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Everything posted by artisanbaker

  1. surely this was S/B's intention from the get go. brilliant if it was. congrats to them.
  2. i have found memories of the pizza place in downtown hot springs, which is a bit of a drive from asheville but the hiking's great around max patch and big bald
  3. last night i made the best baguettes i've made in america (in my opinion of course :) ) thanks for the comments we are expanding the courtyard seating so come see!
  4. have been in touch with Mrs. Wolfert, thanks. She forwarded me her recipes. say hi next time you're in :) Rob (head baker)
  5. can't say about the Conticini book but it would be worth piggy backing the mulot book. i got it a couple months ago with ferber's confiture book en francais and it is well done with lots of pix.
  6. i've been to sugar and found it to be disappointing. it's a nightclub that serves avant gardish desserts at around 10 dollars each. not my cup of tea. maybe i might've liked it better if i wasn't married or something. "hey there, can i buy you a dessert?"
  7. having lived beside st jean en royans for over a year and a half i have had my share of vin de noix and find it very enjoyable. i will see if i can hunt down a recipe
  8. artisanbaker

    Per Se

    Per se just received the James Beard award Best New Restaurant!!
  9. at my place of apprenticeship the chocolatier put a product that came in a small clear bottle into all our ganache recipes. the recipe included about one teaspoon of said "ingredient" and i could not detect any off flavor. i'm pretty sure it contained invertase. i can't remember where we got it from, maybe peter's?
  10. not so shocking when you consider that the american and japanese teams are trained by some of france's best bakers
  11. woods, i suspect you are talking about the video set
  12. pix pls. thx.
  13. they are up http://www.jamesbeard.org/about/press/pr/M...d6bfb2c8b4c4fe7
  14. wait till you taste bouchon bakery's offerings... ;)
  15. i prefer sour cherries in my clafoutis with no additional sugar. can't wait for summer
  16. http://www.pcb-creation.fr/ here's the link to pcb. also check out the recipes by frederic bourse
  17. Really nice article in the trib today.
  18. nice pix! ted, here are the syringes in action. (must have realplayer) http://starchefs.com/events/lo_mejor_de_la...r_f_adria.shtml
  19. how can it evaporate if the can is closed? what is the purpose? is it just a simple chemical change due to the heating of the product? tia
  20. yes a little hot and cold as noted. far more interesting to me is whether the "appareil" should be closer to "cake" or flan.
  21. holy shit that's so crazy! i've always know what a capon was but after seeing the pix it's just crazy. i guess it's no different than what we did to my australian shepard (except we did not eat him of course).
  22. http://www.amazon.fr/exec/obidos/ASIN/2842...0773140-0963469 This book is absolutely gorgeous and is the inspiration for much of my cooking. (I'm not a pro, just a passionate amatuer cook). It was given to us as a gift Christmas 2002. It's only available in French for now.
  23. to me this is one of those romantic things that people use to keep tradition alive. kirsch is made with cherry stones, and most know what that tastes like. i'm not convinced that leaving the stones in contributes enough flavor to justify the hassle of carefully eating the meat of the cherry. i made clafoutis at my last "pastry chef" job and took out the pits, but primarily because i worked for a lawyer. also, i would like to say with due respect to tradition that clafoutis should not be made with any fruit but cherries. there seems to be a trend (in america at least) to make it with other fruits but it is blasphemy. (ducks for cover)
  24. it was a pretty bad performance on his part. he should have gotten much closer to finishing his dishes. the possibility that the dishes would have been total class doesn't mean a thing if they aren't plated when the time is up. he should have either managed his time better or taken less risks (still a time management issue). i've done competitions and i would say that it looks better to have some average tasting products without much flair than to scramble and not finish all the required items.
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