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  1. My name is Silvia,and I love cacao transformation, and always willing to learn new ways to do it. www.nomnomcacao.com
  2. Hello. Thank you for allowing me to join. I am from the sunny Florida. I just started venturing into the chocolate world and am loving it. I am in awe of all the mold chocolate creations and want to be able to make decent pieces. Beside that I also love making macarons. I hope to learn more from all the experts in here. Thank you
  3. Hi all, hope your holiday season is going well!! Any idea why sometimes the defect on the bottom happens? The one on the top came out of the same batch. Thanks in advance!
  4. Hello, I have two questions about using alcohol for cleaning the mold and brush splattering/spraying the metallic dusts. Some of my potential customers are asking for non alcohol chocolates (not just the ingredient but I also shouldn’t use it at any stage) (i know the alcohol completely evaporates but thats not something I can convince them) 1) I have been taught to use alcohol to clean molds. Is there an alternative for this? 2) I have been checking savour online classes. In one of the lessons (chocolate crunch bar) Kirsten Tibbals mix the dust with the alcohol and then splatter it with brush. is it possible to use cocoa butter / dust mixture and splatter or spray it? what would be the difference? Thanks!
  5. Anyone have a favorite recipe for chocolate cake using semisweet chocolate? My usual chocolate cake recipe uses cocoa, but I have some samples of chocolate I want to use up for a workplace party. Yes, I could make brownies or ganache frosting, or chocolate mousse or chocolate chunk cookies, just feeling like cake this weekend ...
  6. I'm trying to make bonbons with milk shells for the first time and I'm struggling. When I melt my milk chocolate it is really thick. Is this normal? I'm pretty sure humidity is not an issue. I'm concerned that my shells wont empty out well and I'll be left with no room for ganache. I tried adding some cocoa butter last time but it affected the flavor. Disclaimer: I'm using pretty cheap milk chocolate (Ghirardelli) cuz I'm still learning. If you think this is the only issue please let me know.
  7. We work with transfer sheets regularly but most of them are not double backed. By that I mean most of them are one layer, not backed with a white layer. I'm having a real problem with consistency in the thicker sheets as seen attached. We attach these individually as they come out of the enrober but it doesn't feel like we're getting enough heat penetration to do a full transfer. Anyone share some tips on thicker applications like these? Our short run came out fine but as soon as we went into production of course the first batch ends up being shot.
  8. So a question about guitar cutters. I can see why they're a superior method for cutting ganache in terms of uniformity and efficiency, but I was wondering if there's something about cutting with a metal string that's superior to cutting with a knife? Perhaps a ganache would stick to the string less than the knife? Where I'm headed with this is, as someone who's just starting out and not ready to invest in a guitar cutter, I'm wondering if using a cheese lyre to cut ganache might be better than using a knife?
  9. Afternoon everyone. I know that some of you have taken classes with Melissa Coppel and I am finally going to bite the bullet and take one of her classes, but I don't know whether I should take her "Intensive Chocolate Workshop" class or her "Running a Chocolate Production" class. I hear all of her classes are great, but I'm just wondering which one would be better for an amateur home chocolate maker who is pretty confident in his tempering and ganache skills, but is looking to take that next step. Thanks in advance!! Branden
  10. Hey guys :) Im having difficulties with my tempering machine. The chocolate is not in temper. Ive made several tests and they all have certain marks on. Im in a hot country so i make sure to have my mould in temper and then i pop them in the fridge to make sure they set properly. Any tips? Something i should be considering? Anything would be of great help!!!!
  11. Hi there, How low can you go on calculating pricing on wedding favours. I use this method which assumes you want a 50% mark up: Cost of item: 4 dollars (100-50)x100 I know its up to me to decide the mark up percentage I use but how low should can you/should you go? Thanks guys E
  12. Has anyone used Valrhona Absolut Crystal neutral glaze particularly to thicken a coulis or to glaze a tart? If so, how did you like it and is there another glaze you think worked as well but is less expensive or can be purchased in smaller quantities?
  13. We are new Chocolatiers 3 months in business and doing well. We are looking for mentors people who are in production and can help us grow in the right direction. We need to take some decisions to invest now before the holiday season and want to make sure we are doing the right moves. If we need to pay for this service we don’t have a big budget but will try. We will try to get help to avoid any mistakes and will take a loan for this investment. Look forward to hear from you guys thks
  14. Hello, I am new to this forum. It is nice to meet you all. For August I have 2 big custom chocolate jobs and would love to know if I can paint the molds with tempered cocoa butter weeks in advance and then shell, fill, cap, at the last minute? Will the paint hold and be shiny and beautiful? Thanks in advance
  15. I've read some older threads on here about keeping your cocoa butter warm in a dehydrator. We picked up a NutriChef PKFD32 which was the closest we could find to a recommended one (2016/2018) and none of our bottles fit. Which had us ask--are people putting their bottles preset in here or are you using cups/transferring and cleaning your bottles over and over? Also if the PKFD32 isn't what we should be using, is there one generally people like now? We've grown up from cheap airbrushes to the Grex line and we're attempting to get much more serious about our airbrush techniques. It's been long enough. Any thoughts, tips, tricks, or considerations are greatly appreciated.
  16. Hey guys! Im looking for the ultimate tool to make this design i have attached. What do you guys recommend? Thanks!
  17. Hello everyone! Id like your advise about freezing bonbons. Lets say i would start to freeze my bonbons now in the summer for Christmas. Would they last for such an extended period of time? Also using natural colouring, would the colour remain as good when i open them up after a couple of months? Would be great to hear your thoughts and experiences on the matter Thank you!
  18. Hey guys! Ive been having some difficulty with Valhrona Milk 38%. It doesn't seem to temper like any other milk chocolate. I melt the chocolate to 45C and then using the seeding technique i drop the temp down to 30C. When at 30C it seems tempered but after a few minutes i start to see bad tempering results. Is there something in particular about this chocolate that i should know about?
  19. My supplier decided that cocoa butter is now special order so I had to buy a case. And now I have an excessive amount of cocoa butter, anyone need any? Cacao Barry cocoa butter pistoles with a best by date of April 2021 $66 for the 3 kg tub or $22 per kg plus shipping.
  20. Hi guys, Please help, I prepare my chocolate in melting pot all good perfect temper leave it overnight in melting pot covered and at the correct temperature, when I come in the morning its thicker and need to use heat gun to rewarm it. I am worried about it going out of temper. Any tricks to recommend? Thanks
  21. This looks interesting - I know some of us have lamented the lack of flavor or off flavors of additives to colored cocoa butter - anyone seen or tried these? Looks like they can be used either to mix into chocolate as a fat-based flavor or to decorate molds as usual with colored CB ... More expensive than Valrhona Inspiration or regular colored CB, I wonder how they compare in flavor intensity, the Valrhonas I've tried were fairly intense. I also wonder what flavors brown, black, and amber are ... https://www.pcb-creation.com/pure-emotion-colour-by-pcb-creation/?lang=en Edited to add: the black/ brown flavors are chocolate, of course! 🙃
  22. eglies


    Hello everyone. I have been encountering a problem with my chocolate tablets. My chocolate is tempered and checked with a test but they still seem to be coming out like this. Any tips about this?
  23. There are two local grocery stores here who I'd like to try to sell chocolate to but they have policies forbidding GMO soy, Soy lecithin is allowed only if organic or certified non-GMO. I use a lot of Felchlin, some Valrhona, a little Cacao Barry. The only mention of GMOs I've found from Felchlin is this note in a brochure: GMO absence: Felchlin fulfills current legislative requirements regarding GMO absence. All Felchlin products comply with the Swiss Regulation and the European Council Regulation related to genetically modified organisms in food and feed. Does anybody know what those requirements are? Is anything European going to be GMO-free? Or labeled above some %?
  24. I have just started my own chocolaterie. We opened two weeks ago, we are only online business. It’s 15 days before Easter here. I have produced Bonbons but don’t know if it’s enough. I have budgeted for this but nobody can tell me how it will go right? I’m scared we won’t cope with last minute orders that week...
  25. Hi everyone! I lurk more often than post but I love this website! I've been dabbling in making bon bons and I wanted to ask if anybody here knew of any couverture dairy-free chocolates? One of my good friends is getting married and I would love to surprise her with some bon bons, but she has a severe allergy to caesin (so much so that if there's cross contamination with other food, she risks going to anaphylactic shock). I'd appreciate any help or suggestions Here's a photo of some of the stuff I've been having fun with. I did from left to right an olive oil and thyme center, raspberry and green tea, and blueberry ginger!
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