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Everything posted by Mjx

  1. I'm not huge fan of polenta, but its blandness makes it a great foil for a game ragù (I'm thinking wild boar, in particular, which is very traditional); working with the ingredients you have, you could give the ribs a treatment that leaves the meat extremely tender, in a concentrated reduction of the aromatics, with the chilies added at the end.
  2. What you said above: 'International chain of pizzerias out of Italy'. Not kidding!
  3. Are we talking glass or metal?
  4. Mjx

    Odd sensations

    I once got a packet of tuna jerky, by a brand that that makes beef and turkey jerky that I love, and it was... bizarre. It made the inside of my mouth feel incredibly dried and puckered, as though I'd consumed something aggressively astringent/tannic (I'm actually extrapolating from the most tannic things I've ever consumed, none of which came close to this). I couldn't even taste it, because my mouth was tied up by this sensation, which persisted long after I stopped eating the second or third piece, and binned the bag (regretfully, because I got it as my lunch/dinner, and it wasn't cheap, so that was it for my late-day meals that day). Spectacularly strange and unpleasant.
  5. Have you checked out the discussion of Sous Vide Hard Cooked Eggs?
  6. Plugging in the density of pure glucose, 1.54 g/cm3, at this conversion site – http://www.onlinecon...ume_cooking.htm – you get 22.772 grams glucose/US tablespoon (12 gram/0.527 US tablespoon, and 16 gram/0.703 US tablespoon). This makes for pretty big tablets, especially when you figure you'll need to add a binder/something to keep the tablet at a chewable hardness, but nothing so big as if you were starting with a tablespoon of glucose (I'm guessing your father is not a gobstopper man ). Is the quest for a single tablet because your father gets absent minded? As Shalmanese pointed out, you're kind of fighting physics, here. if you have a scale that weighs small amounts accurately, pass on the volume measures, since the weight/volume of sugars fluctuates with humidity/clumping)
  7. Presumably, you could omit the preservatives and extras (citric acid, raspberry flavor, ascorbic acid, and FD&C Red #40), in order to minimize size, but you'd still need to use some sort of binder, plus you need to find a way to make these things chewable, so he doesn't crack a molar. Since the sugars comprise the bulk of the tablets, though, I'm not sure you could get your desired grams of sugars into a single tablet. Have you checked out other brands, to see how they compare?
  8. This is specific to launching food ventures in Pennsylvania, so the regional insight offered is intended to have exclusively local value. I imagine anyone who's gone through all that Winder has must be relatively familiar with all the legal ramifications, if nothing else.
  9. Mjx


    I'm fairly certain that having worked as a line chef (or something of that sort) in a city other than NY would carry more weight on your CV than washing dishes in NYC (where the competition is crazy), even if it's in the kitchen of someone with a huge name. Quite a few of the members here are industry professionals, and will no doubt be able to confirm or refute this.
  10. Mjx


    Why NYC? It's packed with people who go there, because 'everyone goes there', and as a result, shiny new faces are kind of a dime a dozen, and have little value simply as such (I'm a New Yorker, so I'm not being dismissive of the city). Another city is far more likely to give you what you really seek and need to advance (in terms of solid experience you can point to).
  11. I would imagine that as long as yeast has enough nourishment to meet its metabolic demands (persumably lower when it's cold), and there is nothing in the water that might kill it, it proofed yeast should survive overnight. After all, isn't it grown in large vats, essentially proofed?
  12. I'm not sure that I've ever seen unfilled macarons, at least not in the US. But now you can fill the the shells with all sorts of amazing things!
  13. Liuzhou's process sounds fairly similar to what I do when I render kidney fat for suet (I can't think of any reason to treat fat from pigs differently to that from cattle). For some reason, suet is very hard to find in Denmark, so every now and again I go to the local slaughterhouse, and score some kidney fat. This is in the form of fairly substantial, membrane-y blobs, and a little gross looking. I double bag it, shove it in my rucksack, tip the slaughterhouse guy (they don't charge for it, it's evidently waste), and head home. Back home, I snip open the bags, tip the fat blobs into a large pan, set it over low heat (to prevent any browning, since I want it to be as neutral-tasting as possible), and let it melt for a couple of hours. I may slash at it a bit to break it down, but mostly I just leave it. I've never noticed that it stinks, but that may be because it's fresh. Once, I refrigerated the fat overnight, and cut it up in chunks, then proceded to render it; the results were identical. Once the fat is fully melted, I strain the whole mess through one of the old t shirts I save for this purpose (I recomend doing this over the sink, squirting can happen). This leaves me with a white, virtually odourless and flavourless product, which is as good for plum pudding as for pastry for a pot pie. I keep the rendered fat in the freezer, since I don't use it that often (if you freeze it, make sure to make a layer that's thin enough to break pieces off).
  14. For whatever it's worth, there have been quite a few studies suggesting that there may be very solid evolutionary reasons for pickiness (food neophobias) that often appear suddenly, even in children who once ate pretty much everything.
  15. Congratulations to her! Any idea of how widely available it is?
  16. Mjx

    Water/rice ratios

    I've heard this, too. However, like many people, I almost always cook roughly the same amount of rice, so I haven't had the opportunity to observe this effect. On the other hand, my personal experience has been that in terms of the rice: water ratio, the only factor that makes a difference is whether the rice is white or brown. This may not be consistent with prevailing wisdom, but there it is.
  17. Mjx

    Making mozzarella @ home

    What about contacting a member of one of the cheese forums out there (or contacting one of the managers who might know who to put you in touch with), who happens to live in NYC and is working with the gentically engineered rennet, and asking whether you could buy a small amount from him or her?
  18. Mjx

    The Terrine Topic

    One of the terrine queens or kings in this thread is going to have better suggestions than I probably would (I'd be inclined to dice the cooked pork, and re:stock, veal stock would proably be a good idea, nice and gelatinous, and goes well with pork; or, you could add a little gelatine, if veal stock was out of the question; you could do somthing xtremely attractive with the celery leaves, or you might look into lovage, too). My inclination would be to check back through this thread for some ideas, and if nothing solidly helpful emerged, and I couldn't find a really good recipe in my cook books, I'd PM one of the participants in this thread for sources/recipes. If I come across anything that looks promising, I'll post it.
  19. Mjx

    The Terrine Topic

    There's the Sous Vide Pork Shoulder topic.
  20. Mjx

    Making mozzarella @ home

    Steven, is it safe to assume you've looked at a variety of cheesemaker's sites, to see what they have to offer, in terms of mozzarella troubleshooting (e.g. http://curd-nerd.com/qa5-mozzarella-doesnt-stretch/)?
  21. Mjx

    The Terrine Topic

    Would first cooking the meat at a low gentle temperature, then composing it in the terrine with the other ingredients be an option? Once you've cooked meat to tenderness, the chances of toughening it up by further cooking it are very much reduced.
  22. That sounds familiar, my mother went through that when I was small (I'd been wondering whether you shopped every day, and how you managed it). Since your son's morning school is relatively brief, does it mean you don't need to make something like a merenda for him to take with him? I know you've mentioned that, relatively speaking, the selection of groceries there is a bit limited, but I still envy you, and your food looks delicious!
  23. Have you tried putting a lid on the pan for the first 5 to 10 minutes? I haven't noticed onions being less wet (but I'm in a completely different part of the world, and probably using onions from a different source), but to make the most of whatever moisture does come out of the onions when I caramelize them, I put a lid on the pan until the exuded moisture has accumulated a bit, otherwise, since the amount of onion in direct contact with the pan is initially not that large, a lot of the moisture just evaporates off as it is exuded, instead of accumulating.
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