BTW : re iPot baskets :
there seem to be two types
the style I have :
and a mesh style :
the mesh style is 1/2 the price of the more solid surfaced style , first pic .
I have ( somewhere ) the mesh style for my 6 qt. I got it, as, well ,
its 1/2 the price !
however , the mesh is a bit more difficult to clean ,
so now I only use the first one .
N.B. : at the sale price of the 3 qt , its 1/2 the price !
well worth it
there are these sorts of inserts :
Im not sure they are worth it .
Ive used my insert for cut up potatoes , and eggs from the refrigerator
nestled on top of the potatoes
3 min , LP , rapid release , and the whole shebang came out fine .