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    Sanibel, FL

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  1. I think the liquid in that container is plain water. It gets changed periodically as needed and would never pass inspection by a health dept....Or did Rick say there were chemicals in the water?
  2. Thank you for taking the time to post all these wonderful photos. I just love all the fruit!
  3. I love that you still take the time to share all the activity around fall/hunting season. Thanks, Shelby.
  4. Welcome to you, @CookBot! I spent decades in coastal Carolinas. eGullet was with me the whole time. I'm sure you will find a home here...no matter how long between visits. How is the fall shrimp season shaping up?
  5. Oh my. This looks promising. Please keep us updated as the batch progresses!
  6. In the Pantheon of favorite kitchen gadgets, where does your new Zojirushi stand?
  7. Sohla El-Waylly has a recipe for this on the Serious Eats website, https://www.seriouseats.com/homemade-spicy-chili-crisp. I've made it a couple times. The heat is supplied by the chiles so pick what you want there. I love this stuff...it's an umami bomb that goes well with practically everything. Edit for spelling
  8. Even if you don't mix the fried garlic and shallot into your chili crisp until you eat it, mixing in the oil they were fried in is next level.
  9. Scoop! Great to hear from you again. Glad things have progressed well for you. Your stories are much appreciated. Good luck with the coffee (who do you sell your berries to?) and the teaching gig. There's always room for more teachers.
  10. The OG has entered the room...
  11. Mackerel of some sort?
  12. Most appetizing photos yet!
  13. Could these be Decapterus macarellus, or related?
  14. Looking forward to the rest of this thread. Thank you, liuzhou, for enlightening us.
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