Tried 100g water to 160g of the 12% protein wheat flower. Promising after having let it rest how much it stuck to the glass bowl, but during the secondary kneading stage i couldnt stretch it evenly. I could stretch it more thajn before, so that is good. But by the time I noticed the dough becoming less sticky, it stil didnt stretch evenly.
The way I see properly dough stretch in videos, it isnt that hard to get it to stretch evenly, but i had tio press down too hard to get it to stretch, so it was thinner at the ends, so when i put it back together it's uneven since the ends are thinner. I tried getting it to stretch with a lighter tough, but it didn;t take. Banging it on the counter below did help somewhat, but not enough.
Will try 100g of water to 155g of flour next time. See if the dough becomes both workable and stretchy enough before the gluten stops it from being sticky. I also find it very interesting @pointclick, your idea of an alkaline making the sticky dough with more water workable without sacreficing stretchyness. If that ratio still doesn't work, will try 100g water to 150g flour again but see how the alkaline effects the workability of the dough.