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Everything posted by palo

  1. I feel it might be a little harsh for use in an expensive APO @Jo - https://clrbrands.com/Products/CLR-Household/CLR-Calcium-Lime-and-Rust-Remover p
  2. Two things: 1. Wanted to be the first to post in this forum in 2022 2. Melba (like?) toast - cut sliced bread (rye/pumpernickel etc) into pieces - 125F - bottom heat - 1 to 2 hours (until dry - no moisture) Great as an inexpensive cracker - buy day-old as even cheaper p Edit: Did I mention no steam and prop door ajar - should've p
  3. palo

    Food recalls

    Walmart pancake/waffle mix due to undeclared protein: https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/great-value-buttermilk-pancake-and-waffle-mix-recalled-due-to-insects-1.5712917 p
  4. I leave my bags in the car. I put things back in the cart after checking out and then out to the car where I distribute them to my liking - I have a collapsible cooler in the car for the cold. I return the cart to one of their shopping cart corrals in the parking lot. No more bread at the bottom of the bag. Works for me. p
  5. Anova is having a two day sale - up to 50% off + free shipping - includes APO https://anovaculinary.com/?utm_campaign=Holiday Deals (US%2FCA) [sales] (UDZYWL)&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Store%3A Canada&_kx=Wa0km46UIWEH3mHErC3pRla9FuOijo9V2Eo-RDUvmfA%3D.Kxfd42 For CDNS the oven is $679 vs $799 p
  6. Anova is having a two day sale - up to 50% off + free shipping - includes APO https://anovaculinary.com/?utm_campaign=Holiday Deals (US%2FCA) [sales] (UDZYWL)&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Store%3A Canada&_kx=Wa0km46UIWEH3mHErC3pRla9FuOijo9V2Eo-RDUvmfA%3D.Kxfd42 p
  7. Sorry about that - just tare a container and go from there p
  8. Amazon.ca has micro scales for under$20 (0.01g resolution - $14) - just search for cocaine supplies 😨 p
  9. https://onthegas.org/cookware/candy-pot/ p
  10. No the APO communicates with the app through Wifi - without Wifi the app is just a pretty face p
  11. No criticism of you or your recipe intended - my comment was only directed at the exoticness (?) of some of the ingredients, but that's my problem not yours. p
  12. At this point we should perhaps look at creating a sub topic devoted to the Ninja Modernist applications and separate out the ingredients not commonly found in the grocery store. I look at the recipe and see "20g inulin" and find on Amazon it's $16 for 227g really expensive for its use in this instance and it's listed as a health care product so I'm not even sure it's the right product for this application. I don't mind experimenting but having to have a chemical lab handy is not my goal. Other than the watermelon everything else in the recipe will require some effort to source. Don't get me wrong the recipe will probably produce an excellent sorbet which is probably better than what is available commercially, but some of us would be satisfied by a lesser quality, more easily attainable result. p
  13. Above link is an old one - here's the update: https://support.anovaculinary.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058146272-Oven-Firmware-Changelog Sorry about that p
  14. The updates may be the only reason for you to connect to wifi - once you get the update you can disconnect and use it like a super CSO - actually you can use it as a CSO without the updates but some are worthwhile. Check out: WRONG LINK - see below!!!! for updates content p
  15. NY Times was the first link but pay walled p
  16. Try this: https://www.mcezone.com/does-it-matter-if-i-eat-stickers-on-fruits-and-vegetables/ p
  17. Who are you price-matching with? p
  18. https://meyercanada.ca/collections/essteele p
  19. Yes a good site as well - the recipes are indeed "appliance agnostic" and seem to be readily adaptable to the APO I will need Google or a Thesaurus handy to translate some of the terms - eg Castor Sugar Thanks again p
  20. I checked that source when I first got mine and the APO references were few and far between - I just revisited it after your mention and it is also very good and I would recommend it as well - thanks p
  21. Something else I got: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B0899TH9H6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Obviously you don't need 9 of them but one will protect the top from getting scratched by all those warming plates p
  22. So I'm guessing Thanksgiving turkey is probably a stretch - Christmas for sure! p
  23. @rotuts First off - congratulations - if you like the CSO you'll love the APO Couple of things, you might want to connect it to your wifi just to get the updates - I seldom use the app - there is a learning curve but in terms of steam usage, I just consider am I afraid of something drying out or do I want crispy and go from there - regarding appliance on appliance - it does put out a bit of heat (I use it to warm plates while whatever is cooking in the oven) so you might want to ensure some spacing There are all kinds of facebook pages around, but the best and most reliable source I've found is: https://community.anovaculinary.com/c/anova-precision-oven/31 From the horse's mouth so to speak p
  24. palo

    AGA Ranges

    I can't imagine his sample case (truck?)
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