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Everything posted by ladyyoung98
having tried it both ways...box and from scratch....i can say i like it much better when made from scratch...even n my prediabetic days... but living with diabetes now...making from scratch becomes much more important as ive foudn angel food cake is one of the easiest cake recipes to convert to a diabetic version with splenda.... which i need to add for others out there who may also be diabetic and searchig for something diabetic friendly... converting the sugar to splenda in the recipe does not alter how the cake tastes.. but as to your question..you can take ti eaither way but i think you will get more satsifaction making it from scratch...its not real hard to do so long as you follow the method for what to do...if you dont feel confident enough...by all means. take the "slackers way out" as you mentioned...but nothing beats bake from scratch,,,that is personal opinion
try ebay....if u find it u may have to bid for it but you might get lucky and find a buy it now price..i suggest them simply because they seem to have lots of cookbooks going..and some people there sell them in lots..in which case you might want to email them to find out if they have a copy just a thought
i agree...with it being smoked it is already cooked...something else you can do is slice some of it and make a sandwhich...it is after all a picnic ham and in general they do have very good flavor...when i want a ham sandwhich i seldom by the prefab slices in the sandwich meat section at the grocery store as they generally lack any real flavor..at least to me they do...so when i buy a picnic ham...smoked or otherwise... i liek to slice it up and use it for all kinds of things...sandwhiches... with eggs for breakfast... ham and potato casserole which is basically where u peel and slice potatoes...take slices of picnic ham can of cream of mushroom soup..unless you make yours from scratch...which is perfectly acceptable..little salt...little pepper put a little of the soup in the bottom of a casserole dish...layer of potatoes..layer of ham...pour soup over it..salt it pepper it..and keep layering til the casserole dish contains the amoutn you want...cook it in a 350 degree oven for about and hour...check on it from time to time and test for the potatoes to be done... of course you are free to add whatever spices you like...but thats just the basics.and even as a basic comes out tasty...my mother used to make that when we were kids and it was great...it was one of my favorite things...next to the cream tuna on toast.....
my taste buds are nto a big fan of any green olives and if the black olives were colored i know my taste buds would know it...im a big fan of black olives..i would eat them seven days a week if i could....but i do know that my mother used to live in a house were olives trees grew in her yard and she used to can them and while i dont know the proper name for them i can tell you without a single doubt that they wer the kind of olive you will find in the stores being labeled as a black olive...there was little difference in the taste and no fdifference in appearance and having seen them growing on the trees i do know that if they are colored at all its done by mother nature and not by the hand of mankind
hey my fiance do this all the time..order one meal for two people or rather one entreethough both of us are diabetic and are also trying to lose weight..this has nothing to do with the reason why we do this..and it has nothing to do with our finances either...but it does have everything to do with the type of restaurants we dine in..a good majority of them have entrees that are really made for more than one person..for instance...we go to the olive garden..we order the salad..two bowls is what we wind up eating between the two of us..and they do have wonderful breadsticks....and if any of you have ever been to the olvie garden you already know that the salad and the breadsticks are more than enough when two people slit an entree there...their portions are not small...unlike some restaurants where you spend major bucks and wonder where the portions are...many other places serve portions that are simply too much forone person...and there is never room for dessert..even if they did have something diabetic friendly on the menu... as to the kind of service we get when we do this...we have never had any server complain about it and never had them give us dirty looks and there has never been anything negative happen...we dont make an issue out of being diabetic but we do try for as much as possible to be careful..personally i dont see anything wrong with ordering one meal for two people with the way protions are served in most places these days..though that would not apply to fast food but does apply in other establisments
im guessing that sweat is another word for saute? edited to add....uh never mind my fiance just explained it to me..just another thing ive done and never knew had a name for it...
hard to say..ive gt several ive not tried yet...but thats nto to say they wont be used at some point
thats a new one on me...when i bake my meringues i never have the sweating problems so im not what to tell you there..though you might want to recheck the temp called for as well as the time as it seesm to me that the heat may not be high enough and the cook time may be overly long? i dont recall that mine was ever in the oven for more than five to seven minutes and got the nice brown coloration
on th eother hand here is anther option...make an almond flavored cake with an almond flavored icing and put toffee pieces into the cake itself...toffe bits are not that hard to find anymore if you choose not to make them yourself...most grocery stores carry heath toffee bits or what they call toffee brickle bits on the baking isle ...sure its a prefab cheat but you can still be creative...it all depends upon you and what you want to do and what your level of experience is
while im not jewish myself....my ex husband definitley was and there were things i learned to make...while i never did acquire the taste for lox..i did acquire the taste for chopped liver as well as chicken soup and maza balls...also the potato pancakes...i dont keep track of the jewish holidays and really have not since he and i divorced sixteen years ago...but the things i learned to love..i do crave every now and then..though the one thing i really really did love is one thing i cant have anymore...those wonderful wonderful blintzes that u can only get at the jewish deli....sometimes its hell being diabetic but until i can get a decnt conversion that diabetic friendly they r off my list.....
we only seem to have the white boxes around here but every now and then i will see a bakery use a styrafoam box...must be that its sturdier for heavy smaller things.....like rock hard cookies that weigh a ton...
wonderful gravy for mashed potatoes too ... add a little kosher salt..a little pepper ...yummmy...
i agree with that completely...one should be told whats in something as many people do have food allergies and if not informed can have a very bad reaction to an ingredient which could result in legal action against a restaurant simply because they failed to inform...though idelaistically if one had any kind of food allergies they need to let the waiter know as well to thereby avoid something the body just cant handle..for instance i recently discovered im lactose in tolerant where i never used to be...but then again im also diabetic so still have to be careful of certain things... with the lactose intolerance...if i order something that could trigger the problems caused because it has some kind of dairy product in it...i want to know about it as i just dont like the problems the intolerance creates...its not fun...now if they cant alter the dish ive ordered so that i can avoid the problem..at least i will know that i need to take a lactaid with that meal so that i can digest the dairy with little to no problems
when i was pregnant with my daughter and ready to pop any day and was very tired of being pregnant..i foudn that drinking warm tea and pacing and playing darts really helped...two hours after doing all these things...my water broke and off i went...i was in labor for six hours (second pregnancy), dropped down from 19 hours for the first one
th eonly time i was ever in labor that any kind of food was given was during my last one..but it was only a popsiclethe c section issue isnt the only reason they dont advize eating..u can slo toss your cookies during hard labor as well since the strain of bearing down can also cause you to throw up...while hopsital meals in maternity are actually getting better in many hospitals..much of the time you are stuck with what they give you as a meal right after you deliver...soo that beign the case id say//bring her whatever her favorite food is cuz you can be damn sure that no matter how good the meal might be afterwards..it could still eb hours befroe she gets it
try your local cake supply store..they carry many things and you may find those as well
footnote to the the southern italian origination of the mac and cheese....cheese was pretty expensive there at some point in time and bread crumbs were added as a topping because of that same high price which in effect turned it into a type of au gratin dish...the poor mans mac n cheese...at that point in time only the rich could afford not to have to use bread crumbs
after much searching i would like to add that the origins of macaroni and cheese itself are from southern italy and it should be noted that they did indeed use bread crumbs.... however it was thomas jefferson who is credited with the american version of macaroni and cheese...and while being from virginia and thus from the south..his is by no means the only recipe...he did what most of us do in cooking...the recipe was taken as merely a suggestion and we were given a whole new version of macaroni and cheese...more properly jefferson was given credit for bringing back a pasta maker while he was minister to france and his daughter did the rest information given came from clifford a white who wrote a book on the history of pasta and while mac and cheese was not covered in his book specifically...a way to contact him was given and i sent an email asking about the origins of mac and cheese..and the above is the information i was given
all i can say is southern or not one thing still remains...a recipe is MERELY A SUGGESTION and not a hard and fast rule..persoonally my thought is if she doesnt like it she doesnt have to eat it....and i see nothing wrong with being creative with your cooking ...whether it be mac and cheese or something else...nobody has the divine right to tell you what you can and cant do and still call your self a southerner..just because your way is not her way..that doesnt make you any less of a southerner and last time i checked cooking is still a creative process and if someone is trying to stifle your creativity then whats the point? if there were no experimentation with food then we would all still be eating half raw meat over a fire and living in caves....i hope we are much more civilized than cro magnun man..we certainly eat better..... perhaps your friend suffers from a little culinary tunnel vision and may benefit from a little experimentation from the norm..it might..at the very least...make her a little more open minded?
am not sure about the rest of it but i can tell you that most chocolate covered cherries ive eaten in my prediabetic life contained marschino cherries in them
in truth i really dont have a personal preference in cake decoratign supplies..for the pastry bags i have pourchased disposable ones...ones u have to clean but i also use a lot of parchmnet paper triangles to make the bags as well..as far as tips..couplers , spatulas and th e like..no real preference there either..but i do have a lot of wiltons tips..they really r no different than any others so far as im concerned....its nto really the tips themsleves that decorate the cake or the cookie or whatever you are decorating...its the person who is literally holding the bag...i odnt generally lose my tips in the dishwaher either since they have a wonderful product on the market..a mesh bag speicificaly for decorating tips that u can use in the dishwasher...just make sure u unclog your tips before putting them in the bag...no amount of hot water in the dishwasher is going to get every bit of decorator icing out of that tip as i foudn out the hard way and it doenst matter if you use the bag or not when it comes to that above all...even with classes dont be afraid to experiment with the tips to create your own designs
because part of the taste is also perceived in its presentation? so far as im concerned that does include the right plates too
ya try papacitos or even mercardo juarez