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Everything posted by ladyyoung98

  1. she was well loved by many..what she did is the legacy she left many and she will be greatly missed
  2. a guilty pleasure i have once in a long while....chili cheese dog with onions
  3. dude have i got a restaurant for you to try...i live in denton and my fiance and i recently tried a new italian place in town over on mckinney right across the street f rom golden chicken..its called joey's a taste of italy...we are both very picky about our italian food and this place exceeded our expectations.. . Joeys actually has two different types of restaurants within the same building...on one side they have a self serve pizzaria which has much more than pizza...and while we did not try it when we went..we are planning on trying the pizzaria ...the other side of the restaurant is full service...prices are not real high..they start at 12.95 and the highest priced entreee i saw on the dinner menu was slightly more than 22...with the entree you also get a salad which is wonderful as well as a side dish of spaghetti with maranara sauce..you can aslo get as much bread as you could want..dinner rolls and fricocha bread (probably not spelled right but you might get the idea)....fresh butter on a plate.....and the desert menu is great...though we are both diabetic and usually pass on dessert...we were tempted by the cannoli and it was the best ive ever had...the manager there is named isaac and the place is very nice...with an upscale feel to it without the upscale pricing all the food is home made...no prefab anything.....while i wish i could remember the entrees we actually ate..sad to say i dont remember the name of what he had and the closest i can come to what i had in englsih was chicken fortuna...suffice it to say we both did have chicken dishes..but they also have beef and pork and seafood dishes on the menu...so many things to tempt your tastebuds... as for the tomato...it is a pizza place where mainly college kids hang out...ive been there a couple of times and i cant say i was very impressed by it at all... we have been to rudys and we both love it..if u want to try some other bbq places in town ..i would also suggest a little place on fort worth drive called the smokehouse...if you want greek food i susggest a place over on university drive over by blockbuster called yummys...orietnal food...try a place on university and malone called Royal asian east...they have a mixture of chinese , korean and japanese and they also have a sushi bar if that is your thing too..they do a good sushi...if you are wanting a decent burger..there are actually three places here in town two of which ive been to the third..just a legend ive heard about but to date have not tried....first place with two locations that im aware of...Denton county independant hamburger company..you cant miss it...downtown on hickory street on the square...also try the loophole which is nearby as well...good food....denton independents other location is over on sunset just off alice...cant miss it...sort of behind afford it furniture... the other hamburger place ive been to....bobs big time burger..its in the albertsons shopping center over off loop 288 back behind black eyed pea...the other place that is legend in town that ive never been to is called burger barn..while not sure of the exact location ..i think that too is on mckinney... i am told they too have great burgers mexican food...ok im very picky about my mexican food so i never go to what i refer to as taco hell...cant stand their food over on east university where it turns into 380 there is a place called mazatlan.....i could also reccomend taco cabana if you like your mexican food to be fast...but for sit down...try the other place any thing else you can think of for your taste buds to enjoy? just remembered another good place for sushi is fujiyamas in carrolton...but als thats nto denton county..but still good sushi and really just down the road
  4. ladyyoung98


    persoanlly i prefer fresh and i have my own techniques for making it not so watery...sure there might not be any difference in taste but there are some things that i really prefer not to have preservatives in and this is one of them...thats just my personal preference
  5. i suppose it depends upon what its on as to what my fav combo is..if pizza..much as i love pepperoni it doesnt always love me so sometimes i go for the veggie supreme..hold the bell pepper add pineapple....but if i want less than that and still a veggi version...mushrooms and black olives...sometimes onions.... in an omlete...cheese and mushrooms all the way make my cheese the good old american...some people may scream over that cheese choice but to me it tastes great and its not about what others like its about what i personally like other combos pretty much are dictated by the mood of the moment and god help me every now and again i really crave something very basic like hash browns witha a fried egg on top...egg cooked so the yolks are still runny and can go over the hash browns when i break it after that the combo is surf and turf....with plenty of surf even more if its shrimp even though i love lobster and crab as well...but if u can get all you can eat on the shrimp..hey there...keep it coming til i cant eat any more...... ...yummmmmy
  6. the pics were so good it had me looking at the map link u provided and while i probably could not get to it on my own...im sure my fiance wouldnt have any problems....too bad we didnt know about it a couple of months ago when we were in the houston area...it might have tempted us to stay overnight and try the place out...absolutley looks great in every way...what was the average price range?
  7. oddly enough ive never used chocolate for writing but it does sound fascinating...im going to have to give that a try..thanks ya'll
  8. personally i have no problems with splenda and baking but i do have to wonder the polydextrose.....i use spledna in just about all my baking when it is something for our own home as both my finace and myself are diabetic...so i have to wonder about that aspect of the polydextrose...is this something that a diabetic can use without running the risk of higher blood sugar levels from consuming it in something?
  9. Ive never really thought about it much either...but i do know that when my finace and i eat out... most of the time we sit across from one another and every now and then at a four seater square table we will sit at either a right angle from one another or a left angle..depending upon where the table is in the room.....we only sat side by side once and that was on our second date.....it felt a little odd and so ive made it a point not to do that again and frankly i do prefer to be able to see his face and be able to hold hands with him when we want..and we seem to look for excuses to be able to tocuh on another even if the touch may be a brief patting of the hand or the thigh in a gesture of love and reassurance...sitting side by side...while allowing one to be closer...also takes away from some of the intimacy as well since you are not able to gaze into each others eyes....personally i like the intimacy...sometimes you can get that feeling that the two of you are the only ones that exist in the world ...even in a room full of people when you are able to see into each others eyes and see that special look..... i would not trade that for anything
  10. correct me if im wrong but isnt bannock actually from another part of the world? some part of me keeps saying scotland or perhaps ireland...maybe even australian....and while i admit my knowledge is somewhat limited even in my own native american heritage...i dont recall ever hearing bannock connected to native american culture....but i could be wrong...would love to know more about this
  11. artichokes
  12. ladyyoung98


    is there a reason for that thought?
  13. im not even sure what it is...let alone what its used for
  14. ladyyoung98

    Boudin noir

    im not sure where you are but a frined of mine keeps telling me that the best place to fine it is in a little town in louisiana called carencroe...cant remember the exact name of the place though he tells me its nto really a restaurant so much as it is some kind of store...though im sure if you ever get there the residents of the town would be able to tell you exactly where it is......might be a ways away for you right now though
  15. there was a time when i might have been like your sister and not have been able to spend that much money just for one knife...however my loving fiance has been very good about educating me on the good knives and how they do last longer than the cheap crap stuff...and after having used them many times now...i would never go back to the other stuff..so now if i want a decent knife...i would not be afraid te spend the bucks for just one good knife as opposed to spending bucks for a lot of crap knives
  16. steve....actually there is scope out there for the victorian themed items....if u go to just about any store that happens to deal in decorating items you will see a good many items that do have a victorian feel to them...its soemthing that seems to be coming back in trend...so im thinking it would not be too much of a stretch of the imagination that there are those out there...myself included..who would be open minded to it even in the cake decorating medium and frankly if i could find some really good sources for decarting a cake in a victorian sytle...that is how i wouold decorate my own wedding cake when my fiance and i marry and have our wedding reception.....and while i have found some sources...at this time they have been rather limited...but im still open to the idea...everyone has their own taste in things
  17. ive had good results with freezing cookie dough long term...ever since i discovered the glad press and seal plastic its liek a whoel nother world...however...ive often wondered iof one might get better results with one of those food savers that basically suck out all the air.....
  18. "It's Cream of Wheat weather, I repeat, So guard your family with hot Cream of Wheat." ← either thas part of it or else they had more than one song.....
  19. funny...i had not thought about that song in years but was rather surprised that i did remember some..if not all of that song...i think it went something like this cream of wheat stays with you to guide you all day through...cream of wheat. thats what i remember of it....and i do agree with you...the instant stuff is nasty...when i was growing up..we had oatmeal...cream of wheat...cream of rice and the two flavors of malt o meal... they didnt have the instant anything then at least not that i recall...if they did...it never made it inside our house...i still love them all.....oatmeal is a winter breakfast to me and one that i wait for every year...for it to get cold enough to be able to eat it the way one should..chilly weather...oatmeal ( or cow or cor or the malt o meals) cook it up nice and warm...spoon it into the waiting bowl...and add milk and sugar (though i have to use a substitute now because of the diabetes) and butter...with oatmeal add a touch of cinnnamon and if i am feeling real good...chopped up apples..the others need no embelishment other than milk sugar and butter....sorry to say i never acquired the taste for grits...(yuk)
  20. actually there is a question i would ask before i made any suggestion, having been a mom that did do this, will she be breastfeeding?...if she is...she will have some dietary limitaions...like onions...chocolate...things that might not bother her but would cause a great deal of colicky pain for your baby...those were just two items off the top of my head that i remember i wasnt allowed to eat...if she isnt going to breast feed..hey basically anything u can freeze that will keep and not get freezer burn is pretty much open territory..congrats on your new addition
  21. my fiance got me a mexican mortar and pestle and a six shelf rolling bakers rack....and i know that only because he wa s so exited abot both he could nto wait til saturday and he claimed he could not wrap the bakers rakc...cuz he had to put it together .....lol
  22. personally i think its a way to experiment and stretch our creativity..which i thought was what eg was about as well.....as a forum where we could come to share..express our ideas...to ask advise ...ask for help when needed or give help to others when they ask for it.... and while ive only been a part of it for about six months now ive seen many creative ideas encouraged...countless pieces of advise given and received and i love this place tremendously... i would not knowingly squelch somebody else's creativity nor would i want mine discouraged either...if you dont care for the use of a particualr ingredient in something then by all means leave it out.. a recipe is merely a suggestion...creativity with it is yours.....
  23. quote from the food tutor "Seriously, before I started working in high end places, I assumed that most people, like myself, figured that if they didn't have around $60-100 per person to drop on food and beverage for dinner, and possibly a good deal more, or perhaps $30-60 at lunch, they shouldn't even enter a place like that. But I was wrong. I am clearly a member of the minority in my thinking. " i guess my thinking makes me part of that mnority as well.......
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