Okay, this is a bit strange but here goes. My great uncle was the manager of an oil lease in the Inglewood Oil Field for Standard Oil in Baldwin Hills. CA. This was in the 40's and 50's. It was a well known site for ancient Native Americans and a place rich in fossils. For several summers UCLA students conducted digs on the lease. For than once my "Unk' was gifted with found items. My treasure is a very primitive mano and matate.
It sits in a place of honor on our buffet.
When our youngest daughter was in 4-H, one project involved a baked product using an old appliance. She ground corn in the metate and made muffins. Got to the Iowa State Fair and won a red ribbon. Would have been blue but one old lady judge said they were kind of gritty.
Off topic but still cool. I also ended up with an epiphysis. It is the growth plate of a young whale and between 5 and 15 million years old. Compared to most, this one is very big. 14 inches across. It also sits on the buffet.