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Everything posted by TicTac

  1. TicTac

    Dinner! 2014 (Part 3)

    mm8 - those porcini's look quite nice. Where did you source them from? As well, what liquid did you use for your porcini risotto?
  2. The key is starting from a young age. My son is now 15 months old. He has had 'dessert' once in his life, a small chocolate cake (home made, of course) for his 1st birthday whereby he got to embed his face into it, enjoy the thrill of sparkles and chocolate, which then led to 3 hours of absolute mayhem with a 3 hour marathon of trying to get to sleep that night. Why do people give their kids (excuse my french here) - shit to eat? Sugar should in fact be classified as a drug, so why would anyone give their kids pop, let alone processed crap? Often its the parents that feel they enjoy those things so they want to see their children get joy as well (clearly coming from a good place) they just forget the fact that children know no better. We have made a serious effort to only feed our children home made foods (locally sourced or 'organic') where we can, but absolutely to avoid the 'middle isles' and thus ensuring no processed 'shelf stable' crap makes its way into their mouths. If they grow up enjoying eating veggies (granted there will always be some that for whatever reason, texture in my sons distaste for broccoli - as when I blend it, he loves it) they will continue to enjoy them through life. Sure there may be some months/years where fussiness abides, but one must hold true to their beliefs and lead by example.
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