18 minutes ago, Matthew.Taylor said:Ok, I recently spent a week at home while the family was in Florida. I had said I was going to do a baking project, but until the last few days, I had no idea what. Then I recalled an episode from season 5 of the Great British Baking show. The technical challenge was Mary’s Tiramisu cake. Duly inspired, I said out to adapt the idea. I thought then if the various desserts we usually made, and I settled on a dish known as “Better than Robert Redford” (also called better than sex, but…kids in the house, and all). We also called it Better than Jim Taylor (my dad). I present to you, my Better than Robert Redford Cake.
we have two layers of vanilla buttermilk cake, two layers of chocolate pastry cream, two layers of cream cheese filling, and one layer of shortbread. The frosting is stabilized whip cream, and chocolate shavings.
Is that from Insanelygoodrecipes? Its in my file to be made, just waiting for an opportunity to make it - maybe a pot luck or church event.