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Eggs - Shelf Life

Jenny McClure

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I hope I am posting this in the right place, if not, apologies : :unsure:

WShat is the average shelf life for eggs? Do chicken eggs last longer than Quails? I ask because a friend just brought back a ton from a recent trip and thinks they will last another month. I didn't think they would last that long, especially if they are not completely hard boiled . Please help us to clear this up.

Thanks in advance.


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It isn't a silly question. I just can't find the answer. Years ago, my grandmother raised quail. We always cooked or pickled them right away. Or at least after a few days in the fridge.

Linda LaRose aka "fifi"

"Having spent most of my life searching for truth in the excitement of science, I am now in search of the perfectly seared foie gras without any sweet glop." Linda LaRose

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i really thought someone would chime in with some specific, scientifically-backed advice.

but in the absence of that, i can tell you that i've kept quail eggs in my fridge for well over a month and they were fine when i used them. no off smell, no off taste, and i didn't get sick.

i don't know how long they were unrefrigerated for, but in a whole lot of the world people don't refrigerate eggs--they keep them out at room temp--so i wouldn't even worry about that if i were you.

(edited to clarify: what i meant was i don't know how long YOUR eggs were out of the fridge for. mine weren't for any significant period of time that i know of. but the point remains that if it was a little while here and there, to my knowledge it's no problem--eggs just aren't that perishable)

the one thing i have noticed when using quail eggs is that they tend to be kinda dirty, so i always wash them real well before cracking them--don't want to push that dirt into the egg.

Edited by mrbigjas (log)
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I hope I am posting this in the right place, if not, apologies : :unsure: Do chicken eggs last longer than Quails? I ask because a friend just brought back a ton from a recent trip and thinks they will last another month. I didn't think they would last that long, especially if they are not completely hard boiled .

WShat is the average shelf life for eggs?

I can't give you a good answer, but certainly it would depend on storage conditions. Chicken eggs can easily last a month as long as they are kept refrigerated, so I don't think it would be too surprising for quail eggs to last that long as well.

"If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced" - Vincent Van Gogh

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Okay - there's a trick with chicken eggs (don't know if it works with quail eggs) where you stick them in a glass of water to determine whether or not they are good.....they either sink or float....the part I can't remember is which one means they're good and which one means they're bad.

That said, I had a friend in college who demonstrated this trick for me while making cookies for a boyfriend and all but two of the very old eggs in an expired carton passed the test....the whole idea was so revolting that i now throw out eggs after a week even if the expiration date is weeks later.

Best bet for quail eggs is probably to know (and trust) your source.

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