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Burger Club


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Todayt I noticed that Savoy has a grass fed burger on its lunch menu ($12). I'm planning to try one this weekend. Has anyone in the Club tried it?

I think I'll pass on this one.

I don't much care for grass-fed beef and certainly not for $12.

Sherri A. Jackson
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Oh, no! Savoy?  I'd be so afraid it might turn out to be horrible -- not because it's a bad place, but precisely because it's so good. And grass-fed gives a whole 'nother dimension to the beef.

Can we please add it to the list?  :unsure:  :biggrin:


We can always jump on the R train to Prince and have lunch. OK, it'll be a long lunch. I'll work late. Lurker is in that neighborhood. Maybe he would join us.

Edited by JosephB (log)
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Lurker is in that neighborhood. Maybe he would join us.

I'm so in on this. Haven't been to Savoy in over a year.

Allow me to express my agricultural ignorance, though - what do cows normally eat? Hay? Every time I've driven by cows, they seem to be eating grass.

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I won't be able to make it for Tuesday's BC meeting. :sad: The fine folks at United think I need to fly out on Tuesday morning in order to use my travel voucher. As much as I enjoy BC, I enjoy even more the $700 I'm saving. :biggrin:

Say Hi to Tarka for me.

Awww too bad. $700 is definitely a good thing to save.

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Joseph, Suzanne, and Lurker, I'm kind of feeling like doing side Burger Clubs is not in the spirit of Burger Club in the least. I am trying very hard to find places, make arrangements there, keep suggestions in mind since no one else will add them to the list, and make sure that we are meeting when all or most people can come. I'd appreciate it if you'd do the same. Thanks.

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There are, of course, the "Official" Burger Club meetings, where there is a critical and systematic evaluation of the burger at hand. Any other meal in which burgers are involved is just lunch or dinner, not a "side meeting". Sounds simple to me. :wink:

Carry on.

Dean McCord


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There are, of course, the "Official" Burger Club meetings, where there is a critical and systematic evaluation of the burger at hand. Any other meal in which burgers are involved is just lunch or dinner, not a "side meeting". Sounds simple to me. :wink:

Carry on.

Varmint, I practically fall off my chair everytime I see your little BBQ picture. Cracks me up. :laugh:

Sherri A. Jackson
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There are, of course, the "Official" Burger Club meetings, where there is a critical and systematic evaluation of the burger at hand.  Any other meal in which burgers are involved is just lunch or dinner, not a "side meeting".  Sounds simple to me.  :wink: 

Carry on.

Varmint, I practically fall off my chair everytime I see your little BBQ picture. Cracks me up. :laugh:

It's just l'il ol' me -- about 39 years ago!

Dean McCord


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There are, of course, the "Official" Burger Club meetings, where there is a critical and systematic evaluation of the burger at hand. Any other meal in which burgers are involved is just lunch or dinner, not a "side meeting". Sounds simple to me. :wink:

Carry on.

No, it's just exclusatory.

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OK. We'll plan a day. Suzanne?

You may want to read the grass v. grain discussion here. Grass fed beef v. grain fed

Interesting read and pretty much in line with my thinking.

I grew up on grain-fed beef. Hell, I worked at the grain elevator where all the local livestock farmers had their feeds mixed, helped them customize their feed recipes based on the results they wanted and even mixed the feed for them. These are the same farmers from whom my family bought its yearly steer and hog. I grew up on damn fine beef.

I remember very clearly the first time I ate grass fed beef in the UK. It was gamey and tough. It caught me off guard for the most part, as I had no idea beef could possibly taste that way. I chalked it up to the surprise factor and perhaps a shady restaurant. Even after continuing to try grass fed beef for the next year or so, I just couldn't get into it.

So no grass fed burgers for me. Call me a snob. :raz:

Sherri A. Jackson
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There are, of course, the "Official" Burger Club meetings, where there is a critical and systematic evaluation of the burger at hand.  Any other meal in which burgers are involved is just lunch or dinner, not a "side meeting".  Sounds simple to me.  :wink: 

Carry on.

No, it's just exclusatory.

Bullshit. :biggrin: If we wanted to exclude people, we wouldn't set up them up publicly on the thread. We would love to have everyone join us, but, you know, sometimes you need subcommittees if you're gonna get all the work done. :wink: Committees-of-the-whole are SOOOO cumbersome.

The time I ate by myself at MJ grill, I filled out a form. And I brought the equipment to City Hall, but we didn't manage to use it or fill in the forms. Hey, I'm just as serious about this as, um, anyone? :raz:

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For the time I am taking to include everyone, I would appreciate the same towards me, and others as well. Burger Club was not formed so that a person or two at a time scour the city to let the others know what they thought of as the best burger. It is to find them TOGETHER. That is the CLUB part. Otherwise, it is fucking Zagat.

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I've been remiss in saying what a good time I had on Sat. night, despite the fact I couldn't indulge with you all.

I will be glad to provide a suggestion for a kosher place to try. There are 4 places I can think of. But one has lousy burgers, one is filthy and I refuse to eat there (although the burgers are decent), and the other two - it's been a very long since I sampled their burgers.

So, I've got my homework assignment, and will try to come up with an acceptable place. :smile:

"Some people see a sheet of seaweed and want to be wrapped in it. I want to see it around a piece of fish."-- William Grimes

"People are bastard-coated bastards, with bastard filling." - Dr. Cox on Scrubs

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. . . so that a person or two at a time scour the city to let the others know what they thought of as the best burger. It is to find them TOGETHER. That is the CLUB part. Otherwise, it is fucking Zagat.

Sorry if I thought scouting parties might be helpful. There are, what, 100,000 restaurants in this city? Of which 99,500 serve burgers? (I'm just guessing at numbers here, but you get the idea.) Somebody's got to check out possibilities. Otherwise it's just a social club with a limited menu, meeting at a limited number of possible locales.

And how dare you suggest any resemblance to Zagat???? :angry::angry::angry: Are you INTENTIONALLY misreading? :hmmm::hmmm:

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I've been remiss in saying what a good time I had on Sat. night, despite the fact I couldn't indulge with you all.

I will be glad to provide a suggestion for a kosher place to try. There are 4 places I can think of. But one has lousy burgers, one is filthy and I refuse to eat there (although the burgers are decent), and the other two - it's been a very long since I sampled their burgers.

So, I've got my homework assignment, and will try to come up with an acceptable place. :smile:

This doesn't mean you have to try them before we go. Just get some kind of solid rec from someone you trust. That is... if you want to participate in the full Burger Club experience.

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Hi guys, remember, this is a club, one where we all argue about how many grams the burgers weigh, if they got the right amount of char and we all drool over the food and each other! Let's leave the arguing to the evaluations (and dump the evaluation forms :-)) I'm grateful to the burger bitch for starting this thing and that I was able to reap the benefits of her hard work and attend one of the get-togethers and meet some of you. I think we all are grateful and have said so in one way or another. However, it kind of made my snot harden to see these splinter luncheons starting up, and I agree that it sort of looks exclusory, like where's my invite! Nothing wrong with that, just take it private or something. Ok, back to being a curmudgeon.

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