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Everything posted by TicTac

  1. I can only imagine how proud your folks must be of you. Glad that everyone is back home on the mend.
  2. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Took a drive to one of my favourite fish mongers - when he tells you these were off the boat yesterday in Greece - you buy! sardines and baby red mullet spring salmon all cooked/touched with smoke on some Argentinian hardwood and hickory/cherry
  3. ....think the doves be flying around like crazy because they love that marijuana patch 'o theirs!
  4. I would be shocked if that brought even a fraction of that 'estimated' value. Willett is not that high up there on the sought after bottles, either. It's stupid what some people are spending on hooch, especially when such good stuff is available at msrp.
  5. Surely there are attachments to accommodate females...
  6. Apologies, gramps. You never know when someone is trying to be a wise guy or is genuinely interested, especially given how text can so easily be misconstrued. Google is a great tool if you are seriously interested to learn more, but to help get you started... https://theherbalacademy.com/plantain-leaf-benefits-recipes/ https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/red-raspberry-leaf-tea#bottom-line https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3934766/ What you consider 'weeds' - many are actually not only edible, but extremely beneficial from a health perspective. Check out Lambs Quarters (a common 'weed') and compare its nutritional values to say, spinach.
  7. Are you looking for clarification on which/what? (or are you just being a smart ass grammar police?!)
  8. Maybe its me - but I do not find they have much flavour. I have tried them in teas, thats about it. Lately I have been focused on foraging for plants that have high medicinal benefits; things like purslane, plantain, baby raspberry leaves, mulien, etc. Good stuff for winter ailments and proactive medicine.
  9. Service berries indeed. Just planted two in my back yard. Oh, and also planted some chokeberries. Thanks for taking the time to post some pics - love seeing where others forage. I will try to do the same this season when I go out shroom hunting.
  10. The fact that they gave Alo bar a star and nothing for Scaramouche is beyond logic. Like you said, too many of these spots are centralized down in that core yorkville region and clearly the michelin folks did not venture too far out (did they actually eat at Frilu, or did they just hear that it was good!?) - if had they done so, Zen / Kaji should have made that (amongst a few others, perhaps even in lieu of some nonsense recipients like Shoushin) sushi centered list.
  11. Ooooh it's hunting time! Staying tuned as usual. Thanks @Shelby!
  12. I learned about the elm oysters a few years ago from an old Italian guy and they are very easy to identify. Boletes same. Love learning about all the variety that grows here. The coolest this season so far I have found are 'birds nest' mushrooms. Just waiting on a puffball in the back field to grow before I chop it!
  13. @Annie_H - are you pre-cooking your potato base crust? Is it simply sliced taters? White or Yukon? Love the idea. Doing a potato 'risotto' tomorrow with wild shrooms.
  14. Sounds like such an awesome adventure you are on @Senior Sea Kayaker. Love foraging myself. Just getting ready for elm oyster and bolete season here in southern ON. Welcome to the forum!
  15. I would think that if one is willing to pay the costs of what I recall Mac's seeing - it should more than cover a smidgen of real wasabi root. I would also hope that if one appreciates Toro (and orders it!) they would hope for real wasabi as well. Could be wishful thinking - who knows....
  16. That toro sushi roll looks awesome. Too bad they don't splurge on some real wasabi root to accompany that awesome cut.
  17. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    I let them scale it. I attempted to remove most of the ones I could find, but there are always some small ones usually around the gill areas that sneak in and find their way into my mouth (hate that!). You can keep your steamed fish skin, I prefer mine crispy! 😛
  18. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Good catch. I steamed it with skin on, but I like to remove the skin right after steaming (it comes off so easily) prior to placing the ginger and green onion on. The fish monger does not always get all of the scales off and this way I can create a far more enjoyable eating experience. And yes - green onions are alliums, but the green portion is apparently somewhat more tolerable to those who are impacted by alliums. I gave up garlic, I cannot totally give up onions as well....oy. Your steamed halibut looks great. What is in the liquid? Edit - see chicken stock, love that idea - did you steam it in/with the stock? Also, love the punchy flavours of rau ram. Such an improved version of coriander (imo!)
  19. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Thank you sir. High praise given your exposure/experience in that genre! I agree, while they do not have the lock on it, I have to give them props for the concept (unless I am missing something, surely our resident food historian @liuzhou can chime in and clarify!). When I was still eating alliums, I would be right there with you. But since I started this FODMAP'ish diet, garlic will beat me up days later - so I will stick to ginger and a bit of green onion 😛
  20. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Seabass was so fresh at the market it had the clearest eyes and bright red gills - had to grab some. Certainly the healthiest, arguably the tastiest way to prep fish (the Chinese got this one right!) - steamed & hot flash sauced
  21. You can actually re-steam har gao (along with any steamed dim sum) the next day and it holds up quite nicely.
  22. Thanks for the suggestion - the 2 Kiwi knives arrived and are wicked sharp. Very thin blades, great for veg prep. Certainly not super high quality, so I am curious to see how the edge holds up, but for $10/knife - a bargooon!
  23. Wonderful shots as usual - thank you for taking the time to share! You folks are down there so often, perhaps it's time to pitch a permanent tent!? Oh - and I hate QR code menus. I refuse to get data on my cell phone (gasp - the horror!) and usually get some really odd looks when I have to explain that I still prefer to live in the Flinstone days.
  24. If you want to avoid the butter taste being too strong, sear in a dry pan with salt and then add some fat at the end (the butter possibly burnt in the cooking process and you got a lot of nutty notes from it) to avoid it burning. Chicken fat would be good to keep it neutral but also flavorful (you can go with grapeseed or avocado, but I do not like either of those!)
  25. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    The prices were not bad, about $6 for a large pack of baby artichokes. They were nice and tight and squeaky, so I bought some! A bit of work for sure, but I love them.
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