Im posting this question here
as you would have had to go to the
liquor store to get either or both of these .
Im thinking of getting either Tia Maria or Kahlua
Ive had them both , but quite some time ago.
I vacationed in Jamaica a long long time ago
and favored Tia at that time.
I plan to drink them neat. no cocktails .
if you had both recently , what do you think of either ?
Sweeter ? longer aftertaste ?
of course , I could get both
if they were that different . Unfortunately
Tia Maria is not available in those tiny airline bottles ( $ 1.99 for Kahlua )
thank you for your insight.
P.S. : its been a long while w TM or K for me
so the whole business may have changed.
a very longtime ago , Cointreau was made in FR and that
what was sold in the USA. then it was made in USA.
notable difference . FR much better , finer product.
don't know now .