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Ballotine of Chicken/Duck: Stuffing Ideas?


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Check the Turducken threads and recipes.

You need a stuffing (forcemeat) that is is fairly firm to slice, moist enough to lubricate the flesh and visually attractive with contrasting colours - either additions such as pistachio or dried cranberry, or centre pieces of dark or light meats, or foie or pate.

I usually use a sausagemeat with additions of onion etc. Quick and easy. For small birds a chicken mousseline (like quenelle) is nice.

Here is one http://forums.egullet.org/index.php?showto...2entry1012812 I made earlier with apple and sausagemeat stuffing;duck; sage onion and sourdough bread stuffing; chicken; potato and wild mushroom stuffing; egg; olive (olives stuffed with garlic).

If you are making a Turducken or the like don't bother to debone the interior birds,just cut the breasts off. No one will notice. Remove the skin from the interior birds.

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If you are looking for a lighter stuffing, you might want to consider bulgar, wild rice of couscous.

I use pearl couscous to stuff whole boneless game hens.

400 degree convection oven

2 TBSP. Butter/oil.....................)

2 shallots minced......................)

1 large red pepper, fine dice......) Saute 5 minutes

Add....1 cup pearl couscous........ Saute 1 minute

Add....1 1/2 cups chicken stock... Bring to boil, reduce to simmer10 minutes covered

Season with salt and pepper

Add herbs, fruit, etc.

Microwave to heat before stuffing room temp. boneless whole game hens.

Tie with string to restore the shape of the birds.

Roast on celery sticks, breast down for 20 minutes

Rotate to breast up and glaze with maple syrup/butter

Roast breast up for 20 minutes

Rest for 20 minutes while preparing a pan sauce.

Note: Bone the birds, except wing and leg bones, being careful not to cut the skin. Begin at the neck end, separate the wing join and pull the meat/skin back removing the bones as you go. It's just like removing a pull off shirt.

Good luck,


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