG user this year - I've just given birth to our third baby - and my oldest is just 3 y 9 m, so I'm being kept very busy)
  3. Pille


    Bookmarking this recipe right no, to use with my next lot of oxtail. But here's another wonderful oxtail dish, oxtail ragout with celeriac mash. Highly recommended!
  4. We made a croquembouche for the New Year's Eve - pate choux recipe from Dorie Greenspan's "Around my French table", pastry cream filling and spun sugar "strips" holding the whole thing together. Quite a showstopper and really yummy!
  5. David's strawberry and sour cream ice cream has been a staple summer ice cream since 2008. Love it!!!!
  6. It's an excellent book - just like all other books by Clauda Roden!! I've made the lentil and rice soup with fried onions (makhlouta) from the Lebanese chapter: It was over a year ago, but I remember how surprised I was that something with so few and humble ingredients would taste as delicious!
  7. Pille

    Maison Pic

    He had a great meal @ Maison Pic last August, that is, a year ago Here is a little photo review, though some of our impressions may be a little faded by now. Upon arrival we had some nibbles in the courtyard, while our room was being prepared. From left to right: tomato & lemon macaroon, basil & ricotta sphere, peanut marshmallow, foie gras & apple: Nut bowls: My lunch and dinner companions - we were travelling with our 7-month old daughter After settling into our room, we went for lunch at Maison Pic's bistrot, Bistrot Le 7: Le tarte fine croustillante de saumon salma, légumes croquants aux aromates (for me): Les tomates de variétés anciennes, crémeux de mozzarella di bufala (for him): Le poitrine de veau, confite aux aromates, etuvée fondante de fenouils et poivrons rouges (for me): (for him): Amuse bouche: Le fraisier version 2009; biscuit pistache, sorbet basilic (for me): Fromage (for him): I cannot remember the cost of lunch, but it was all excellent and flavoursome, so we didn't really care Three generations of chefs: Dinner much later that night. We had the "news menu" (it was all part of the overnight package deal). Sorry for the quality of the photos - there wasn't any natural light and you can really see the difference between photos taken during the lunch and dinner. Veal sweetbread: Foie gras Lobster tail in a spicy broth: Excellent fish dish with cucumber: Rinse-bouche: coffee granita with limoncello foam: A very pretty dessert with raspberry sorbet: Mignardises: Cheese: Overall the food was very tasty. We appreciated that Anne-Sophie Pic came to personally greet us and speak about the difficulties of travelling and dining out with a baby She had seen our little daughter, sleeping at the Reception (we asked about being allowed in with the baby and they assured us it's fine and that they're happy to babysit the baby during our meal. Very thoughtful). However, when looking at the visual side of the meal, it was all quite pared down and beige-brown. We had another 3-star meal during our trip (@ Regis Marcon), which was visually much more entertaining and impressive (our only other comparison is with lunch @ El Bulli in 2008). The only 'eye candy' was the dessert. The breakfast was also excellent: Would happily go and stay and lunch and dine there again, any day
  8. Sorry, Elfin, never spotted this thread of yours - otherwise I could have recommended some places in Estonia. Where did you go and what did you have? It would be great to hear more!!
  9. We will be in Basel next week, and would appreciate any updated recommendations re: coffee shops and nice restaurants - what's hot and what's not just now? We'll continue upwards through Alsace region towards Köln/Bonn eventually, but will be spending two days in Basel in the middle of next week. Printing out all the thread above - joshlh's comments seem especially helpful - but any other tips would be appreciated, too.
  10. Some of the recent desserts in Nami-Nami kitchen: Tarte aux Myrtilles aka French Blueberry/Bilberry Tart: Estonian Strawberry Roulade: Strawberries with Amaretto cream and crushed meringues: Strawberries with Elderflower Zabaglione: Strawberries in Cointreau syrup:
  11. Pille

    Dinner! 2009

    I'm happy to see Alinka back as well As we've got a small baby at home, the food has become less tricky, with more focus on light and quick dishes. Last night it was root vegetable soup with mustardy meatballs, followed by a slice of Tarte aux Myrtilles (or French Bilberry Tart) .
  12. Well, Chufi has been to Tallinn and wrote a whole thread about it here on eGullet (PS It was great meeting her and Verjuice!) I've just posted a list of recommendations for this summer's eating in Tallinn - in case anyone's interested, then it can be found here on my blog.
  13. Pille

    Dinner! 2009

    Nice colors, SobaAddict! Dinner last night - warm gingered carrot salad with feta cheese: Tonight I settled for a light salad of cottage cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers and basil leaves, with some freshly baked rosemary bread on the side.
  14. Pille

    Dinner! 2009

    Buckwheat and Tuna Salad for dinner, followed by some rhubarb fruit soup.
  15. Sure! Great everyday spots that I cross town for include Hanedan, a Turkish restaurant on the southside of town. We invariably eat mezze and then grilled things. Cheap and lovely. ← Cathrine, you just made me very "homesick", if I can say so. I lived in Edinburgh for 7 years (have now been back to Estonia for 2,5 years). Hanedan opened during my last year in Scotland, and I was a frequent visitor there (living in Marchmont, it was close by). I've been back to Edinburgh twice since then, and have never failed to visit Hanedan I wrote about it on my blog back in 2006, too. Glad to hear it's still thriving!!!
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