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  1. racheld

    US Thanksgiving 2021

    I would. Just get your dear Mr. into that Transporter, and whiz over here. We could sorta approximate that April in 2009 when you stepped out into our back yard and we all changed course a little bit, I think. (Of course, the only caveat is that if you could see my house, you wouldn't eat my cookin'!). We've just let things go for so long, with "keeping no company, having no horse, no servants, just this snug little cottage," that things are too out of order, kilter, sorts, hand, place, and control to have anyone in. Scarce a soul has passed our doorstep save the postman and Amazon, for here these nearly two years. How about we have it on the HOLODECK!!?? There's the ticket---all those replicators and settings and easy-peasy EHL GREY, HOTT. I'm for that, and I'm wavering between being Lwaxana Troi and Jadzea. I'll check my closet. Moire non of how things REALLY are, in a less public forum. I'm giddy with the prospect of going out, I think---Kathy and I are going on some errands and to lunch---first time in years, and my first venture into someone else's vehicle in a long time. She's picking me up at ten, so I'd best go finish getting ready. Love to Y'ALL, from way over here!!
  2. liuzhou, Yes, indeed, it IS! I'm so sorry to hear that it's been taken down---I see that Mike Petro, writer/creator/crafter/artist) of the actual piece is actually absent from the group, as well--- his last post was in 2011, I believe. Thank you so much---I cannot imagine how you found that after so long. My Dad instilled in me a love of all kinds of wood---he could SMELL it and tell the cure and the type and we always asked him for the COUNTY it grew in. 😊 THANK YOU for the excellent tracking service! r
  3. Chiming in after several years with a request: Can anyone refer me to the link for that absolutely magnificent Tea Service (board) made by a member several years ago? It was one of the most beautiful pieces of woodworking I've ever seen, and I likened it to a glossy wolf in its curves and shine. I should very much like to see it again. Thanks! racheld
  4. racheld


    Oh, My Heavens, D-for Darlin'! This is simply unimaginagle---I can smell all the fabulous aromas from here, and hear nothing but sighs, crunches and smacks. What a splendid menu---so imaginative and put together with an expert eye and hand. Oh. My. Just signing in to say Congratulations and WELL DONE. I hope you're all well, and can see that you are supremely happy and prospering. That BRIGHTS me so much. love from the Heartland, rachel -
  5. AWWW, Sweetpea! What a treat just at bedtime!! It's a lovely chronicle of whatever was in front of as we talked and laughed and talked and giggled, guffawed, chuckled and hee-hawed our way through the week. My face hurt from laughing, and it was all such happy chaos, running back and forth between two floors (did you mention that my kitchen has been out of commission for two months?? and whatever we needed---including water or ice or the forgotten thing---was always either up or down eleven steps. We did barely anything of all the notes and plans I made for months before, of cooking and planning and going and doing, and just flowed right along with all the fun of a full house and crowded table. Loved it. And Y'all. r
  6. racheld

    Dinner 2015 (Part 2)

    Absolutely splendiferous, M'Darlin! Everything is simply perfect, and perfectly co-ordinated for a lovely repast. And I'm so glad that Little Green Teapot has such a wonderful new home. r
  7. Oh, MY STARS! We haven't met, and I seldom check in to comment, but this is simply marvelous! I'm not familiar with the lovely, intricate bread, but the entire table is absolutely perfect, down to my MOTHER'S china! The devilled eggs, the three-bean salad, the pineapple-upside-down-cake, the sweet potatoes and the GREEN "Pink Salad" lend an air of The Perfect Southern Easter Dinner, almost all of which appeared on our own table this year. The photo is simply so nostalgia-perfect of all my years in the South, and I thank you for these lovely memories, all captured in one welcoming, beautiful table. rachel
  8. Kerry, I haven't looked in a quite a while, and it's so good to see you two still having such a lovely friendship and such wonderful outings. rachel
  9. Beyond imagination---it feels like my time with the Grandchildren, cramming a whole month into a few days so as to get all the possible goodness. I'm SO glad that you two got to share this trip of a lifetime, though I hope you another as soon as possible. C'est Magnifique! rrrrrr
  10. Ahhh, the surfeit and the abundance and the tongue-curling photos and descriptions! The crudite and aioli---in Paris, radishes are a revelation---and the dessert plate and the cheeses would have been enough, but THIS. . Just looking into Herme' IS akin to a jewelry-shop, but I could have taken EVERY SINGLE tomato in that market stall home. In a bag. Past airport screeners, if necessary. Thank you for all the sharing of your lovely adventures. love and, r
  11. Oh, Baby Girl! I've signed in for the first time in a coupla years, just to admire and applaud. I DO love your posts and photos and all your adventures. r
  12. I just peeked in to comment on the lovely creations Y'all have been posting. Caro told me that they were spectacular, and they're just wonderful. Kim---your coconut cake!!! That's the most scrumptious-looking cut cake I've seen in a LONG time---it just begs for stray fingers to sneak some of those lovely crumbs. Just beautiful, everyone!! rachel
  13. Absolutely Breeeelyant, Maggie, as always. Your mastery of the concept and the execution is impressive, but not surprising. And your research and knowledge are a formidable team with your incomparable way with words. I learned to make White Sauce at a very young age, in exactly the same 1-2-3 over-the-shoulder that you did; my Mammaw would be boning chicken for a la King, or skinning the tiny blanched pearl onions (specially ordered once a year, for Christmas Dinner---no canned mush for HER table). After about the second “making” I noticed that she just kept right on with her work, humming along with the radio, and I remember the tight feeling in my chest as the swell of pride in my kitchen independence almost overwhelmed me. I’d made cakes and cornbread and biscuits by myself for ages, but WHITE SAUCE! Ladies talked about how hard it was in WMU and at Bridge at my friend’s house, while we hid and listened and snuck little sandwiches. It was mentioned so often, for so many dishes, I’d thought it was some kind of formula you’d have to learn in college. I way later learned the word Bechamel from Italian neighbors---the ones who taught me to make ravioli from scratch, and pizzelle and latugi. They sang out the word so rapidly as we started putting together the lasagna---Besh’-meh---that I had to ask several times, so I could look it up. And it was good ole White Sauce. I used the word for quite some time back when I was catering parties---I’d rattle it off myself like I assumed they knew it, too, and it FELT impressive. But when I got back to my own old Franklin, melting the butter gently in the big wide skillet, using a worn-down old wooden paddle to keep every fleck of flour constantly moving---I was standing in that familiar old kitchen in that tiny shotgun house, hearing the words long unspoken, “One Tablespoon of Butter; One Tablespoon of Flour . . .
  14. Well, it's about TIME!! The Voice To Be Reckoned With is finally recognized. I just hope she realizes how great a talent she has. And is. Congratulations, Sweetpea!! And to Daily Gullet for recognizing The Real Thing.
  15. Oh, Kim!! I'm so glad you told me about this!! It's so beautiful, and such a continuation of the generations and their recipes. I have visions of your going to see your Grandma, taking a small box, a la Evelyn Couch and the Fried Green Tomatoes for Ninnie, only yours would have a fresh hot biscuit and a little pot of those incomparable preserves. Your writing just blows me away, every time. rachel
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