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    Portland, Oregon

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  1. I'm so glad you liked them! You'll have to give them a try with regular quick oats and see if there's a texture change - I'm guessing they'll be a slight bit lighter but still retain the chewiness the oats provide.
  2. tejon

    Salty Snacks

    Crisp apple slices dipped in tamari. Sounds odd, but the combination is wonderful.
  3. On the subject of making "too much of a fuss", have you told him how much you enjoy cooking for it's own sake? Perhaps if you put the emphasis on how much pleasure you get from making something in the kitchen instead of fussing over him, he might relax a little bit and be more comfortable. I'd be willing to bet in his mind, cooking is a chore, so it must be for you as well.
  4. Agreed
  5. I had another possible explanation for Sara and Casey looking so upset and commenting about being demoralized by having to wear club wear. How much of a stretch do you think it is to think that Howie leered, made rude comments, or worse the whole time they were all cooking together? I know in a male dominated profession like cooking it's hard enough to stand up tall against the men, but in heels and low cut tops those ladies were fresh meat. I don't see CJ, Tre, or Hung doing anything to make the women uncomfortable, but can easily picture Howie making that cooking assignment torture for the two women stuck in his trailer. And they wouldn't have mentioned behavior like that since it would reflect badly on them - not being able to hang with the guys and stand up for themselves as chefs.
  6. More importantly, his choices so far when put into a team role have been lousy. You don't have to like someone leading you, but they better know what they're doing and be fit to lead. From what I've seen, he isn't.
  7. When I read the long, long list of add-ins on Hung's ice cream I knew he'd be last. It's ice cream. Not a rice bowl.
  8. I gave it to him last week (trip to CA for my sister's wedding, lots of family present) and he was very touched. Said it was one of the best gifts I've ever given him .
  9. Small world all around, isn't it? I'd come across that book in my online searching and am considering buying a copy for my grandfather. I did find the recipe, published in January, 1948, spelled out in an article later that year. The ingredients are very simple - water, beans, lard, salt, and American cheese - but the recipe goes on at length about how to prepare it all properly. I'm eager to give it a try, but more eager to see the look on my grandpa's face when I give it to him in a few days.
  10. Several years ago, my grandparents moved into an assisted living apartment. They had to get rid of a good portion of their belongings, suddenly finding themselves in a one bedroom space. I inherited the recipe card file and had my pick of cookbooks as well - quite a treasure trove. I didn't end up taking all of the cookbooks, just the ones that seemed most interesting. My grandfather called this afternoon looking for a recipe. Not one in the card file, but one that he'd tucked away in one of the cook books. Sadly, it's one I didn't keep. He described the book, the cartoon inside, and the beans: the best he'd ever had. The cartoon was "Gordo" by Gus Arriola, and from my online searching the two part cartoon containing the recipe came out in 1948. There is so little my grandfather actually wants any more, and it saddens me that I inadvertently gave away a recipe that he obviously holds so dear. I'd also love to give the recipe a try for myself, if it's half as good as he remembers. Does anyone have a copy of this recipe, or can you steer me to where I might be able to find it? I'd greatly appreciate any and all help.
  11. Not bad - I got 395 and 8/11. Some of it was just guessing based on the amount of meat or serving size.
  12. I got things planted really late last year and ended up with a lot of things overwintering. I used a cold frame over the delicate plants and was far more successful than I would have imagined. Lettuce did really well, as did carrots and radishes (makes sense, root vegetables being below ground), and my parsley stayed happy all winter long. I'm going to plant daikon, turnips, cabbage, lots more lettuce (especially corn salad, which is more cold hardy), and do a cover crop of tyfon in our larger garden area to break things up and provide salad trimmings.
  13. I noticed that there was no mention of Amy's husband, too. I have to wonder if her wanting out of the competition earlier was due to things breaking apart at home, not from a lack of conviction to seeing things through. I do have to say that of the two, she seemed to have more to teach and to share, and I'll be happy to watch her upcoming show. I hope she sticks around despite not being white bread appeal to the masses stock, though I worry she won't for the very same reason.
  14. I was thinking that exact same thing. You can't use fresh pineapple with gelatin! The enzymes break everything up and it won't gel at all.
  15. Mark, I wish you all the best of luck. I would love to watch a show like that on Food Network!
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