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Kerry Beal

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    http://www.thechocolatedoctor.ca http://www.eztemper.com

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    Ontario, Canada

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  1. Chocolot Kerry Beal alleguede RobertM Eat.Choui GRiker AmyCaaaaakes md8232 curls RWood (hopeful) Robdoc000 tikidoc (maybe) Gwbyls Audrey Brown (hopeful) lambrecht gourmet
  2. No - it's in the initial feedings that fast turnover makes for less sour. And yes - once you have established your starter you can store it in the fridge and bring it out and feed it as needed.
  3. Correct - and I got my initial starter from Anna who did all the work on establishing it.
  4. I'd say that's bang on - now if we go back into the baking from flour, water, salt and yeast thread - I very quickly decided there was no way in hell I was going to feed the monster everyday and discard most of it over and over again - so I feed when I need it and keep it in the fridge the rest of the time. Forkish thread
  5. Starter that just hasn't been allowed to become terribly sour.
  6. I've been doing a lot with not very sour sourdough lately for a friend who is having to eat low FODMAP. No cinnamon rolls so far but I wouldn't be afraid to try.
  7. Where do you live? Maybe someone can give you some starter to save you the aggravation of starting your own?
  8. You want to get it with the scroll pump not the oil pump
  9. Chocolot Kerry Beal RobertM Eat.Choui GRiker AmyCaaaaakes md8232 curls RWood (hopeful) Robdoc000 tikidoc (maybe) Gwbyls Audrey Brown (hopeful)
  10. Chocolot Kerry Beal RobertM Eat.Choui GRiker AmyCaaaaakes md8232 curls RWood (hopeful) Robdoc000 tikidoc (maybe) Gwbyls
  11. Chocolot Kerry Beal RobertM Eat.Choui GRiker AmyCaaaaakes md8232 curls RWood (hopeful) Robdoc000 tikidoc (maybe)
  12. Kerry Beal

    Wine Gums

    I would agree that wine gums are less elastic and chewy/rubbery than gummies. Tough comes to mind.
  13. Chocolot Kerry Beal RobertM Eat.Choui GRiker AmyCaaaaakes md8232 curls RWood (hopeful) Robdoc000
  14. Chocolot Kerry Beal RobertM Eat.Choui GRiker AmyCaaaaakes md8232 curls RWood (hopeful)
  15. Realize I should get the list started. Chocolot Kerry Beal RobertM Eat.Choui GRiker AmyCaaaaakes md8232 curls
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