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Farmer's Market Creations

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Just because I'm still pleased with my 'creation' last night, I'm here to report. First of all, I had what may have been one of the best pieces of corn EVER. Just boiled; nothing in the water, nothing on the corn but my teeth. :biggrin: I also made myself a nice steak...a true rarity for me at home.

My proud moment, however, was in the 8-Ball Zucchini dish...I stuffed the scooped-out bowls with a mix of the (raw) diced zukes, sauteed red onion and garlic, fresh basil, diced sundried tomatoes, lots of salt and pepper, and freshly grated parmesan. Then I made a no-oil "pesto" of toasted pignolis, more basil, and more parmesan--all ground in the mortar I picked up on my trip to CA last month. I filled the two zuke bowls and made two more out of foil and put them on the tray of my toaster oven, then sprinkled the (rough) pesto over the top of the each bowl and baked them for about 25 mins at 300 degrees. They came out with a crunch, almost breadcrumb-like topping.

Nothing fancy, but if I do say so myself, damn good. Thanks for inspiring me to cook from the Farmer's Market! :wub:

"I'm not eating it...my tongue is just looking at it!" --My then-3.5 year-old niece, who was NOT eating a piece of gum

"Wow--this is a fancy restaurant! They keep bringing us more water and we didn't even ask for it!" --My 5.75 year-old niece, about Bread Bar

"He's jumped the flounder, as you might say."

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Did you buy peaches from the stand that had the santa rosa plums? If you did, you're in for a treat. They were the best peaches I've had yet! (Both yellow and white) I went back for more yesterday.

Edited by Cook456 (log)
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Funny you ask, Cook, b/c I did buy peaches from them...cut one up this morning, and was completely disappointed by a mealy, tasteless piece of fruit. It looked beautiful on the outside, but you just never know. After that, I sort of lost my desire to have a peach, so I grabbed one of the Santa Rosa plums--YUUUUMM!!! 3 bites and they're gone, but I highly recommend them.

"I'm not eating it...my tongue is just looking at it!" --My then-3.5 year-old niece, who was NOT eating a piece of gum

"Wow--this is a fancy restaurant! They keep bringing us more water and we didn't even ask for it!" --My 5.75 year-old niece, about Bread Bar

"He's jumped the flounder, as you might say."

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Which peaches did you buy?

I picked the yellow peaches that they called "the soft variety", that were on the outside table with the plums. They were on the opposite side all the way at the end. The ones next to them were referred to as "the hard variety". Were those the variety you chose?

I just ate one of my peaches and it was great.

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The 8-balls are also avaliable at the Englewood farmer's market. I have some that we are going to chop up and sautee with corn, onion and tomato tonight.

Jason Perlow, Co-Founder eGullet Society for Culinary Arts & Letters

Foodies who Review South Florida (Facebook) | offthebroiler.com - Food Blog (archived) | View my food photos on Instagram

Twittter: @jperlow | Mastodon @jperlow@journa.host

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Which peaches did you buy?

Live and learn...I had already bought a few peaches from the 'main' table behind the one with the plums on it. Spotted the plums after my purchase. Next time!!

"I'm not eating it...my tongue is just looking at it!" --My then-3.5 year-old niece, who was NOT eating a piece of gum

"Wow--this is a fancy restaurant! They keep bringing us more water and we didn't even ask for it!" --My 5.75 year-old niece, about Bread Bar

"He's jumped the flounder, as you might say."

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