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Everything posted by artisanbaker

  1. Charles, Good to meet you and I'm glad my simple tour gave you some lasting memory of beautiful Napa Valley. As for the bread, after returning the work van back to the bakery after the CIA event, I regretted my lapse of thoughtfulness: I wish I could have dropped off fresh bread from Saturday night's bake in Rutherford on my way back home to Yountville. At any rate, sounds like you got to hit some highlights. The bartender at Mustards' might have been "Maureen" who is cousins with Dan Kosta of Kosta Browne fame. I spoke with the GM Saturday night who attested to her extensive wine/spirits knowledge. Get on the Kosta Browne list now if you want to get wine before the end of the decade... Saddleback has recently been taken over by a certain Ms. Roche, who is simply one of the most dynamic and charismatic women whom I have ever met. With her business skills on hand, this brand will likely to explode over the next short time. Of course, it helps to have Mr. Venge's hand involved in the winemaking! Regarding the Acme bread: it was always a dream of mine to work for Steve Sullivan. I first approached him regarding work in 1997! Since living out here I have been impressed mostly by their consistancy, which is remarkable. But, I make the quality of bread that I like to eat most. I am grateful the owners of Model Bakery provide me with that opportunity and have allowed me to take "long-cuts" to ensure that no comprises are made in bread fabrication. I can't really comment on the Bochon bread, but I can say that without Thomas Keller's invitation to work for him I would have never experienced the wonders of Napa Valley. Have a terrific winter Charles, Rob PS. One of my greatest teachers, Mr. Rosada, now works for Uptown Bakers in DCfor 6 months/year. Although I have never had the bread, perhaps you might like to give it a shot.
  2. Warning: minor thread drift alert! I challenge everyone on this thread to compile a list of chefs IN NORTH AMERICA who have the hype/reputation to merit a el bulli style book that would appeal to the same market. Richard Boulud Keller Soltner Pepin I can't think of any others off the bat but the first three are the only ones who I could imagine actually doing it. Robuchon should do one. It would sell. There just no enough talent to merit such books yet is my point. Give it another century...
  3. not enough great US chefs and Keller is too busy? Good question!
  4. The TFL comparison is not apples to apples, chef. The El Bulli, Torreblanca, Ducasse books are much more advanced and detailed in nature. The TFL book seems to be a book targeted at the amateur and read by the pro because that's the closest that they will ever get to being in the kitchen. The other books (as listed above) seem to be targeted at the pro (much to their delight) but are also purchased by the amateur. That's the difference to me. Love that Torreblanca book. I took a class taught by him a few years ago and he is simply amazing...
  5. another vote for the martha book. hope it's not out of print...
  6. Wow, great. Good for him. I met him once during a stage at Bouley Bakery NYC and he seemed like a kind soul and apparently is a great pastry chef...
  7. enrobed. mad respect for those that only enrobe... I agree with you Melange, and it seems most chocolatiers that enrobe shun molding altogether. in the end, taste should reign...
  8. Mr. Cowan, Wish I could help with the Viognier question, but I wanted to thank you for the heads up on this wine. Seems like the TNs are getting more and more enthusiatic since the first. It's still available at $35 for the record. With mailer season around the corner I don't expect to bite but next time I'm in La Drome (26) I'll have to arrange for an "exploration..." Rob Alexander PS. Hope to meet you sometime; maybe your next "intern"-ship at chez Bevan or in the mountains of Pisgah...
  9. the pride viognier late harvest is called "mistelle" and it is remarkable. it tastes like abricot and is not cloying at all. highly recommended.
  10. alban is good-very cali and full blown but respectable i'd skip kongsgaard (terribly over oaked; too bad-the fruit is top) haven't tried peay but judging from the roussanne i'd take the risk and buy
  11. the wine thing is true. I told my wife (who is from Chattanooga, TN) she should never pour her own glass of wine at a social dinner. Living in Napa Valley we often find ourselves in this situation. The man's "responsiblity" is to watch the glass and fill as needed. If I (we) are hosting, then it is MY responsibility to survey ALL glasses, but friends will sometimes beat me to get refills. Well heeled and mannered women in France would simply not refill their own glasses OR if they refill their glass they essentially embarass their spouse/date and can even embarass themselves. Depends on the woman and the formality of the meal. I never thought that the woman I lived with in France looked very "charmante" will refilling her own glass. Note: sometimes when someone is "too serious" when discussing a subject "a table" then they can be "teased" by a filling of their glass. It's a way of saying "life's not that serious, let's relax and laugh..." I could pontentially see a woman getting away with that action, but that's stretching it. good thread btw, and I remember enjoying that book by Polly Pratt years ago.
  12. ad hoc, auberge, or terra for food duckhorn or pride mountain for merlot say hi at the bakery if you've got time read about me here: http://www.sthelenastar.com/articles/2007/...df196851955.txt edit: i'm making some bread for pride tonight; i'd be happy to facilitate a tasting for you. i'm on the list.
  13. he was on martha today and they flashed back to his first appearance 10 years ago. he certainly seems like a good guy and surely deserves a lot of this success. he's bringing fresh bread to the masses for the first time since atkins!
  14. there goes the neighborhood...where are you located?
  15. can anyone comment on this establishment? for the record in france it it very very common to ban photographs from certain high profile establishments..."seek to understand and not to blame"- m. vatinet
  16. chere fanny tenez nous au courant svp please keep us up to to date i'm sure with you have well chosen your stage and you will have lots of interesting things to report... au plaisir... robert
  17. confidence rules as usual-see "business plan thread" 10 to 30% off retail pays the bills usually after that partner with the best bank around because bripastryguy is right, you become a bank...
  18. academic question...
  19. someone asked me this the other day and I could not answer. "If I want to make the nation's best bread what type of oven should I buy/construct?" (keep in mind the individual was not a baker)
  20. OK I'll make this fast and try not to bruise egos. (in no order) 1. Don't underestimate the graduate of (insert respected school here)'s desire to effectively create "value" for their school. They "bought in" to this school and want their education to have as much value as it can bring into the marketplace (especially after dropping 40 grand). I should add that the networking power (read: fraternity/sorority) should be respected at each respective school and might come in handy. 2. Go to school in France 3. Stage 4. Work off the clock 5. Work for free 6. Be friendly with graduates of above schools, thus receiving "invitation" to their "fraternity/sorority." 7. Pray... good luck
  21. blodgett convection
  22. deux mots: oui, chef! bon courage
  23. artisanbaker


    for a vacation i suggest time off between jobs and school. imo you should really think about what you want to do if you're having doubts a year into your career. get out now and do something more profitable. you shouldn't have to look hard! sincere regards
  24. just to let everyone know, there will be a Taylors next to Copia in Napa, scheduled to open this summer. yours truly will be in the place next door and the Fatted Calf will be beside me. for more info google Oxbow project... happy holidays here's a link: http://www.oxbowpublicmarket.com/about%20O...ic%20Market.htm
  25. Mary, The flavor that I think you are describing is merely the melding of the aforementioned flavors: vanilla, citrus, honey, orange flower water. Given the right ratio you should obtain a satisfactory result: a compelling aroma that is quintessential panettone. Happy baking, Rob
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